
lián bānɡ zhì
  • federalism;federal system
  • federal
  1. 他们认为该修正案损害了加拿大联邦制。

    They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism .

  2. 联邦制意味着存在众多各自都拥有权力的政治管理机构。

    Federalism implies a plurality of political authorities , each with its own powers .

  3. 他认为一个集权式联邦制在欧洲是不可行的。

    He does not believe in a federal Europe with centralising powers .

  4. 是继续留在联邦制国家内还是独立必须由人民决定。

    Whether to stay in the federated state or become independent is a decision that has to be made by the people .

  5. Dr.DavidOwen:我们现在还不是很清楚,罗马经济是否在反弹,经济反弹又会给这个联邦制的欧洲合众国造成怎样的影响?

    Dr. David Owen : Is it not perfectly clear that what was being attempted at Rome was a bounce and a bounce that led only one way , and that was to a single federal united states of Europe ?

  6. 政府正面临风险,对欧元持极度怀疑态度、且拥护联邦制的北方联盟党魁翁贝托博西(UmbertoBossi)在罗马告诉记者,形势很困难,非常危险。

    The government is at risk , Umberto Bossi , leader of the fiercely eurosceptic and federalist Northern League , told reporters in Rome . The situation is difficult , very dangerous .

  7. 但他认为为此必须推行真正的联邦制计划。

    But he believes this would require a genuine Federalist programme .

  8. 美国是联邦制社会的典型。

    The United States is the archetype of a federal society .

  9. 单一国号下的南北联邦制美国联邦储备银行交换所制度

    North-South Confederation under a Single National Title Federal Reserve Clearing House System

  10. 1920年以后,联邦制思想发展为联省自治运动。

    After 1920 , the federalism thought developed into united-province autonomy movement .

  11. 以上没有一个是联邦制拥护者所向往的经济一体化。

    None of this is the economic integration that Federalists dreamed of .

  12. 联邦制与中国统一问题的历史回顾和现实分析

    Historical Review and Realistic Analysis on Federalism and Chinese Unification

  13. 瑞士现代联邦制国家成立于1848年。

    Switzerland 's existence as a modern federal state dates back to1848 .

  14. 拉霍伊政府在意识形态上反对任何财政联邦制的扩张。

    The Rajoy government is ideologically opposed to any extension of fiscal federalism .

  15. 联邦制国家多元语言政策模型及其评价

    Multi-language Policy Model of Federalism State and Its Evaluation

  16. 詹姆斯·威尔逊与美国早期联邦制的演进

    James Wilson and the Development of Early American Federalism

  17. 伦敦大学是一所联邦制大学,其组织结构具有典型的事业部式特点。

    The Characteristics of PhD Education in Institute of Education of London University ;

  18. 民族区域自治与联邦制的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Regional National Autonomy System and the Federal System

  19. 当代台湾学者所提出的运用联邦制来实现海峡两岸统一的主张,仍不具有可行性。

    Advocation on federalism from contemporary Taiwan scholar is still lack of practice .

  20. 长期目标是实现宪政下的联邦制。

    The goal of the long run is to realize the federalism under constitutionality .

  21. 她是联邦制的坚定拥护者。

    She 's a great believer in federalism .

  22. 在论及联邦制国家的稳定性问题时,语言发挥着双重作用。

    Language plays dual roles in terms of the stability of the federalism states .

  23. 欧洲联邦制拥护者将全力阻止欧元区瓦解。

    Euro-federalists will fight tooth and nail to prevent a disintegration of the eurozone .

  24. 他支持“总统集权的联邦制国家”。

    He supported the idea of a small federal government with a powerful President .

  25. 中央与地方的权限划分,在联邦制和单一制国家有不同的模式。

    Division of power and responsibility between central-local governments is one of important constitutional issues .

  26. 德国联邦制的欧洲化&欧洲一体化对德国联邦制的影响

    The Europeanization of the German Federal System

  27. 财政联邦制、产业政策与丰田公司在中国的南北分治

    Fiscal Federalism , Industrial policy and Toyota 's Separate Management in Southern and Northern China

  28. 首先,介绍了单一制与联邦制的基本含义。

    Firstly , in introduction of a Unitary system and the basic meaning of federalism .

  29. 这就需要各国同意建立统一的联邦制结构,由法定的中央机构进行管理。

    That requires consent to a common federal structure , administered by a legitimate central authority .

  30. 遗憾的是,联合王国的现实情况并不符合政治理论教科书上有关建立联邦制的学说。

    The facts of the union , unfortunately , do not match the political theory textbooks .