
ɡānɡ qiān
  • steel chisel;drilling steel
钢钎 [gāng qiān]
  • [drill rob] 尖头钢棒,通常由大锤打入软质岩石以钻孔

  1. Si3N4/钢钎接过程的参数分析

    Analysis of the parameters in brazing of Si_3N_4 to steel

  2. Si3N4/钢钎接时热应力缓和问题研究

    Study on Relaxation of Thermal Stresses in Brazing of Ceramics Si_3N_4 to Steel

  3. Nb中间层在Si3N4/40Cr钢钎焊接头中的作用

    The role of Nb interlayer in si_3n_4 / 40cr brazed joint

  4. 隧道施工机械与监测仪具和设备,包括:TBM的应用与展望;钢钎维砼支护及其喷射机械手;

    Machinery of tunnel construction and equipment of monitor including the application and prospect on TBM , steel fibre spurting concrete supporting and its spurting machinery ;

  5. 经应用于制造重型凿岩机钎尾,其使用寿命超过了瑞典进口的Cr-Ni-Mo钢钎尾的水平。

    The steels are used to produce the tails of heavy drill machines , service life of which is longer than that of Cr-Ni-Mo steel imported from Sweden .

  6. 氧化铝陶瓷与低碳钢钎焊接头的力学性能

    Mechanical properties of brazing joint of alumina ceramics to mild steel

  7. 钢钎维混凝土二桩承台灰色关联分析

    Grey relational analysis of two-pile steel fiber reinforced concrete caps

  8. 双层陶瓷复合材料与钢钎焊接头界面的微观组织结构

    Microstructure of Brazed Joint of Bilayer Ceramic Composite and Steel

  9. Zn-Al-Cu-Mg钎料对碳钢钎焊润湿性研究

    Wettability of Zn - Al - Cu - Mg filler metals on carbon steels

  10. 钎杆用中空钢轧制过程的数值模拟及实验研究钢钎从土壤中拨出。

    Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research of Hollow Drill Steel Rolling ; The bar was withdrawn from the soil .