
  1. OECD估计,2012至2015年,中国将占到全球新增钢铁产能的40%左右,尽管中国政府正在努力收缩过剩产能。

    Between 2012 and 2015 , China should account for about 40 % of the world 's increased steel-making capacity , the OECD estimates , despite Beijing 's efforts to scale back excess production .

  2. 惠誉分析师穆拉里达兰拉玛克里斯南(MuralidharanRamakrishnan)表示,这些借贷使印度钢铁产能增长三分之一,仅在本财年就增加了1500万吨。

    All that borrowing pushed capacity up by a third , with an extra 15m tonnes added during this financial year alone , according to Fitch analyst Muralidharan Ramakrishnan .

  3. 卢对削减钢铁产能的多边谈判表示支持。

    Mr Lew expressed support for multilateral negotiations on cutting steel capacity .

  4. 例如,在钢厂没有进入全负荷运转的情况下,近年来钢铁产能仍有所增加。

    For instance , steel capacity has increased in recent years even as factories have been underutilized .

  5. 自计划宣布以来,河北已永久关停约800万吨钢铁产能。

    About 8m tonnes of capacity have been permanently closed down in Hebei since the plan was announced .

  6. 近二年来随着我国钢铁产能的快速释放,钢铁产品出口大幅度增长的同时也引发了越来越多的贸易摩擦。

    In the past two years , with great exports of China 's steel products , the trade deficit has been on rise .

  7. 尽管如此,北亚地区仍然存在钢铁产能过剩的问题,这将阻碍钢铁价格在未来几个月大幅上涨。

    Still , there remains a glut of steel capacity in northern Asia that will keep prices from rising much in coming months .

  8. 非法或未经批准的产能约为1.5亿吨,相当于日本和韩国的钢铁产能之和,是过剩产能的一大来源。

    Much stemmed from some 150m tonnes of illegal or unauthorised capacity , equivalent to the steel industries of Japan and South Korea combined .

  9. 一是产业集中度低;二是产品结构不合理;三是技术创新能力不强,四是钢铁产能低水平过渡膨胀。

    Firstly , it is the low industry centrality . The second one is the unreasonable products structure . The third is low technique innovation .

  10. 欧洲钢铁产能严重过剩,就算钢铁企业能够实现盈利,其利润率也微乎其微。

    There is far too much overcapacity in Europe , and profit margins are wafer thin , if producers are making any profit at all . '

  11. 因此,本文试图在分析铁矿石价格态势的基础上,提出调整钢铁产能并为我国的资源战略提供参考。

    This paper analyzes the trend of iron ore 's import price to provide some references for the steel output ability adjusting and resources strategy of China .

  12. 中国冶金工业规划研究院院长李新创2月对《中国经济周刊》表示,削减钢铁产能将意味着40万至50万下岗工人。

    Li Xinchuang , head of the China Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute , told China Economic Weekly last month that steel capacity cuts would mean 400000-500000 displaced workers .

  13. 该国约五分之一的钢铁产能受到影响,电脑芯片、触屏和半导体设备等多种元件的生产受到冲击是不可避免的。

    About one-fifth of Japanese steel production capacity has been affected , and disruption to the production of component parts ( including computer chips , touch screens , and semiconductor equipment ) is certain .

  14. 在中国钢铁产能增长之际,中国的三大钢铁消费行业建筑、家用电器及汽车生产都出现了放缓迹象。

    The three main industries that consume steel construction , household appliances and car production are all showing signs of a slowdown at a time when capacity in the Chinese steel industry is increasing .

  15. 调查结果显示,中国的钢铁产能比多数分析师的预期整整高出5000万吨,相当于全球第三大钢铁生产国美国一半以上的年产能。

    It concluded that there was actually 50m tonnes more steel capacity than most analysts had predicted – equivalent to more than half the annual production of the US , the third biggest steel producer .

  16. 中国钢铁产能过大,这从普通钢材的价格变化中就可看出。例如,本地热轧钢卷价格今年以来下跌了五分之一。

    China has too much steel capacity . That is clear from the price movement of common steel products such as hot rolled coil , which is down a fifth in local terms this year .

  17. 中国工业和信息化部官员骆铁军在一次会议上表示,规划中的重组将让年度钢铁产能到2020年降至11亿吨左右,同时国内消费不太可能超过7亿吨。

    Luo Tiejun , an official with China 's industry ministry , said at a conference that planned cuts would reduce annual steel capacity to about 1.1bn tonnes by 2020 while domestic consumption was unlikely to exceed 700m tonnes .

  18. 去年中国公布了一项计划,决定在人口密集的东部地区(尤其是河北)减少污染物排放,压减钢铁产能,同时鼓励煤矿和工业向西部贫瘠落后地区发展。

    Last year , China issued a plan to cut emissions and polluting steel capacity in the populous east – particularly in Hebei – while encouraging more coal and industrial development in the poor and arid west of the country .

  19. 关停钢厂是中国政府减少污染计划的核心环节,但其关门的步伐可能赶不上钢铁产能扩张的步伐,这令人质疑中国政府抗击华北地区空气污染的行动能否取得进展。

    Steel plant closures central to the Chinese government 's plan for cutting pollution are likely to be outpaced by steel mills under construction , casting doubt on Beijing 's ability to make headway against air pollution enveloping northern China .

  20. 中国11月份粗钢产量创下今年以来的单月最低水平,产量下降部分归因于季节性因素,同时也因为政府推出了限制钢铁产能的措施。

    China 's production of crude steel in November fell to its lowest monthly volume this year . The decline is partly due to seasonal factors but also comes as the government is taking steps to curb overcapacity in the sector .

  21. 安塞乐米塔尔的成立动机,来自于这位印度亿万富翁欲把安赛乐位于西欧的高科技钢铁产能与自己旗下的米塔尔钢铁业务联合在一起的构想。米塔尔钢铁在美国和东欧拥有大量业务。

    The deal to create ArcelorMittal was driven by the Indian billionaire 's idea about uniting his Mittal Steel business – which had a big presence in the US and eastern Europe – with Arcelor 's high-tech steel making plants in western Europe .

  22. 河北省承诺在2017年底前削减6000万吨钢铁产能,这是一项经过协商的方案的一部分,根据该方案,中国将减少华北、长三角和珠三角的污染物排放,同时鼓励企业在贫瘠的西部投资发展工业。

    Hebei pledged to cut its steel capacity by 60m tonnes by 2017 , as part of a negotiated deal to reduce emissions in northern China , the Yangtze Delta and the Pearl River Delta while encouraging industrial investment in the arid west .

  23. 目前中国全国范围内在建的钢铁产能约3000万吨,比河北省2014年承诺削减的1500万吨产能多一倍。河北省是环绕北京的工业大省,钢产能占全中国的四分之一左右。

    About 30m tonnes of new steel capacity across the country is still under construction , double the 15m tonnes of cuts pledged for 2014 by Hebei province , the industrial heartland surrounding Beijing which accounts for about a quarter of Chinese steel capacity .

  24. 麦格理(Macquarie)驻上海的大宗商品分析师格雷姆•特雷恩(GraemeTrain)指出,中国钢铁行业产能过剩,库存很大。

    Graeme Train , commodities analyst at Macquarie in Shanghai , pointed out that inventories were high in China 's overbuilt steel sector .

  25. 中国提高了自身的钢铁制造产能,于三年前变成钢铁净出口国。

    China has increased its own steelmaking capacity and , three years ago , became a net steel exporter .

  26. 普氏能源资讯表示,遏制钢铁行业产能过剩的努力在2014年不大可能取得任何进展。

    Platts said it was unlikely efforts to curb overcapacity in the steel-making sector would show any progress in 2014 .

  27. 在以往解决钢铁行业产能过剩的努力不了了之的地方,中国中央政府治理污染的新决心能否取得成功?这一点还有待观察。

    It remains to be seen whether Beijing 's new determination in the fight against pollution will succeed where previous campaigns against overcapacity in the steel sector have failed .

  28. 近年来,安徽钢铁产业产能过剩问题严重,产能利用率持续下降,对此问题社会各界也表现出高度关切。

    In recent years , the overcapacity problem of Anhui steel industry is serious , capacity utilization continued to decline , the community also showed a high degree of concern on the problem .

  29. 随着我国钢铁行业产能的不断扩张,对供应链的建立和完善已日趋为钢铁业所重视,并纷纷着手建立了产品的供应链运作模式。

    With production capacity continuous expanding of domestic iron and steel industry , establishing and improving supply chain are more and more valued by the steel industry , and products supply chain 's running pattern is set out to be established .

  30. 近几年,随着我国钢铁工业产能的扩大,冶金尘泥的排放量也越来越多,尘泥的回收和利用已成为企业普遍存在的共性问题。

    In recent years , with the expansion of steel industry production capacity in our country , the discharge amount of the metallurgical dust was more and more . The recycling of the metallurgical dust has become widespread existent common problems .