
  • tights;Legging
  1. 她身穿黑色紧身裤和一件宽松的绿色针织套衫。

    She is wearing tight , black leggings and a baggy green jersey .

  2. 我穿上保暖紧身裤、长袜和其他衣服。

    I put on my thermal leggings , long socks and the rest of my clothes .

  3. 时装大师们常表达一些离奇的想法,诸如让身材肥胖的人穿上紧身裤。

    Fashion gurus dictate crazy ideas such as squeezing oversized bodies into tight trousers .

  4. 这件衬衫最好是松松垮垮地穿在紧身裤外面,或者是塞进裤子里以显出苗条的身材。

    The shirt 's ideal worn loose over leggings or tuck it in for a streamlined silhouette .

  5. 她穿着紧身裤和高跟拖鞋。

    She wore tight trousers and high-heeled mules .

  6. 去年,埃文斯顿Ill中学,就因禁止穿紧身裤和瑜伽裤子,上了全国头条。

    Last year , Haven Middle School in Evanston , Ill . made national headlines for banning leggings and yoga pants .

  7. 39岁的德霍曼-克里斯托长发齐肩,颈背较厚,穿着白色运动鞋、黑色紧身裤、印有BadAttitude(态度差)字样的深色T恤,脖子上挂着一件Y型吊坠。

    De Homem-Christo , 39 , has shoulder-length hair and heavier scruff and is wearing white sneakers , tight black pants , a dark T-shirt that says ' Bad Attitude ' and a wishbone pendant around his neck .

  8. 时尚警察(TheFashionPolice)节目对瘦腿紧身裤裤的流行发表了以下评论:“并不是只有瘦人才可以穿紧身裤,‘紧身'指的不是穿者的身材,而是收紧裤腿。”

    Speaking about the drainpipe trouser 's widespread appeal The Fashion Police commented : ' You don 't need to be skinny to wear skinny jeans : the word ' skinny ' refers to the cut of the leg , not the shape of the wearer .

  9. Jeggings(牛仔样式打底紧身裤)指看上去像紧身牛仔裤风格的打底裤,jeggings这个词就是jeans(牛仔裤)和leggings(打底紧身裤)两个词的合成词。

    Jeggings are leggings which are styled to look like tight denim jeans , it is the blending of the word " jeans " with the word " leggings " .

  10. 对,这就是jeggings。Jeggings(牛仔样式打底紧身裤)指看上去像紧身牛仔裤风格的打底裤,jeggings这个词就是jeans(牛仔裤)和leggings(打底紧身裤)两个词的合成词。

    Jeggings are leggings which are styled to look like tight denim jeans , it is the blending of the word " jeans " with the word " leggings . "

  11. 专门售卖性感套装和女士内衣的网站“美国买家”新推出一款名为“DonnaT.Rumpshaker”限量版套装,售价69.95美金,其中包括一件白色无袖翻领衬衫、红色领带、宝蓝色的人造革夹克和一条配套的超短紧身裤。

    Risque online costume and lingerie shop Yandy.com is selling a limited-edition outfit called the " Donna T. Rumpshaker , " for $ 69.95 . That price includes a white sleeveless collared shirt , red tie , royal blue faux blazer and matching " booty shorts . "

  12. 他不够苗条,穿不上这条紧身裤。

    He is not slim enough to wear these tight trousers .

  13. 复古系的针织衫配上紧身裤就能打造出一个全新的形象。

    Granny-chic knitwear plus skinny pants equals a great new silhouette .

  14. 那胖老头穿著紧身裤显得很可笑。

    The fat old man look grotesque in his tight pants .

  15. 首先,他们得设计紧身裤以使女人看起来像男人。

    First it was tight pants to make them look like boys .

  16. 英某高中禁止女生穿裙子和紧身裤。

    School bans skirts and tight-fitting trousers in uniform crackdown .

  17. 弹力紧身裤面料与服装形态

    The Fabric of Elastic Tight Pants and Clothing Shape

  18. 菲利普穿上了他的黑衬衣,紧身裤。

    Philippe put on his black shirt and tights .

  19. 弗雷泽很偏爱像布鲁克斯品牌的条纹紧身裤之类的紧身弹力长裤。

    Frazier is partial to capri-length leggings like Brooks Running Streaker Running Capris .

  20. 在服装方面,要避免穿牛仔裤、紧身裤及高跟鞋。

    In the clothing , to avoid wearing jeans , leggings and high heels .

  21. 我得换条紧身裤了,因为这条抽丝了。

    I had to change my tights because they had a ladder in then .

  22. 时尚小贴士:复古系的针织衫配上紧身裤就能打造出一个全新的形象

    For example : Granny-chic knitwear plus skinny pants equals a great new silhouette .

  23. 女性紧身裤结构参数与样板优化设计的探讨

    Parametric and Optimization Design on Women Tight Trousers

  24. 该死!这是我今天抽丝的第二条紧身裤了!

    Damn ! That 's the second pair of tights I 've laddered today !

  25. 把那些富于曲线的衬衫、紧身裤、露脐衫留在家里。

    Leave the slinky shirts , tight pants and cut off t-shirts at home .

  26. 在这个季节,迷你裙配紧身裤会给人一种青春活力和十足的酷味!

    A mini teamed with leggings is very young , and cool this season .

  27. 如何穿着最合适紧身裤?

    How to find the best jeans ?

  28. 紧身裤是最新的时髦服装。

    Narrow trousers are the latest fashion .

  29. 自豪地穿上那条黑黄条纹紧身裤。

    Wear those stripy legs with pride .

  30. 我讨厌紧身裤(媒体吐槽他的裤子是老妈裤)。

    I hate these tight jeans .