
  • 网络Mongolian music;Music of Mongolia
  1. 西蒙古音乐舞蹈蒙古舞蹈传统风格的形成

    Music Dance of Western Mongolia The Formation of the Traditional Style of Mongolian Dance

  2. 西蒙古音乐舞蹈

    Music Dance of Western Mongolia

  3. 蒙古族音乐资源丰厚,这是发展民族声乐的基础。

    The music of the Monggol nationality is rich in natural resources .

  4. 公共艺术教育课程中蒙古族音乐教育内容较少。

    There are few elective courses on Mongolian music .

  5. 教师本身对蒙古族音乐掌握不够。

    The teachers themselves lack knowledge on Mongolian music .

  6. 第三,丰富蒙古族音乐教育活动的形式,加快教材的建设,改进音乐课程的考试评价标准;

    To enrich the teaching forms and improve the standard of examination and evaluation .

  7. 当前,传统民歌的传播和传承,是蒙古族音乐所面临的一个重要问题。

    Currently , it 's a key problem that the spreading and inheritance of traditional ballads .

  8. 鄂尔多斯草原保存有大量蒙古古代音乐文化遗存,如:成陵祭祀音乐中的十二首圣乐;

    The Ordes grassland has kept great amount of the inheritance of the ancient Mongolian music culture .

  9. 对高校公选课教学管理的几点思考2、公共艺术教育课程中蒙古族音乐教育内容较少。

    Considerations of the Management of University Public Elective Courses 2 、 There are few elective courses on Mongolian music .

  10. 本文就当代蒙古族音乐发展的空间作如下的探索与思考:从观念上必须坚持开放性、宽容性的原则;

    This article will explore the contemporary Mongolian music by following five aspects : to insist on the opening and tolerant principles ;

  11. 据此提出在内蒙古地区高校公共课程中加强有关蒙古族音乐教学内容的建议。

    Thus it is necessary to strengthen the content of teaching of Mongolian music in the common courses of the colleges in Inner Mongolia .

  12. 其中,笔者最爱蒙古族音乐,蒙古音乐富含独特韵味,在民族音乐的百花园中独树一帜。

    Among them , I love Mongolian music , Mongolian music is rich in unique flavor , unique in the garden of folk music .

  13. 蒙古族音乐的创新与发展,必须扎根于蒙古族人民传统音乐文化语境的生活沃土中,保持民族特色;

    The innovation and development of Mongolian music must be rooted in the rich soil of the life of traditional music culture context of Mongolian people to keep its national features .

  14. 为此,笔者通过调查和分析,就在内蒙古地区高校公共艺术课程中加强蒙古族音乐教学内容提出可行性计划:第一,加强政策引导,营造良好的蒙古族地区音乐环境;

    As a result , the following suggestions have been made on strengthening Mongolian music teaching in universities in Inner Mongolian area : 1 、 To strengthen the education policy leading in order to create a better Mongolian music environment .

  15. 蒙汉调的最大特征就是把蒙族与汉族音乐因素完美结合,在它的音乐中既有蒙古族音乐的特点,又有西北汉族山歌的风格。

    The primary characteristics of " Meng-Han " song lies in the perfect combination of the Han and Meng ethnic music , including both the elements of Mongolian music and the style of the mountain songs of the Han nationality in northwest China .

  16. 丰富的蒙古族民间音乐,是他取之不尽的源泉。

    Rich Mongolian folk music is his inexhaustible source of creation .

  17. 第二,加快蒙古族民间音乐的挖掘整理,加强蒙古族音乐理论研究;

    To strengthen the Mongolian music textbook system and its theory research .

  18. 蒙古族民间音乐具有较高的美学价值。

    Mongolian music itself has aesthetic values .

  19. 针对大学生创作的蒙古族风格音乐作品较少。

    There are few pieces of Mongolian music which coincide with the university students ' taste .

  20. 蒙古民歌从音乐特点来讲,大致分为“长调”和“短调”两大类。

    From the musical perspective , Mongolian folk songs are characterized with two tunes : long tune and short tune .

  21. 歌词和旋律的详细记载,提供了与蒙古族宗教音乐、民间音乐相互比较的可能性。

    The lyrics and melodies in Palace Music make it possible to compare the religious music and folk music of Mongolia .

  22. 蒙古族民间音乐教育的缺失,是内蒙古地区音乐教育界一个比较普遍的现象,这一现象在内蒙古地区普通高校的公共艺术课教育中较为明显。

    It is a universal phenomenon for Mongolian folk music that it has been omitted in its teaching , especially in universities .

  23. 从某种角度讲,马头琴是蒙古族传统音乐文化,甚至是蒙古族传统文化的象征和标志。

    In some point , the Horsehead Zither is the symbol of Mongolian tradition music culture , even the entire Mongolian traditional culture .

  24. 在蒙古族的音乐发展历史中,集体舞蹈占据着重要的地位,是蒙古人表达思想感情的一种重要手段,而舞蹈本身也真实地反映了当时的客观情况。

    In the music history of Mongolia , collective dance has an important position because it expresses Mongolian emotion and a reflection of the times .

  25. 现代音乐流行中的民间音乐处境&蒙古族民间音乐在内蒙古大学生中普及的现状调查

    The Place of Folk Music in the Popularization of Modern Music & The Investigation of the Actuality of the Popularization of the Mongolian Folk Music

  26. 包括鄂尔多斯音乐的历史文化背景、鄂尔多斯音乐在蒙古族传统音乐中的重要地位。

    The outline on the music of E'erduosi which consist of the history and culture background and the important status in the traditional music of Mongolia .

  27. 蒙古族传统音乐的发展与本民族的历史和文学的发展紧密相连,诗配以乐,歌含有诗,诗歌并存。

    Mongolian traditional music is closely linked to the development of history and literature as poem with music , song containing poetry and coexistence of poem and song .

  28. 她的创作实践和成功经验为内蒙古几代作曲家产生了积极的影响,引领蒙古族当代音乐创作队伍向前进。

    Her creative practice and successful experience of Inner Mongolia for generations of composers have a positive impact on , Mongolia leads the nation in contemporary music creation team .

  29. 潮尔音乐是蒙古族传统音乐的重要组成部分之一,是蒙古族多声部音乐的重要表现形式,也是中国北方少数民族音乐文化的集大成者。

    Choir is an important part of traditional Mongolian music and one important form of music of many voices Mongolian , and also a master of musical culture in North China Minorities .

  30. 民俗社会的艺术动力孕育雏型期的蒙古族传统音乐;发展变革的时代活力形成繁盛期的蒙古族传统音乐;民族人文的互补潜力发展创新期的蒙古族传统音乐。

    The artistic power of folk-custom society gestates embryo Mongolian Traditional Music ; epochal vigor of developmental changes forms blooming Mongolian Traditional Music ; change potential of folk humanity develop creative Mongolian Traditional Music .