
tiě wàn rén wù
  • strongman;iron-handed person;despotic person
铁腕人物 [tiě wàn rén wù]
  • [ironhanded person;strong man;despotic person;tyrannical person] 用意志或性格的力量或军事手段进行领导或控制的人

  1. 吴登盛是一位退休不久的将军,曾在军方铁腕人物丹瑞大将(SeniorGeneralThanShwe)领导下的军政府中担任了四年总理,在那段时间里,他鲜有建树。

    Thein Sein , a recently retired general , had made little impact in four years as prime minister during the junta led by army strongman Senior General Than Shwe .

  2. 如今的总统候选人中很大一部分是铁腕人物的女儿:韩国的朴瑾惠、法国的玛琳??勒庞、秘鲁的藤森庆子、危地马拉的ZuryRíosMontt、哈萨克斯坦的DarigaNazarbayeva。

    A remarkable number of today 's presidential contenders are daughters of strongmen : Ms Park in South Korea , Ms Le Pen in France , Peru 's Ms Fujimori , Zury R í os Montt in Guatemala , Dariga Nazarbayeva in Kazakhstan .

  3. 他是统治这个国家的铁腕人物。

    He 's an ironhanded person ruling over the country .

  4. 被铁腕人物统治的国家定会遭受不幸的。

    A country ruled by an iron hand is doomed to suffer .

  5. 铁腕人物手下一定有唯命是从的人。

    The strong men must have their stooges .

  6. 同一位铁腕人物谈判一种常见的氧化铁矿石,是针铁矿、赤铁矿和纤铁矿的混合物。

    Negotiated from a strong hand . a widely occurring iron oxide ore ; a mixture of goethite and hematite and lepidocrocite .

  7. 武则天是个铁腕人物,她为了打击政敌,巩固地位,不惜重用酷吏,制造冤狱,但这并不能说明她生性残忍,“阴鸷好杀”。

    Wu Ze Tian was a powerful person , she put oppressive officials in very important positions in order to consolidate her political power , but this didn 't indicate she was cruel .

  8. 胆小的新贵亚里士多德认为,他们是民主体制的秘密武器—他们保卫社会价值观、缓和政治极端主义、在政府法令面前捍卫理性,并相信社会应当由法律而非铁腕人物来治理。

    The Scary New Rich Aristotle believed they were democracy 's secret weapon-the protectors of social values , the moderators of political extremism , and believers in a society run by laws instead of by strongmen .

  9. “他是全欧洲非常非常铁腕的人物。”

    " He has a very , very strong image across europe . "