
fánɡ dào qì
  • burglar alarm
  1. 主要产品有:智能墓穴防盗器、寿毯(高档拣灰炉耐火垫)、长明灯、平安烛(电子蜡烛)、骨灰保护颗粒等系列产品。

    Main products : Grave Burglar Alarm , Longevity Blanket , Ever-bright lamp , Electronic candle , Ashes protection particles and so on .

  2. 基于FPGA器件的数字密码防盗器的设计

    Design of digital anti-theft passwords based on FPGA

  3. 基于滚动码及RFID技术的一种汽车防盗器

    One Anti-theft Device for Car base on Code Hopping Encoder and RFID Technology

  4. 基于MSP430单片机的汽车防盗器设计

    The Design of Auto Anti-theft Device Based on MSP430 MCU

  5. 防盗器响了,但是他们一定把它切断了。

    The car alarm went off , but they must 've disengaged it .

  6. 改变了目前市场上普遍防盗器均采用固定码的缺陷。

    Change the current market , anti-theft devices are generally fixed code deficiencies .

  7. 自己动手安装防盗器

    Install Anti-Theft System Yourself

  8. 没有,但我听到了声音。因为防盗器响了。但是他们一定把它切断了。

    No , I heard them . the car alarm go off , but they must had disengaged it .

  9. 杂货店里,就更是有很多种电脑了,有收银机,还有防盗器。

    And grocery stores , they have so many different kinds of computers , like the cashier system and the burglar alarms .

  10. 同时,控制器控制语音模块进行报警,而不是传统汽车防盗器的声光报警,这样避免了噪声污染,而且语音报警听起来比较人性化。

    At the same time , controller controls the voice module to carry outvoice alarm instead of sound and light alarm , and the voice sounds more humane .

  11. 笔者设计的多功能型家庭防盗器具有人体红外检测、自动关窗报警、液化气泄漏监测报警等功能,并且能自动向指定电话发短信。

    The controller has mang functions , such as infrared detection , automatic closing the window , liquid gas leakage monitor and alarm , and sending short message to a phone automatically .

  12. 如今,同样是他们的身体屈服于哪怕最轻微的压力之下&一听到汽车防盗器的鸣叫声就会慌忙躲闪,每见到一个陌生人就觉得那是一个蓄势待发的攻击者。

    And it was their bodies that now crumpled under the slightest of stresses & that dove for cover with every car alarm or saw every stranger as an assailant in waiting .

  13. 如今,同样是他们的身体屈服于哪怕最轻微的压力之下——一听到汽车防盗器的鸣叫声就会慌忙躲闪,每见到一个陌生人就觉得那是一个蓄势待发的攻击者。

    And it was their bodies that now crumpled under the slightest of stresses - that dove for cover with every car alarm or saw every stranger as an assailant in waiting .

  14. 电子式车载汽车防盗器的主要功能是防止车辆被盗窃,但是防止盗窃的实时性太差,如果发生盗窃,即使汽车发出声音报警,由于时间空间的影响无法及时通知车主。

    The main function of the electronic vehicle security system is to prevent the theft of vehicles , but it has bad real-time , and it cannot notices car owner timely when happening car theft .

  15. 本文介绍的防盗系统,结合了芯片防盗器和网络防盗器各自的优点。

    The theftproof system introduced here combines the strongpoints of the CMOS chip alarm and the network alarm .