
  • 网络A Xia;asya;ayesha
  1. “您梦见什么了,阿霞?”我若无其事地问道。

    Of what did you dream , ayesha ? I asked indifferently .

  2. 阿霞被出卖,落入敌人手中。

    A Xia was betrayed and fell into enemy hands .

  3. 《阿霞》中的爱情描写是屠格涅夫关于社会理想的一个文化隐喻。

    The love story in Asya is Turgenev 's culture metaphor about the societal future .

  4. 恓惶的爱情,迷幻的弥塞亚&屠格涅夫小说《阿霞》解读法学的神性思维以自然法学最富代表性,形成一种独特的法学弥塞亚主义并演绎在各个法学流派中。

    The Perplexed Love and the Confused Messiah in Culture Way on Turgenev 's Asya The natural jurisprudence is the typical case in the religious thinking of jurisprudence that forms a distinctive messiah existing in the various schools of jurisprudence .