
zhǎnɡ lì
  • officials of higher seniority;superiors
长吏 [zhǎng lì]
  • (1) [superior officer in county]∶称地位较高的县级官吏

  • 皆刑其长吏。--《史记.陈涉世家》

  • (2) [superior officer]∶称地位较高的官员

  • 悦于长吏。-- 明. 宗臣《报刘一丈书》

  1. 郡县长吏直接负责邮传的管理,主要是后勤保障要依赖于郡县两级的守、尉等长官。

    County Executive , County officials directly responsible for the management of the postal , mainly logistical support to rely on county level guard , Wei , Chief Executive .

  2. 后来,长吏认为这样做显得不够敬重,就改用布包柑,过后,又常常担心细布是否会磨损坏柑子。

    Later , senior official thinks to be done so appear insufficient respect , convert cloth includes mandarin orange , afterwards , often fear whether delaine can grind attaint mandarin orange again .

  3. 四:盐铁长吏不得任用本郡人。

    Subsidiary officials will this HOU people ; Fourth : Prefecture officials of the native place of salt and iron is limited , shall not be the appointment of the county human prefecture officials .