
  • 网络University of Paris;sorbonne
  1. 西奥多罗斯福还在牛津大学、巴黎大学等许多大学发表了很多演讲。

    Theodore Roosevelt made a number of speeches at several universities , including Oxford and the Sorbonne .

  2. 在巴黎大学(Sorbonne)读书时,梅森开始对人道主义工作产生了兴趣,但她知道如果没有相关的资历,很难在这个领域找到工作。

    As a student at the Sorbonne , Ms Mason became interested in humanitarian work , but knew that finding a job in the field would be difficult without relevant qualifications .

  3. 美国巴黎大学政治科学的StevenEkovich教授说,选民们很担心。

    America University of Paris Political Science Professor Steven Ekovich says voters are afraid .

  4. 去年夏天,当苹果(Apple)股价达到260美元时,我们基于尼古拉•米哈拉齐的分析数据发表了一篇文章。米哈拉齐是一位罗马尼亚裔数学家,在巴黎大学任教。

    Last summer , when Apple ( AAPL ) was trading for $ 260 a share , we ran an item on some analytical work by Nicholae Mihalache , a Romanian mathematician who teaches at the University of Paris .

  5. 1193年突厥兵入侵,洗劫了那烂佗,并烧毁了它那著名的图书馆。而当时欧洲一些最古老的学府,如博洛尼亚大学(Bologna)和巴黎大学(Paris)等,才开始走向兴盛。

    It was sacked by invading Turkic forces , and its famous library burned down in 1193 , at a time when some of Europe 's oldest academic institutions , such as Bologna and Paris , were just beginning to flourish .

  6. 巴黎大学政治科学教师KhattarAbouDiab辩称,暴力活动是美国计划在今年年底之前全面撤军造成的紧张形势的标志。

    Khattar Abou Diab , who teaches political science at the University of Paris , argues that the violence is a sign of tensions in the lead-up to the planned , U.

  7. 本文对1926年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者法国巴黎大学的物理化学教授让·巴普蒂斯特·佩兰(JeanBaptistePerrin,1870&1942)一生的主要科学工作做了回顾和研究。

    In this thesis , the contributions of Jean Baptiste Perrin ( 1870-1942 ), which were related with science , were reviewed and studied . Perrin was a professor in the Sorbonne in France and won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1926.The thesis consists of six sections .

  8. 巴黎大学由天主教学校发展而来。

    The University of Paris grew out of the cathedral school .

  9. 1968年前法国大学自治的沿革&以巴黎大学为例

    University Autonomy in France Before 1968 & Paris University as an Example

  10. 少女时期我在巴黎大学,孤独的过着求学的岁月。

    I was studying alone in Paris University when I was young .

  11. 我当时是巴黎大学文理学院的学生,靠家人的汇款为生。

    I was a combination Sorbonne student and remittance man .

  12. 巴黎大学的创建过程及其启示

    The Establishing Process of Paris University and Its Enlightenment

  13. 她在巴黎大学讲授希腊文学。

    She lectures on Greek literature at the sorbonne .

  14. 巴黎大学的学生来自西欧各地,说不定常常遇上这种事:两个学生能用来进行交谈的语言只有拉丁语。

    It may have often happened that Latin was the only language in which two students could converse .

  15. 巴黎大学在进行多次电脑模拟后终于找到了问题的答案:吸积盘的存在。

    It turns out that after many computer simulations , the University of Paris has found the answer : accretion disks .

  16. 来自南布列塔尼大学和南巴黎大学的专家们挑选出87位18至20岁女性参加该实验。

    For the tests , experts from the University of southern Brittany and the University of southern Paris selected 87 female volunteers aged 18 to 20 .

  17. 现在在巴黎大学的顾尚说,低于某特定规模的狗群会陷入恶性循环。

    A pack which drops below a critical size becomes caught in a vicious circle , says Courchamp , who is now at Paris – Sud University .

  18. 一个由巴黎大学研究人员开发的程序已经在过去一年在小棋盘上出乎意外地打败了诸多人类围棋高手。

    MoGo , a program developed by researchers from the University of Paris , has even beaten a couple of strong human players on the smaller of these boards-unthinkable a year ago .

  19. 虽然牛津大学并没有官方建校日期,但是从1167年亨利二世禁止英国学生在巴黎大学就读开始,这个学校就开始迅速发展。

    Although there is no known official date of foundation for the University , it grew rapidly from 1167 when King Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris .

  20. 尽管如此,她的心里仍然有一个梦想在摇曳,她想学习音乐艺术。因此,她在6个月后,去了巴黎大学文理学院。

    There remained a flickering dream of culture and freedom in Ethel Stoney 's heart and for six months she was sent , at her own request , to study music and art at the Sorbonne .

  21. 接着转入论文的核心部分,以巴黎大学为例对法国大学内部管理体制改革所存在的主要问题进行研究;

    Next , change over to the key part of the paper , taking Paris University as an example ; I carry on to the subject problem that the internal governance system reform exists inside the French university .

  22. 教授治校是西方大学的传统管理模式,最早诞生于中世纪的巴黎大学,它在西方大学管理中发挥了重要作用。

    Faculty governance is one of the traditional administration models in western universities . It has a long history . Dating from Paris University in the middle Ages , it has played a very important role in the development of the western university .

  23. 在从军之前,尤金在巴黎美国大学(AmericanUniversityofParis)拿到了艺术史学士学位。

    Before enlisting in the Army , Eugene earned a bachelor 's degree in art history from the American University of Paris .

  24. Jesse要去维也纳搭飞机回美国,而Cline见完外婆后正要回巴黎的大学。

    Jesse is going to Vienna to catch a flight back to the United States , whereas Cline is returning to university in Paris after visiting her grandmother .

  25. Carcassonne教授在一九三六年离开克城,调到巴黎文科大学去担任教授了。

    In 1936 , Prof. Carcassonne left the city and began to teach at the Paris University of Arts .

  26. 他就读于巴黎索邦大学,随后在法国首都流亡。

    He attended Paris ' Sorbonne University and later spent time in exile in the French capital .

  27. 他还带她进入了法语文学殿堂,因为他曾经在巴黎索邦大学就读。

    He also brought her into the palace of French literature , because he had attended the Sorbonne .

  28. 回顾及评介巴黎国际大学城的产生、展及其建筑、划。

    The production and development of theinternational University City of paris , and its Architectureand planning are reviewed and evoluated .

  29. 佩尔1971年出生于法国马赛,曾在巴黎索邦大学研修文学。

    Pell in1971 was born in the French Marseilles , once did research in Paris Rope Nation University the literature .

  30. 萨科齐宣布将350亿欧元国家贷款中的10亿欧元拨给巴黎萨克莱大学,这令学术界议论纷纷。

    Sarkozy got the academic world talking when he announced that one billion euros of his35-billion-euro national loan programme would go to Paris-Saclay .