
  1. 早晚稻均以高N高密群体N2D1、N2D2的LAI最高,同时具有较高的高效LAI和高效叶面积率。

    Population with both high nitrogen and high density in both early and late rice had the highest LAI and had a higher high efficient LAI and high effective leaf area ratio at the same time .

  2. 用气候因子预报江西省早晚稻产量

    Rice yield forecast in Jiangxi Province according to climatic factors

  3. 早晚稻产量影响因子分析

    Analysis of the Influencing Factor of Rice Grain Yield

  4. 早晚稻各组合(品种)均存在后期根系早衰现象。

    The phenomenon of premature senescence in roots existed in all combinations ( varieties ) .

  5. 同时还表明早晚稻间也存在着基因型差异。

    The result also showed that there were significant genotype differences between early rice and second rice .

  6. 早晚稻品种间杂交生育期的遗传变异

    The genetic variation of the growth duration in the Intervarietal cross between early and late crops of rice

  7. 壮秧剂在早晚稻不同育秧方式施用方法应用效果研究

    The Application Effect of the Seedling Strengthen Agent on Early and Late Rice in Different Seedling Breeding Ways and Application Methods

  8. 简比试验早晚稻测土配方施肥也均能增产,其中早稻增产8.6%、晚稻增产7.4%;

    The simple test also show that the yield of early and late rice can be increased by 8.6 % in early rice , 7.4 % in late rice .

  9. 试验结果表明:测土配方施肥比常规施肥早晚稻均能增产,其中早稻增产9.9%,晚稻增产9.3%,增产效果达极显著水平。

    The test shows that the technology of equilibrium fertilization can increase yield than regular fertilization in early and late rice , among them , the early rice can increase yield by 9.9 % , late rice by 9.3 % .

  10. 早晚连作稻在南北气候交错地区的品种适应型

    The Adapted Types of Double & Cropping Rice Varieties in the Interlocked Regions Between the South and North of China

  11. 在食用水稻生产施肥中,营养水平的高低、营养元素供给种类、各种营养元素间的配置比例均能不同程度地影响早晚两季食用稻稻谷产量和稻米品质的形成。

    While applying fertilizer to the edible rice , the nutritional level , the kind of nutrient element supplied , the ratio among various kinds of nutrition elements can have effect on the form of rice yield and rice quality of the early and late edible rice to different extent .