
tiě qiāo
  • shovel;spade
铁锹 [tiě qiāo]
  • (1) [spade]∶一种扁平长方形半圆尖头的适于用脚踩入地中翻土的构形工具

  • (2) [shovel]∶由宽铲斗或中间略凹的铲身装上平柄组成的手用工具,用手挖或抛掷物料(如土、煤、谷物)

铁锹[tiě qiāo]
  1. 用铁锹背面把土拍平。

    Press the soil flat with the back of a spade .

  2. 铁锹撞在什么金属物件上发出刺耳的声音。

    The spade jarred on something metal .

  3. 一帮工人正用铁锹往卡车上装碎石。

    A gang of workmen were shovelling rubble onto a truck .

  4. 在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹。

    The best implement for digging a garden is a spade .

  5. 这铁锹不中用,我去换一把吧。

    This spade is no good . I 'll go and get another one .

  6. 这把铁锹使起来挺顺手。

    This spade is very handy .

  7. 哈桑持续不断地挖,直到铁锹发出一声沉闷的声响,好像碰到了什么坚硬的东西。

    He continued on until the shovel made a dull sound as if it had struck something hard .

  8. 更不用提他们还得在Alice用车库的铁锹把自己打成脑振荡之后带她去急诊室。

    Not to mention the fact that they had to take Alice to the emergency room to treat a concussion that she had given herself with one of the garage shovels .

  9. 按照字面意思,“Sukiyaki”就是在铁锹(suki)上面烤牛肉、豆腐和韭菜等蔬菜。

    Sukiyaki refers directly to broiling beef on the spade , along with soybean curd , leeks , and vegetables .

  10. 据计大概有14000人被送进S-21监狱,接受日常惯例的电击,水刑和鞭刑,直到在附近的“杀人场”被断头处决——用铁锹或铁锨击打头部。

    Perhaps 14000 people were sent to S-21 for a daily routine of electrocution , water-boarding and flagellation before being carted off for execution - a shovel or spade to the head - at the nearby " killing fields . "

  11. 挖窄沟用的长把的铁锹。

    A spade with a long handle for digging narrow ditches .

  12. 那就肯定是你用铁锹砸的艾莉的头

    as you whacking Ali over the head with a shovel .

  13. 他跑过去拿回两个孩子的工具:十字镐和铁锹。

    He ran and brought the boys ' pick and shovel .

  14. 让我们问问那个拿着铁锹的湿身男。

    Let 's ask the soaking wet man with the pickaxe .

  15. 都看到我拿起铁锹去追艾莉了

    saw me pick up a shovel and go after Ali .

  16. 在那个年代,隧道挖掘是一份艰苦的工作,要用铁锹和镐。

    In those days tunnelling was hard labour with shovels and picks .

  17. 从前用镐和铁锹采煤。

    Formerly the coal was dug with picks and spades .

  18. 把我们挖园子用的那把铁锹给我拿来。

    Bring me the spade we use to dig the garden with !

  19. 从前,新教徒和天主教徒使用不同的铁锹。

    In former times Protestants and Catholics used different types of spade .

  20. “准备好了吗(拍摄)?”导游问我们,他手里拿着铁锹。

    " Ready ?" the guide asked us , holding a shovel .

  21. 石犁、铁锹和镰刀被广泛运用。

    Stone ploughs ; spades and sickles were widely used .

  22. 用这把旧铁锹挖土,太难了。

    It 's hard working this soil with such an old spade .

  23. 这园林工感到铁锹碰到一个硬物。

    The gardener felt something hard with his spade .

  24. 那些人拿着铁锹和量尺。

    The men were carrying spades and measuring sticks .

  25. 我差点忘了,那把铁锹上还有新泥土呢!

    I 'd nearly forgot . That pick had fresh earth on it !

  26. 他在用十字镐和铁锹干活。

    He was working with a pick and shovel .

  27. 好的,那是方片,桃心,铁锹和梅花。

    Okay , so that 's diamonds , hearts , spades and clubs .

  28. 铁锹铲在石头上发出当的一声。

    The spade clanged when it hit the rock .

  29. 用这样一把旧铁锹挖地真费劲。

    It 's hard to work this soil with such an old spade .

  30. 几百人带着铁锹和锄头来到现场,

    Hundreds of people came with shovels and hoes ,