
fánɡ dàn chē
  • Bulletproof vehicle;bullet proof car;bubble car
  1. 防弹车护有装甲

    Bulletproof cars sheathed in armour .

  2. 作为俄罗斯的核心政治人物当然是要备受保护,普京日常乘坐的是一辆奔驰S600PullmanGuard,这是一辆在业界很受好评的超级防弹车。

    As a political figure in Russia is of course central to much protection , Putin daily ride is a Mercedes-Benz S600 Pullman Guard , which is a very popular in the industry super bulletproof vehicles .

  3. 西南二号出口,需要防弹车接总统。

    Need a hard car for the president at Southwest two .

  4. 防弹车防止子弹穿透。

    A bullet-proof car stops bullets from passing through it .

  5. 当时是世界上第一辆防弹车。

    Is the first time a bulletproof car .

  6. 崭新的豪华梅赛德斯-驰防弹车将接送各位石油部长穿梭于酒店和用石油美元打造的盛大欢迎仪式。

    New armoured Mercedes limousines will whisk them to hotel suites and a lavish petro-dollar fuelled reception .

  7. 作为特种汽车的一个极具发展前景重要分支的防弹车,其代表作之一是防弹运钞车。

    The ballproof truck is one of the important embranchment for special type truck , whose representative products are the ballproof cash truck .

  8. 当年格鲁吉亚总统谢尔瓦德纳泽乘坐的是比这款要略低一级的奔驰防弹车,在连中两颗火箭弹的情况下仍得以生还。

    Georgian President Rochelle Wade Naze then take a slightly lower level than this to be bullet-proof Mercedes Benz cars , even in the case of two rockets still be alive .

  9. 防弹运钞车保险杠的设计与制造

    Design and process of bumper of bulletproof banknote carrier

  10. 防弹运钞车玻璃和钢板防弹性能的试验研究

    Experimental Study of the Bulletproof Performance of Some Kinds of Bulletproof Glass and Bulletproof Plate Used for Bulletproof Banknote Carrier

  11. 本文从我国防弹运钞车的现状出发,比较国内外运钞车的技术差异,分析其存在的不足和我国防弹运钞车的发展趋势。

    Based on the actuality of internal ballproof cash truck , though compared the technique difference of internal cash truck with overseas ' . This paper analysis the existent insufficiency and put forward development trend for internal ballproof cash truck .

  12. 进入测步者之前,我先戴上头部显示器,并且穿上防弹衣,为前臂与小腿戴上护具。防弹车防止子弹穿透。

    To enter Gaiter , I strapped on a head-mounted display and a flak jacket , as well as forearm and shin guards . A bullet-proof car stops bullets from passing through it .