
jīn rónɡ jī ɡòu
  • financial institution;financial organizations;financial organs;monetary facilities
金融机构 [jīn róng jī gòu]
  • [financial institution] 专门从事资金的运用和投放的企业(如一家银行、信托公司、保险公司、储蓄和放款协会,或投资公司)

  1. BOT项目融资模式自产生之日起,就受到各国政府、金融机构、财团及项目公司的广泛关注和青睐,在公共基础设施建设中得到了广泛的运用。

    BOT project financing has been the key concern by many governments , financial organizations and consortiums and project companies since it came into use and it has won a world-wide acceptance and popularity in the construction of utilities .

  2. 我国加入WTO后,增强商业银行等金融机构的竞争能力,防范和化解金融风险,加强金融监管,创造和维护良好的金融运行环境显得尤为重要,也是中央银行新时期的重要任务。

    After China 's entry into WTO , an important assignment with central bank in the new stage is to reinforce the competitive ability of financial organizations like commercial banks , prevent against and cover financial risks , strengthen accounting supervision , create and safeguard the favorable financial operational environment .

  3. 金融机构充当贷方和借方的中间人。

    Financial institutions act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers .

  4. 这座岛上有很多离岸金融机构。

    The island offers a wide range of offshore banking facilities .

  5. 我们正努力在这些团体和金融机构之间建立联系。

    We 're trying to establish linkages between these groups and financial institutions .

  6. 政府开始对金融机构进行私有化。

    The government started to denationalize financial institutions

  7. 这一研究的结论是否正确,如果它是对的,生态判决之斧会在何时何地落下,这些都很难准确无误地确定。这也是为什么政府和金融机构现在才开始把这些风险考虑到他们的经济算式中。

    Whether this is right , and if so where and when the ecological axe will fall , is hard to determine with any precision — which is why governments and financial institutions are only beginning to bring such risks into their economic calculations .

  8. 除了金融机构,出纳员也会在一些社会机构里收款付款。

    Cashiers receive and disburse money in establishments other than financial institutions .

  9. 金融机构也往往以预期收益率为噱头

    Financial institutions are also often expected yield of gimmicks .

  10. 金融机构和客户商定的浮动利率可高于或低于基准利率。

    Financial institutions and their clients can negotiate a floating rate higher or lower than the benchmark .

  11. 前者是盗窃金融机构罪,比一般的盗窃罪量刑重得多

    Former it is blame of larcenous finance organization , weigh more than general larceny measurement of penalty .

  12. 未来,起步区将是北京疏解出的高校、科研院所、医疗机构、企业总部、金融机构、事业单位等的集中承载区。

    Designed for taking over Beijing 's functions nonessential to its role as the national capital , the city proper will be a new home for Beijing 's colleges , research institutes , hospitals , business headquarters , and financial and public institutions .

  13. 信达成立于上世纪90年代,该公司成立的初衷是为了买下中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)的未偿债务。如今,信达买入的不良资产来自各个金融机构、房地产开发商以及工业集团。

    Founded in the 1990s to buy unpaid debts from China Construction Bank , Cinda now snaps up distressed assets from financial institutions , property developers and industrial groups .

  14. 在经济发展指标上,本文采用各个地区不同时间的名义地区生产总值GDP,没有采用实际GDP主要是因为保持各项指标的一致性,因为金融机构的各项存款余额也是名义值。

    The paper adopted nominal , regional GDP in different time of various regions as indicators of economic .

  15. 我国加入WTO的保护期一旦终结,国内金融机构无疑将全面承受来自国际金融机构的竞争压力。

    Since the end of the WTO protection period of China , the domestic financial institutions will endure the pressure of competition from international financial institutions in an all-round way .

  16. 本文旨在从农村金融机构体系的层面来研究加入WTO以后农村金融对农业发展的作用。

    In perspective of the rural financial institution system , this paper is calculated to study the role played by rural finance in agricultural development with China 's accession to the WTO .

  17. 我国加入WTO后,外资金融机构可以在我国兼管银行证券保险业务,而我国金融机构分业经营则明显处于竞争劣势。

    After the entry into WTO , China 's financial institutions are at a competitive disadvantage because of their separated operating mode , while the foreign rivals can actually operate in diverse fields like investment banking and insurance .

  18. 加入WTO后中外金融机构之间将形成激烈竞争格局,竞争焦点集中在经营范围、创新机制、人才资源、服务对象等几个方面。

    After joining WTO , Chinese finance will meet the heated competition with the world financial setups . The competition mainly lies in the operation scopes , the innovation mechanisms , the personnel resources , and the service targets , etc.

  19. 同时,探讨了规范金融机构市场退出机制的具体举措。结论不同组织中MDA变化在时间窗口中也显示出组织特异性,脑组织似乎更容易受到脂质过氧化作用的损害。

    At the same time specific measures to regulate market withdrawal mechanism for financial institutions are discussed as well . Conclusion The lipid peroxidation linking with dietary fat seems to have tissue specific and time specific .

  20. 金融机构在其旧的数据中心环境中难以保持和提高其弹性,为新的收入生成服务提供支持,尤其是那些为利用云计算、移动技术和企业API而不断演变的服务。

    Financial institutions are struggling to sustain and improve resiliency in their legacy data center environments to support new revenue-generating services & especially services that are evolving to leverage cloud computing , mobile technology , and enterprise APIs .

  21. 1980s以来,银行国际化迅速向全球蔓延,大批跨国银行涌现,全球性银行、区域性银行和众多的跨国金融机构组成一个全球性的金融网络。

    Since 1980s , Internationalization of bank has become an increasingly global trend and a lot of multinational banks are emerging . All these global and regional banks , transnational financial institutions have composed a world-wide banking networks .

  22. 本部分首先利用自由分布法(DFA)对浙江省四类农村中小金融机构的X-效率进行了测度,这四类金融机构分别是小额贷款公司、农村银行、村镇银行以及农信社。

    This part uses the approach of DFA to measure the X-efficiency for four types of rural financial institutions in Zhejiang province . They are Micro-finance companies , rural banks , village banks and RCC .

  23. 该业务将由tdwaterhouse前首席执行官弗兰克帕崔利(frankpetrilli)负责,向包括经纪自营商在内的金融机构,提供交易执行服务和交易所的接入。

    The business will be led by Frank Petrilli , former chief executive of TD Waterhouse , and will provide financial institutions , including broker-dealers , with access to trade execution services and exchanges .

  24. 为了使得该任务进一步复杂化,根据金融机构的IFX规范,每个请求还要求惟一的RQUID。

    To further complicate the task , each request also required a unique RQUID , according to the financial institution 's IFX specification .

  25. 本文在介绍了现代信用风险的工程化度量趋势和技术的基础上,针对我国金融机构的现状,研究了在巴塞尔协议的IRB框架下实施信用风险工程化度量的对策。

    After the introduction to the tendency and technology of engineering measurement in modern credit risk , this paper , according to the current status of China 's financial institutions , studies the measures to conduct en-gineering measurement of credit risk under IRB as per the New Basel Capital Accord .

  26. 银行与非银行金融机构的合作研究

    A Research of the Cooperation Between Bank and Non-bank Financial Institutions

  27. 我国金融机构混业经营模式研究

    Research on the Multi-Operating Mode of Our Country 's Financial Organization

  28. 第二,创新农村金融机构和农村金融产品。

    Secondly , innovative rural financial institutions and the rural financial products .

  29. 美国的金融机构不再充分信任彼此。

    Our nation 's financial institutions don 't really trust each other .

  30. 许多零售商和基于分支的金融机构适用这种模型。

    Many retailers and branch-based financial institutions fit this model .