
  1. 福斯特小姐头脑聪明,镜头感十足,凭其独家节目拿到约9万英镑的年薪。

    The bright and telegenic Miss Foster is being paid around £ 90,000 a year for her exclusive deal .

  2. 灯光、动作、那种无比自然的感觉,以及镜头感上佳、深谙微笑之道的拍摄对象。

    Lights . Action . That sparkle of spontaneity . And subjects who really know how to smile for a camera .

  3. 她真的是惊艳无比,还有她的镜头感很好-她就是可以拍下很多神照。

    She 's a really fierce chick and and she 's really good in front of the camera & she just snaps into it .

  4. 这种电影修养影响到她的文字创作,她的写作技法有强烈的电影镜头感与蒙太奇效果,对话、情节有些拿来就是精彩的剧本片段。

    This had a great influence on her writing , in which the montage method was often used and the dialogues and plots were just created for plays .

  5. 希望应聘者在镜头感出色,因为你的笑容和舞姿将会在电视、纪录片以及本次活动的新闻发布会上频频出现。

    You cannot be camera shy as many of your faces will be seen on TV , Documentary , and in the Press as part of the project .

  6. 在那里,传统的山水画和西画相结合,主观意动与客体事物高度统一,使它不但具有好莱坞电影高潮的一样的镜头感,而且同时具备东方文人情怀。

    There , the combination of traditional landscape painting and western painting , with high degree of unity of subjective and object of motivation , it not only has the climax of a shot in Hollywood movies , but also feelings of oriental scholars .

  7. 如果有人告诉你她对在镜头前讲话不感兴趣,那就转到下一个人。

    Move on to the next person if someone tells you she is not interested in talking on camera .

  8. 增加了镜头画面的真实感,强化了影视在美学层面上的假定性。

    It adds realism to the picture and strengthens the hypothetical of a movie at an aesthetic level .

  9. 人物闯入并穿过镜头,没有方向感的奔跑,姜文的摄影机也不停歇的尾随,以创造出一种符合观众期待的优雅的韵律。

    Characters lunge through the shots , running this way and that without catching breath , and Jiang 's camera follows them without pausing for the sort of stately scene-setting that audiences may expect .

  10. 本文首先介绍了微型光学镜头的发展状况,分析了光学镜头与影像感测元件之间的匹配问题,并对定焦镜头的技术参数以及发展历程作了详细的介绍。

    This thesis analyses the design and simulation of micro optical lens system having a fixed focal length , improving on it , making with simulation and design preferable .