
  1. 灾荒·长沙抢米风潮·辛亥革命

    Famine , Rice-Plundering Unrest in Changsha and Revolution in 1911

  2. 1900&1909年灾荒直接导致了长沙抢米风潮的爆发。

    The famine between 1900-1909 led directly to the rice-plundering unrest in Changsha .

  3. 长沙抢米风潮中的官绅斗争新探

    A New Research on the Conflict between the Gentry and Political Power in the Struggle for Rice in Changsha

  4. 史学界已经对长沙抢米风潮中的官绅斗争进行了一定的研究,但是,研究者大多将目光集中在四大劣绅与政权之间的矛盾斗争上。

    Previously there has already been some researches done in the academic circles of history regarding the conflict between the gentry and political power .