
  1. 论蒙古族歌唱家金花的鄂尔多斯短调民歌演唱艺术

    On the Ordos Mongolian Singer Jinhua Short Art Song Tune

  2. 科尔沁短调民歌有着悠久的历史和独特的魅力。

    In horqin , the short folk song has a long history and unique charm .

  3. 从音乐形态上继承了我国蒙古游牧民族短调民歌古老的艺术传统,形成了旋律的抒情性、节奏和句式的整齐规范性等特征。

    Music from the inherited form of short-Mongolian nomads in the ancient art of traditional folk songs , and formed a lyrical melody , rhythm and sentence of neat features , such as normative .

  4. 爬山调也叫山歌、山曲儿,是流行于内蒙古中西部农业区和半农办牧业地区的一种短调民歌,属原生态民歌体系。

    The tune of mountain climbing , also known as mountain folk songs , is prevalent in agricultural areas in central and western Inner Mongolia and semi-pastoral area of agricultural run a short-tune folk songs which belong to the original eco-system .

  5. 内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原短花针茅草原植被分析与制图论蒙古族歌唱家金花的鄂尔多斯短调民歌演唱艺术

    Vegetation Analysis and Mapping of Stipa Breviflora Desert Steppe in Ordos Plateau , Inner Mongolia On the Ordos Mongolian Singer Jinhua Short Art Song Tune