
  • 网络Abra;El Abra
  1. 有点像Uber的应用界面,阿布拉中有”出纳员“在循环滚动。

    it 's kind of like an Uber interface , there 's Abra " tellers " moving around .

  2. 六个月前,安娜丽·多明戈使用了一款名叫阿布拉的区块链应用。

    Six months ago , Analie Domingo used a blockchain application called Abra .

  3. 大约一年前艾山来到北京,在中国传媒大学(CommunicationUniversityofChina)学舞台美术设计,阿布拉则继续留在了喀什。

    When Mr. Aishan moved to Beijing to study stage design at the Communication University of China about a year ago , Mr. Abula stayed in Kashgar .

  4. 艾山说,他与阿布拉相识于十多年前,当时两人都在新疆师范大学(XinjiangNormalUniversity)学画画。

    The pair met in Xinjiang Normal University more than 10 years ago , where they studied art , Mr. Aishan said .

  5. 描述:阿布拉学院-大连万达的一生的梦想是成为一个巫婆。

    Description : Abra academy-Wanda 's lifelong dream is to become a witch .

  6. 让魔法开始阿布拉学院!

    Let the spells begin with Abra Academy !

  7. 你做到了阿布拉法所描述的。

    You moved the way abulafia described it .

  8. 我认为你拥有阿布拉法所拥有的。

    I think you have what abulafia had .

  9. 帮助她使毕业找到神奇的物体隐藏在整个阿布拉学院。

    Help her make it to graduation by finding magical objects hidden throughout the Abra Academy .

  10. 阿布拉现年34岁,是一位外表整洁的油画家,刚刚开始在国际上受到关注。

    Mr. Abula , a clean-cut 34-year-old oil painter , has just started to get internationally noticed .

  11. 上周四,艾山收到了阿布拉从吉隆坡发来的短信。

    On Thursday , Mr. Aishan got a text message apparently sent by Mr. Abula from Kuala Lumpur .

  12. 阿布拉的朋友、同样也是画家的依麻木艾山说,在收到主办方的邀请时,阿布拉非常高兴。

    Mr. Abula was thrilled to be invited by the organizers to the trip , said his friend and fellow painter Yimamu Aishan .

  13. 但对参加展览的买买提江・阿布拉等人来说,这一项目有特殊意义,因为这是他第一次在国外参展。

    But for some in the group , like Maimaitijiang Abula , the fair was special because it was his first such outing abroad .

  14. 发行赛车电影的《车神塞纳》的理查德?阿布拉莫威茨说,“蓝光电影映放映机的普及大大地削减了成本”。

    Richard Abramowitz , who is distributing the racing film " Senna " in America , says the spread of Blu-ray cinema projectors has cut costs dramatically .

  15. 身处偏远地区的阿布拉基本与外面的艺术世界隔离,但他仍然在省城乌鲁木齐有着一席之地。

    Mr. Abula 's remote location has left him cut off from much of the art world , but he has sought to maintain a presence in the provincial capital of Urumqi .