
  • 网络Hidden Variable Theory;theory of hidden variables
  1. 隐变量理论与Bell定理

    The hidden variable theory and bell theorem

  2. Bell-Kochen-Specker理论表明背景无关的隐变量理论与量子力学不相容,从而揭示了量子系统的整体相关性。

    " Bell-Kochen-Specker " theory , which shows the inconsistency between the theory of hidden variables and quantum mechanics , implies the global correlation of quantum systems .

  3. 本文针对文献〔3〕关于隐变量理论及Bell不等式证明过程不清楚地方作了详细的讨论,并说明了其意义。

    In this paper , the hidden variable , Bell inequality and its meaning are discussed in detail .

  4. 量子体系的远距离关联实验起源于EPR佯谬,实验的结果违反了定域隐变量理论,为量子理论中的非完全决定论提供了实验事实。

    The long-distance correlation experiment in quantum system originated in the EPR paradox , Results of the experiment ran counter to the theory of local hidden variables and provided experiment facts for the incomplete determinism in quantum theory .

  5. 结果表明Mermin不等式的违背支持量子力学预测,排除局域隐变量理论。

    It shows that the Mermin inequality support quantum mechanics and rule out the local hidden-variable theories .

  6. 隐变量理论与语境选择&一个语境分析方法的案例

    Hidden-variable Theory Selecting Context A Methodological Case about Contextual Analysis

  7. 基于关联行为的隐变量理论与量子非定域性的研究

    Research on LHV Theory and Quantum Non-locality from the Viewpoint of Correlation

  8. 量子力学正统理论与隐变量理论之分歧

    Disagreement between the orthodox theory of q.m.and hidden variable theories

  9. 定域隐变量理论的实验检验

    Experimental Test of Local Hidden-Variable Theories

  10. 它不仅能够辨别量子力学与局域性隐变量理论,而且还使量子信息得以实际运用。

    Entanglement states provide not only the possibility to test quantum mechanic against local hidden theory . They also lead to practical application in the field of quantum information .