
  1. 蒙古长调民歌源远流长,拥有独特的风格和特点。

    Tone folk song has a long history and a unique style .

  2. 长调民歌展现了蒙古族最美丽、最典型的文化风格。

    It shows the Mongolian nationality is the most beautiful and the most typical style of culture .

  3. 长调民歌相关研究工作的滞后是目前保护工作中一个亟待解决的问题。

    Long-tune folk songs related research work is currently lagging behind in the protection of a serious problem .

  4. 各种修辞手法在长调民歌歌词中巧妙得体的运用,使歌曲的主旨更为鲜明,情感的表达更为委婉、含蓄;

    A variety of rhetorical devices in the traditional folk long song lyrics with clever use of the theme is even more striking , the expression of emotion is more tactful ;

  5. 目前对于长调民歌的大部分研究是关于长调民歌风格特点以及节奏特性,单靠这些对于民歌的传统性理论研究来对这一口传文化进行保护和传承是远远不够的。

    Currently , the most of the research is about the style and rhythm characteristics , these alone for the traditional theoretical research of folk songs to protect and inherit a mass culture is not enough .