
  • 网络Sport;SUV;sporty;Sporting;athletic
  1. 中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)昨日表示,仅3月份当月,轿车、运动型多功能车(SUV)以及其他乘用车型的销量就攀升至约200万辆。

    In March alone , sales of cars , sport utility and other passenger vehicles climbed to almost 2m , the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said yesterday .

  2. 而美国的数据仅包括乘用车、皮卡和运动型多功能车(suv)。

    Its US figure excludes everything except passenger cars , pick-up trucks and sport utility vehicles .

  3. 韦德是个精力充沛、率直、运动型的人。

    Wade was a hearty , bluff , athletic sort of guy

  4. 其转向和制动装置都完全符合一辆运动型汽车的标准。

    The steering and braking are exactly what you want from a sporty car .

  5. GS系列轿车定位为运动型豪华轿车。

    Lexus ′ s GS-series sedans are positioned as luxury sport sedans .

  6. 在售的汽车类型很多,从现代豪华运动型到经典款,其中还有一辆1955年的MorganPlus4。

    Vehicles on offer run from modern luxury sports cars to classics , including a 1955 Morgan Plus 4 .

  7. 被称为运动型多功能运载车,简称SUV。

    It is called a sports utility vehicle , or SUV .

  8. 揽胜(RangeRovers)系列和路虎(LandRovers)系列要受欢迎得多,占据中国豪华运动型多用途车(SUV)市场10%的份额。

    Its far more popular Range Rovers and Land Rovers command 10 per cent of the market for luxury SUVs .

  9. 昨日,它与多功能运动型汽车(SUV)制造商湖南长丰汽车(HunanChangfengMotor)签署了一项协议,购买该公司29%的股权。

    Yesterday it signed an agreement to take a 29 per cent stake in sport utility vehicle maker Hunan Changfeng Motor .

  10. 豪华车生产商甚至包括那些从未涉足过运动型多功能车(SUV)的车商也纷纷投身生产酷越车的行列。

    Luxury manufacturers even those who never built an SUV are jumping into crossovers .

  11. 琪琪家住在一幢公寓的30楼。在驾驶运动型多用途车(SUV)回家的路上,车上的音响系统播放着迪士尼的CD。

    In the family 's sport-utility vehicle on the way home , a Disney English CD plays over the sound system .

  12. 中国汽车工业协会(ChineseAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers,简称:中汽协)的数据显示,2014年中国轿车、运动型多用途车(SUV)和多功能乘用车(MPV)的销量为1970万辆,同比增长9.9%。

    Sales of passenger cars , SUVs and minivans increased 9.9 per cent year-on-year to 19.7m units in 2014 , according to the Chinese Association of Automobile Manufacturers .

  13. 以塔塔汽车(TataMotors)旗下的捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)为例,这个品牌通过销售运动型多用途车(SUV)获利,这是中国最畅销的乘用车型。

    Take Tata Motors-owned JaguarLand Rover , which has profited from selling SUVs , the fastest-selling passenger segment in China .

  14. 这将防止ipod用户被人抢劫目前劫匪可以根据ipod那足以泄密的运动型白色耳机线盯上受害者。

    These would protect iPod users from the muggers who home in on victims sporting telltale white cables .

  15. 2012年,沃尔沃全球销量同比下降6.1%,售出了大约42.2万辆轿车和运动型多功能(SUV)车。

    World-wide sales fell 6.1 % in 2012 to about 422,000 cars and sport utilities from 2011 .

  16. 伯爵PiagetPolo全新运动型腕表

    New Piaget polo sports watches

  17. Lewis表示,这些精明的二次购车者在贷款的帮助下将购买豪华车或运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    This sophisticated second-time buyer with access to financing likely will purchase a luxury or utility vehicle , Ms. Lewis says .

  18. 目前该公司在华生产的汽车包括中型汽车索纳塔(Sonata),以及圣达菲(SantaFe)等运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    The auto maker 's current China lineup includes the midsize Sonata sedan as well as the Santa Fe and other sport-utility vehicles .

  19. 提出了一种新型液压驱动混合动力运动型多用途车(SUV)的设计概念。

    The conception of a new type of hydraulic hybrid sport utility vehicle ( SUV ) was presented .

  20. 但国产品牌中获得销量增长的并非价格适中的豪华轿车,而是价格低廉、欢快的运动型多功能车(SUV)。

    But the growth is not in affordable luxury sedans but in cheap and cheerful sport utility vehicles .

  21. 金融危机之后,高档车和运动型多功能车(suv)的销量比“量产”品牌汽车下跌幅度更大。

    Sales of premium cars and SUVs fell more steeply than " volume " brands after the financial crisis .

  22. 中国许多能支付起这个价格的富有消费者都会选择高端的运动型多用途车(SUV)和豪华轿车。

    For that amount of money , many wealthy Chinese consumers are choosing high-end sport-utility vehicles and luxury cars .

  23. 本周,美国人钟爱皮卡车和运动型汽车(SUV)时代的丧钟敲响。

    THIS week the death-knell sounded for America 's love affair with pick-up trucks and sport-utility vehicles ( SUVs ) .

  24. 由于油价飙升导致市场对运动型多用途车(SUV)的需求下降,底特律的汽车生产商仍在为此苦苦挣扎。

    Detroit is still digging out from the fall in demand for sport-utility vehicles caused by the climb in gasoline prices .

  25. 8月7日,一名驾驶保时捷(Porsche)运动型多用途车的男子在杭州市东城撞死了一位16岁的打工妹。

    On Aug.7 , a man driving a Porsche SUV struck and killed a16-year-old female migrant worker in the eastern city of Hangzhou .

  26. 双包层波导GRIN棒透镜耦合系统的研究太阳镜。运动型的、带有大标志的宽包边墨镜。

    Studies on Coupling System Composed of GRIN Rod Lenses for Double-cladding Planar Waveguides ; Sunglasses : sporty , with wrap-around shapes and big logos .

  27. 美国汽车企业在全球遭遇疲软的原因之一,就是它们过度依赖国内市场对卡车及运动型多功能车(suv)的需求。

    One reason for the global weakness of US companies is their over-dependence on domestic demand for trucks and sports utility vehicles .

  28. 3月份,大众汽车(VW)表示,将在墨西哥投资10亿美元扩大小型运动型多功能车(SUV)的生产,这些车将面向美国出口。

    In March , VW said it would invest $ 1bn expanding its production of small SUVs in Mexico for export to the US .

  29. 除了以运动型多功能车(suv)驰名的民营企业长城汽车(greatwallmotors)等几家知名公司之外,中国的大多数汽车公司都瞄准了低端出口市场。

    With a few notable exceptions , such as Great Wall Motors , a privately owned Chinese group best known for its sport utility vehicles , most Chinese car companies are targeting the lower end of export markets .

  30. 丰田在密西西比州的工厂位于图珀洛附近,原本计划生产丰田汉兰达(Highlander)运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    Toyota 's Mississippi plant , near Tupelo , was originally supposed to build the Highlander sport-utility vehicle .