
jīn rónɡ zhài quàn
  • Financial bonds;bank debenture
  1. 商业银行利用金融债券提高资本充足率的实践

    Practice of Commercial Banks Raising CAR By Using Financial Debts

  2. 关于长期次级金融债券的思考

    The Consideration on the Inferior Financial Bond in Long-term

  3. 次级金融债券:我国商业银行补充资本金的新渠道

    Subordinate Debt : New Channel of Raising Capital for China 's Commercial Banks

  4. 未经批准发行金融债券或者到境外借款的;

    The bank issues financial bonds or borrows funds from overseas without approval ;

  5. 企业债券、金融债券、国债将随着资本市场对外开放而开放,资本与金融项目开放的任务日趋紧迫。

    The task to open the capital and financial account is becoming more urgent .

  6. 次级金融债券的发行对中央银行货币政策的影响

    The Impact of Issuing of Subordinate Financial Bonds on the Monetary Policy of Central Bank

  7. 商业银行发行次级金融债券是对商业银行资本金进行补充的有效途径。

    It is an effective method to compensate the capital of commercial banks by issuing subordinate financial bonds .

  8. 银行同业债权人和金融债券持有者的治理则主要通过声誉机制和银行同业竞争机制两个途径实现。

    Interbank creditors and financial bond holders conduct their governance role through reputation mechanism and interbank competition mechanism .

  9. 通过发行政策性金融债券投资来拉动经济增长,相对于政府国债投资有诸多优势。

    And cooperate to government bond investment float political financial bonds investment to pull economy growth has many advantages .

  10. 第三、扩大资金来源。完善金融债券运行机制,同时积极拓展多元筹资渠道。

    Increase the capital . Perfect the operation of financial bonds , and actively develop multi-sources for the capital . 4 .

  11. 美国发行的债券以金融债券为主,今年迄今为止,已占袋鼠债券发行量的60%。

    Us issuance , dominated by financials , has accounted for 60 per cent of kangaroo bonds so far this year .

  12. 机构投资者获得国家发行的金融债券的利息、国库券利息免征企业所得税。

    Institutional investors do not need to pay for the income tax when get the interest of national financial bonds and treasury bill .

  13. 商业银行要按照人民银行规定购买政策性银行发行的金融债券。

    A commercial bank shall , according to the regulations of the people 's bank , buy the financial bonds issued by policy banks .

  14. 金融债券以协议承销方式发行的,主承销商应提交尽职调查报告。

    A due diligence report shall be submitted by the lead underwriter if the issuance of financial bonds takes the form of contracted underwriting .

  15. 好吧,它意味着从二十世纪三十年代开始,我们就认为中央银行是,为了稳定经济而,管理金融债券的。

    Well what it means is that starting in the1930s we began to think of central banks as managing the money stock to stabilize the economy .

  16. “储蓄存款利息,国债和国家发行的金融债券利息,免纳个人所得税”

    " Interest income on saving deposits and national debt obligations and other financial debentures issued by the state , shall be exempted from individual income tax "

  17. 允许银行在资本市场发行股票、发行长期金融债券等使资金得以从资本市场回流到货币市场。

    Allow the bank issues the stocks and long-term float bonds , etc. on the capital market to make the funds move back to the money market .

  18. 就一般意义而言,资本市场应由货币市场、股票市场、国债市场、金融债券市场、企业债券市场以及其它市场等要素构成。

    Generally speaking , capital market consists of currency market , stock market , treasury market , financial bond market , enterprise bond market and other related markets .

  19. 投资银行家和分析师在市场监督中发挥重要作用,而市场估值则借由投资者对金融债券的估价实现。

    Investment bankers and analysts play an important role in this monitoring , and the markets assessment is made evident by the price investors pay for the financial claims .

  20. 观点是,中央银行在保护金融债券,而政府当看到,银行陷入困境时,有查抄这家银行的倾向。

    The thought was that the central bank is guarding the money stock and governments have a tendency to sometimes want to raid the bank when they 're in trouble .

  21. 第二,资金用于贷款,包括质押贷款和委托贷款;投资中长期企业债券和金融债券等。

    Second , we could use the account funds for the loan , including pop loan and entrust loan and invest in the long-term business enterprise bond and financial bond etc.

  22. 甚至为储户存款作担保的联邦储蓄与贷款保险公司本身也已无力清偿债务。储蓄存款利息,国债和国家发行的金融债券利息;

    The FSLIC , which insured depositors ' money , itself became insolvent . interest income on saving deposits and national debt obligations and other financial debentures issued by the state ;

  23. 根据债券的可回售条款和抵押贷款的延迟偿还都受利率变化影响的共同特性,可以利用可回售金融债券去匹配抵押贷款。

    Based on the common characteristic that both payable item and delaying action of amortizable loan can be influenced by interest rate , the financial institution can utilize payable financial bond to mortgage amortizable loan .

  24. 社会保险基金和保险公司只允许投资于银行存款、政府债券、金融债券等风险较小的领域,导致资金供给上有很大的缺口。

    Social insurance funds and insurance companies can be only allowed to invest in low-risk regions such as bank account , government bond and financial bond . This results in large gap in capital supply .

  25. 开行是我国最大的政策性银行,贷款主要投放于基础设施、基础产业和支柱产业项目,资金来源主要是在银行间市场发行金融债券。

    CDB , the largest policy bank in China , mainly provides credit support to infrastructure projects , basic industry and mainstay industry . CDB raises funds mainly by issuing financial bonds in the inter-bank market .

  26. 向证券公司开放银行间拆借市场、股票抵押贷款市场、国债回购市场、金融债券市场等以打通货币市场资金流向资本市场的通道。

    Open the markets of inter-bank short-term loans , mortgage loan on stocks , buy-back national debts , and float bonds , etc. to the securities company in order to make the funds of the money market move to the capital market .

  27. 本文在对1992年中国国债市场、企业债券市场、金融债券市场、股票市场、人民币特种股票市场基本情况描述的基础之上,提出当前发展证券市场急需解决的十个基本问题。

    Based on the investigations into China 's state bond market , enterprise debenture market , financial bond market , stock market and the special stock market of RMB , the author raises ten problems which need to be solved immediately in order to develop stock market .

  28. 然而与此同时,信贷市场存在着不同观点。欧洲现金债券价格触及低点,衍生品市场债券的违约保险成本仍处于或接近高位,主要原因是金融债券息差的不断上升。

    However , at the same time credit markets took a different view , with European cash bond prices hitting lows and the cost of protecting bonds against default in derivatives markets remaining at , or near , highs , driven mainly by rising spreads on financial debt .

  29. 除了原有的进行银行存款和购买国债外,还应包括进行固定资产投资、公司股票与债券投资、金融债券的投资、长期票据的贴现与承兑等。

    Besides original carries on the bank deposit and the purchase national debt , but should also include carries on investment in the fixed assets , the company share and the investment in bond , the financial bond investment , the long bill discount with accepts and so on .

  30. 第三章分析了我国国有商业银行资本金补充途径,包括发行股票、发行长期金融债券、税收减免返还、财政注资和利润留成以及金融创新增强银行本身的积累能力等。

    Third , the paper analyzes the methods of supply capital to the national banks , the methods include : issue share , issue long-term bond , taxes reduction or return , finance share , profit remain and finance innovation to increase bank 's accumulation ability , and so on .