
  • 网络microscope;microscopic examination;microscopy;RBC;WBC
  1. 结论:F-820型血液分析仪白细胞分类只能作为初筛方法,提倡仪器分类和镜检联合应用。

    Conclusion : The F - 820 hemacytometer was the screening test for the leukocyte sort . Advocate to use this instrument companioned by microscopic examination .

  2. 镜检变化主要是胰腺腺泡变性、坏死,坏死组织消散部显露出纤维状结构,经网状纤维染色证明这种纤维是网状纤维。

    And that main changes of the pancreas acini in microscopic examination were degeneration and necrosis , with the resolution areas of the necrotic substances showing fibrous structure . The fibers appeared black-brown by Foot 's stain method .

  3. 两种检测方法在镜检线索细胞方面无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    Tw o m ethods in finding clue cell have no significant difference ( P 0.05 ) .

  4. 比较实验动物样本镜检和PCR两种方法的检测结果;

    PCR results were compared with those of the microscopic examinations .

  5. 结果HE染色镜检发现脊髓组织病理学改变A组明显轻于B组。

    Results The histopathologic changes in spinal cord tissues in group B was worse than that in group A.

  6. PCR扩增的阳性率比直接涂片镜检高。

    The positive rate of PCR is higher than Direct for smear microscopic examination .

  7. 方法采集922例生殖异常患者外周静脉血,进行淋巴细胞培养,常规方法收获细胞,低渗、固定、制片、经G显带处理、镜检,进行观察研究。

    Methods : 922 reproduction abnormality patients ′ were performed by peripheral blood lymphocytes cultivating to make chromosome G-banding .

  8. 结核分支杆菌镜检、培养和PCR技术诊断结核病的临床评估

    Clinical evaluate the diagnostic value of tuberculosis for detection of M.tuberculosis PCR , culture and microscopy assay

  9. 前言:目的评估结核分支杆菌PCR、培养、镜检对结核病诊断的临床效果。

    Objective To study the clinical effect of M.tuberculosis examination by PCR , culture and microscopy assay .

  10. 经KUB+IVP、CT、BUS、逆行上尿路插管造影及输尿管镜检诊断肾盂或输尿管癌。

    Diagnosis was based on KUB + IVP , CT , BUS , retrograde catheterization opacification of upper urinary tract and ureteroscope .

  11. 结果:镜检和培养检测法结果差异无显著意义(P〉0.5)。

    Results : There was no significant difference in results between the method of direct microscope examination and CHROMagar Candida culture ( P > 0.5 ) .

  12. 取鳞屑KOH直接镜检未见孢子及菌丝。

    KOH direct microscopic examination of scales showed no spores and hyphae .

  13. 关节内窥镜检术在早期诊断TMJ骨关节病中的作用及意义

    The role and significance of arthroscopy in early diagnosis of TMJ osteoarthritis

  14. 抗酸染色镜检在肠结核的阳性率仅为20%,而在CD中无一例检出。

    The positive rate of Acid-fast bacillus test is only 20 % in TB patients , but in CD patients , none was tested .

  15. 方法收集232例临床血常规标本进行全自动血液分析仪检测,同时进行外周血涂片人工镜检,将仪器白细胞分类的MO结果与人工镜检分类结果进行对比统计,分析差异和原因。

    Methods MO cell in 232 pediatric patients was determined by the hematology analyzer and microscopic examination of the blood smear .

  16. 用PCR,镜检及ELISA方法对一组人(40例)进行阿米巴流行病学检测。

    PCR in combination with microscopical examination and ELISA was employed to study the epidemiology of amoebiasis in a population group of 40 persons .

  17. 应用电视宫腔镜对120例IUD后出血病例进行镜检,并对其中100例行诊刮及子宫内膜组织病理检查。

    Among these cases , 100 were curetted and subjected to endometrial pathological examination .

  18. 关节镜检查是半月板损伤诊断的金标准,结合体格检查、MRI诊断进行针对性的检查可以极大的提高镜检的准确率,避免关节镜的漏诊。

    Arthroscopic diagnosis is the gold standard of diagnosing meniscus tears , combining with the physical examination , MRI , misdiagnose of meniscal tears can be avoided .

  19. 结果PCR的敏感性为69%,ELISA为71%,培养为9%,涂片镜检均为阴性。

    Results The sensitivities were 69 % by PCR , 71 % by ELISA , 9 % by culture and 0 by acid fast staining respectively .

  20. 方法采用KOH直接镜检、真菌培养、溶甲涂片直接镜检、溶甲涂片PAS染色和凝集素组化染色。

    Methods Direct microscopy with 10 % KOH , fungal culture and PAS and lectin staining .

  21. 治疗组治疗前后尿沉渣镜检红细胞个数非常显著下降(P0.01),治疗组治疗后与对照组相比,有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    After the treatment , compared with the control group , the red blood cell of urinary sediment was significantly decreased ( P0.05 ) .

  22. 方法对38例肠结核和30例CD活检组织进行病理分析、抗酸染色镜检和PCR技术检测结核杆菌DNA。

    Methods 38 specimens of intestinal TB and 30 specimens of CD from endoscopic biopsies were subjected to pathological analysis , Ziehl Neelsen staining and PCR assay , retrospectively .

  23. 镜检5免疫组化EnVision法石蜡切片常规脱蜡至水。

    Microscope . 5 . Immunohistochemistry of EnVision law paraffin sections conventional dewaxing to water .

  24. RT-PCR检测疟原虫方法具有敏感性高、特异性强的特点,对疟疾诊断、镜检质量控制和流行病学研究具有较大的实用价值。

    Thus , this RT PCR system might be useful for the diagnosis of malaria , quality control for the microscopic examination and epidemiological studies .

  25. 方法:以镜检结果为对照,用ICT方法检测门诊四热病人中的恶性疟。

    METHODS : With thick blood smear method as control , ICT was used for the detection of P. falciparum .

  26. 膀胱镜检对前列腺增生患者血清PSA、FPSA的影响儿科膀胱尿道窥测镜

    The influence of Cystoscopy on serum PSA and FPSA in patient with benign prostatic hyperplasia

  27. 结果恶性疟原虫镜检、常规PCR、FQ-PCR检出的阳性率分别为33.1%、38.5%和40.9%;

    Results The positive rate detected by microscopy , common PCR and FQ PCR is 33.1 % ? 38.5 % and 40.9 % .

  28. 从离心尿镜检红细胞变化情况分析,治疗前两组患者尿离心尿镜检红细胞结果比较无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Changes of red blood cells , before treatment , microscopic examination of urinary red blood cells in urine centrifuge results showed no significant difference ( P 0.05 ) .

  29. 体重减轻和腺癌发病率降低、性别、年龄、初始结直肠镜检和初始BMI相关。

    Weight loss was associated with lowered incidence of adenoma , independent of gender , age , initial colonoscopic findings , and initial BMI .

  30. 结果:103例气管支气管异物均获得满意的后处理图像,螺旋CT及后处理技术的诊断准确性为100%,异物定位与支气管镜检相符97.1%。

    Results : In all 103 cases the approving postprocessing images were obtained . The veracity of SCT and postprocessing technique was 100 % and 97.1 % positions of foreign bodies accorded with findings of the bronchial endoscopy .