
  • 网络Kingsoft;King Soft
  1. 游戏简介:《反恐行动》是一款由金山软件自主研发和维护运营的3D主视角射击休闲网游。

    About the game : " anti-terrorist operation " is a software developed by Kingsoft operation and maintenance of the main perspective3D shooting Game leisure .

  2. 今年迄今为止,腾讯已经收购了网上旅行社艺龙(elong)、杀毒软件公司金山软件(kingsoft)、以及美国网游公司riotgames的部分股权。

    Tencent has bought stakes in elong , an online travel agent , Kingsoft , an antivirus company , and riot games , a US online gaming company , this year so far .

  3. 与谷歌合作运行在线词典服务的软件公司金山软件(Kingsoft)表示,尚未考虑双方现有合同在10月份到期后该怎么办。

    Kingsoft , a software company which runs an online dictionary with Google , said it had not thought about what to do after their contract expires in October .

  4. 他的第一份工作是在初创时期的金山软件公司(Kingsoft)担任工程师,后来成为金山的总裁,并带领公司上市。

    His first job was working as an engineer in the early days of software company Kingsoft , where he later became president and led it to an IPO .

  5. 这家从中国最大的软件开发商金山软件(Kingsoft)拆分出来的公司周三宣布,将任命一位常驻美国的首席技术官,并在美国建设研发基地。

    Cheetah Mobile , a spin-off of Kingsoft , China 's largest software maker , on Wednesday announced plans to hire a US-based chief technology officer and base its research and development in the country .

  6. 上周日,知名软件商金山软件和奇虎360都推出了这种备受争议的软件,供用户下载。

    Popular software providers Beijing Kingsoft Software and Qihoo 360 both had the controversial programs available for download on Sunday .

  7. 负责软件业务的金山软件高级副总裁葛珂对于金山的“互联网化”有着自己的解读。

    The golden hill software of responsible software business is advanced vice-president arrowroot as jade-like stone to golden hill " Internet is changed " having oneself unscramble .

  8. 猎豹浏览器的开发者——北京金山软件有限公司市场部经理金磊(音译)在周日接受采访时称,这项业务仍在正常运行中。

    Jin Lei , a marketing manager at Beijing Kingsoft Software , which makes the Liebao browser , said on Sunday that business was continuing as normal .

  9. 杨林,现任金山软件西山居游戏工作室高级开发经理,主要负责图形引擎的评估、构架和编程等多方面工作。

    Yang Lin , the current Kingsoft Seasun Game Studios senior development manager , is responsible for graphics engine assessment , architecture and programming and other aspects of work .

  10. 它的对手腾讯已经通过参股金山软件以及奇虎360和小米成为合作伙伴,并于去年12月向深圳智能手机厂商酷派投资4亿美元。

    Rival Tencent has a partnership with Xiaomi through their mutual stake in software maker Kingsoft and Qihoo , another Chinese Internet player specializing in security , invested $ 400 million in Shenzhen-based smartphone maker Coolpad in December .

  11. 说明〕:英文由金山快译软件翻译而成,不一定准确,仅供参考而已。

    The [ elucidation ] : English is translated the software translation but become quickly by the Kingsoft , not necessarily accurate , provide a reference only just .

  12. 一个小型的内存修改器,这个程序实现的功能和金山游侠之类的软件类似。

    A small memory device changes , the program 's functions and Jinshan drifter like similar software .

  13. 今天看到金山快译个人版软件,下载了,安装后看看好玩不。

    See a Kingsoft translate personal version software quickly today , download , the gearing sees well and has fun not behind .