
  • Cranberry;Vaccinium macrocarpon
  1. 我的同事,,And,Laura,,the,woman,that,I,was,with,想要一杯海风,是蔓越莓和伏特加酒调成的。

    Laura wanted a sea breeze , which is cranberry and vodka .

  2. 位于巴尔的摩的美国国家老龄化研究所(NationalInstituteonAging)测试了蔓越莓补充剂对果蝇的效果,果蝇是生物学研究常用的实验材料。

    Experiments at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore tested cranberry supplements on Drosophila , a type of fruit fly commonly used in biological research studies .

  3. Cranberries9蔓越莓蔓越莓特别有营养,富含维C、锰、维E、维生素K1和铜。

    Cranberries have an excellent nutrition profile , being rich in vitamin C , manganese , vitamin E , vitamin K1 and copper10 .

  4. 蔓越莓区别于其他水果的特别之处就是它的果汁和提取物有助于预防尿路感染。

    What makes cranberries unique from other fruits is that their juices and extracts help prevent urinary tract11 infections .

  5. 蔓越莓奶酪CranberryCheese香浓的奶酪蛋糕糊中搭配上新鲜的蓝莓果粒,恰到好处的勾勒出其圆润饱满的质感。

    Heavy paste of the cheese cake with fresh blueberries on fruit , right round the outline of its full texture .

  6. 将于2014年2月发表在《实验老年学》(ExperimentalGerontology)上的一篇文章指出,蔓越莓由于具有抗氧化性,无论在人生的哪个阶段食用,都有助于延年益寿。

    Cranberries have antioxidant properties that can prolong life when taken at any stage of life , suggests a study to be published in the February 2014 issue of Experimental Gerontology .

  7. 而有8个地方名叫Cranberry(蔓越莓)。另外还有20个地方名叫Plymouth(普利茅斯),这也是首次举办感恩节的地方。

    There are also eight places and townships named Cranberry , and20 places named Plymouth , after the location of the first Thanksgiving .

  8. 注意:这项研究尚未经过人体试验证实。研究主题:蔓越莓补充剂延长寿命部分需要超氧化物歧化(SOD2),并且不受生命阶段影响

    Caveat : The research hasn 't been proven in human subjects . Title : Lifespan extension by cranberry supplementation partially requires SOD2 and is life stage independent

  9. 我忘记买绿豆、番薯和蔓越莓酱了。

    I forgot green beans , yams , and cranberry sauce .

  10. 蔓越莓已经和这家人的两只狗成为了好朋友。

    Cranberry has become friends with the familys two dogs .

  11. 加入蔓越莓干,葱花,甜椒和杏仁。

    Stir in the cranberries , onions , yellow pepper and almonds .

  12. 何种产业趋势较易影响蔓越莓生产过程,并指出如何影响?

    What industry trends are likely to affect cranberry processing and how ?

  13. 而蔓越莓汁则令它香气扑鼻。

    The cranberry juice gives it a nice tangy flavor .

  14. 蔓越莓是一只8岁大的火鸡,但是她现在认为她是一只狗。

    Cranberry is an eight-year-old turkey . She now thinks shes a dog .

  15. 倒入葡萄酒和新鲜蔓越莓并搅匀,然后煨上片刻,趁热食用

    Stir in the wine and cranberries and simmer again . Serve warm .

  16. 蔓越莓热红酒品尝起来香甜可口,味道好极了。

    Mulled wine with cranberries has a sweet , spicy and comforting taste .

  17. 小鼠模型中蔓越莓汁防治幽门螺杆菌感染的实验研究

    Cranberry Juice Cocktail for Prevention and Treatment of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Mice Model

  18. 我们的蔓越莓是经过精心种植,生产到测试和认证的质量标准。

    Our Cranberry is carefully grown , tested and produced to certified quality standards .

  19. 对照组的果蝇没有接受蔓越莓提取物。

    Control flies didn 't receive the extract .

  20. 如丝般嫩滑的阿拉斯加黑雪鱼点缀着香甜的蔓越莓酱,呈现出奢华的体验。

    Luxurious and silky smooth Alaska black cod steak garnished with a fruity-sweet cranberry sauce .

  21. 枣子、蔓越莓和红葡萄的抗氧化剂含量很高,他说。

    Dates , cranberries and red grapes have high concentrations of antioxidants , he said .

  22. 蔓越莓热红酒(欧洲)

    Mulled wine with cranberries ( Europe )

  23. 能给我加一点柠檬的蔓越莓汁吗?

    Can I get cranberry juice with a bit of lime in it , please .

  24. 研究人员指出,蔓越莓尤其富含植物素,这是一种有益健康、基于植物的化合物。

    Researchers noted cranberries are especially rich in phytochemicals , which are healthy , plant-based compounds .

  25. 气味:芳香的优势和黑樱桃和李子的蔓越莓和葡萄干音调。

    BOUQUET : Dominant aromas of black cherry and plum with tones of cranberry and currant .

  26. 蔓越莓果汁、砂糖、肉桂、茴香、红酒、新鲜蔓越莓

    Cranberry juice , sugar , cinnamon sticks , star anise , red wine , fresh cranberries

  27. 有红色、蓝色、绿色、蓝绿色、紫色、紫红色和蔓越莓色。

    Available in red , blue , green , teal , purple , magenta , and cranberry .

  28. 目的:研究蔓越莓对小鼠免疫功能的影响以及对大鼠胃黏膜急性损伤的保护作用。

    Objective : To study the effects of cranberry on immune functions and protection on gastric mucosa .

  29. 在健康期摄取了蔓越莓补充剂的果蝇寿命平均比对照组长25%。

    Flies on the cranberry supplement during the health stage lived 25 % longer than controls , on average .

  30. 现在,蔓越莓是我们家的一部分,她是我们小区里的明星。杰瑞骄傲地说。

    Now , Cranberry is part of the family . She is a star in our neighborhood , said Jerry proudly .