
  1. 长安四府村32~10KaBP期间沙尘暴活动的记录

    Loess Record of Sand-Dust Storm Activity during 32 ~ 10 ka BP in Sifu Village , Chang ' an , Shaanxi Province

  2. 通过对长安区四府村剖面晚更新世后期黄土样品的粒度分析测定,探讨了沙尘暴活动与土壤颗粒组成的关系及32~10KaBP以来的沙尘暴的活动趋势。

    According to the grain-size analysis of Loess sample developed in late Pleistocene , we discuss the relationship between the activity of sand-dust storm and grain-size of Loess profile , and know the trend of sand-dust storm activity from 32 ka BP to 10 ka BP .