
  1. 我国金融市场寻租行为的分析

    Analyses on Read-seeking Behaviors in China 's Financial Market

  2. 目前,我国金融市场寻租行为盛行,严重破坏了金融市场正常的运行环境,增加了金融交易成本,加剧了金融风险和腐败行为的滋生。

    Nowadays , rent-seeking behavior is popular in China 's financial market . It seriously breaks the financial market orders , increases more transaction costs , brings more the financial risks and corruption .

  3. 应最大限度减少政府干预,完善信息公开制度,加快利率和汇率市场化改革,从而有效遏制金融市场寻租行为。

    Therefore , to limit and reduce the rent-seeking behavior in financial market , we should minimize the government intervention of financial market , perfect the information public institution , accelerate interest rates marketization and exchange rate marketization .

  4. 土地市场和金融市场的权力寻租导致资源配置的扭曲,大量资金对投机性领域的渗透推动着泡沫的扩张;

    The rent seeking in the lank market and the finance market distort the resource collocation .