
  • 网络wild elephant
  1. 中国野象南移与森林破坏

    Southward migration of Chinese wild elephant and forest destruction

  2. 我国野象现况、历史分布和保护问题的探讨

    On the present status , historical distribution and conservation of wild elephant in China

  3. 当地政府表示,亚洲野象离开传统栖息地向北迁移这么远很罕见。

    Local authorities said it is rare for the giant animals to move so far northward from their traditional habitat .

  4. 紧急拯救杀人野象

    An Emergent Salvation of the " Killer " Wild Elephants

  5. 西双版纳野象谷旅游动机和形象认知的因子分析

    Factor Analysis of Travel Motivations and Image Perceptions for Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley

  6. 这里的野象时常破坏农民的庄稼。

    The wild elephants here would destroy the peasants'crops from time to time .

  7. 他用枪仔细瞄准一头凶猛而离群的野象,开枪把它打死了。

    He carefully drew a bead on the rogue elephant and shot it dead .

  8. 野象在中国的历史性消退及与人口压力关系的初步研究

    The Historical Withdrawal of Wild Elephas maximus in China and Its Relationship with Human Population Pressure

  9. 这一过程也是与桂南一带因自然环境变迁导致野象种群不断减少的现实相关的。

    This process was also related to the decline in the number of groups of wild elephants in the area .

  10. 春节期间,一只野象在云南省一条国道上“游荡”,还损坏了停靠在路边的15辆汽车。

    A wild elephant strayed onto a national highway in Yunnan province during the Spring Festival holiday and damaged 15 parked cars .

  11. 野象谷是一个于1996年对外开放的热带雨林森林公园,占地面积达到了370公顷。

    The Wild Elephant Valley is a tropical rain forest park that opened in 1996 , with a total area of 370 hectares .

  12. 然而,比较容易猎获野象,而且它们很快就会便得温驯,听从训象师的命令。

    Wild elephants , however , can be trapped fairly easily , and they quickly become tame enough to obey their trainer 's commands .

  13. 这些来自泰国的大象是亚洲野象保存合作项目的一部分。

    The elephants from Thailand are part of a cooperative conservation Program designed to help arrest the rapid decline of the wild Asian elephant .

  14. 在非洲,由于会毁坏庄稼,野象群经常和当地的农民发生冲突。而出于对野象的保护,农民们想到了一种既无害又有效地方法&用辣椒的气味,来驱赶野象。

    Farmers in Zambia are using hot chili to keep elephants away from their crops . It 's part of the continuing conflicts between humans and elephants .

  15. 在浓密广阔的森林里,野象、野牛悠闲漫步,孔雀高傲地挺立着,长臂猿嬉戏玩耍,犀鸟窃窃低语。

    Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about , with peacocks in their pride , gibbons at play , and hornbills whispering .

  16. 话说在澜沧江两岸,茂密的原始森林中,野象悠然漫步,孔雀在林中飞翔。

    As the story goes , in the dense primeval forests on both sides of the river , there are wild elephants strolling around and peacocks flying about .

  17. 印度著名的野象之路在迈索尔聚集,一头小号厚皮动物正在两头大象之间水花四溅地度过一条小溪,它们以后都将被驯化。

    Rounded up in Mysore , India 's famous wild elephant drive , a pint-size pachyderm splashes through a stream between two adults , all destined for domestication .

  18. 对版纳植物园“是增长科学知识的地方”的认可度最高,而野象谷的公众对此认可度最低。

    Furthermore , for the statement " It is a place for improving scientific knowledge " received the highest support at XTBG and the least support at WEVP .

  19. 有时,把一头已驯服的象拴在旁边能给野象以信心。在大多数情况下,刚捕来的象会慢慢静下来,接着开始吃食。

    Tethered quietens sometimes a tame elephant is tethered nearby to give the wild one confidence , and in most cases the captive gradually quietens down and begins to accept its food .

  20. 当野象们遇到挫折时,他们可能会去做这样的事情,但是作为一个群体,当它们聚首议论的时候,它们决定传达一个和善的消息,能让人类从中受益的消息。

    In moments of great frustration , wild elephants will do all of these things , but as a group , putting their heads together , they decided that man would learn best from a kinder message .

  21. 中国南部云南省的西双版纳深藏于热带地区,与你渴望的一样青翠。这里有中国种类最丰富的动植物,包括几种濒危的中国野象。

    Set deep in the tropics of southern Yunnan province , Xishuangbanna is about as lush as you can get - the region boasts the richest biodiversity in China , including some of the country 's last wild elephants .

  22. 根据当地警方表示,这只野象名叫“竹笋牙”,周五下午离开了位于西双版纳傣族自治州的野象谷景区,走到了213国道的某路段。

    The animal , named Zhusunya , left the Wild Elephant Valley Scenic Area in the province 's Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture on Friday afternoon and walked onto a section of the G213 National Highway , according to local police .

  23. 老头儿高声地读着关於非洲、关於藏有大森林和野象的故事。老太太总是注意地听着,同时偷偷地望着那对作为花盆的泥像。

    The old man would read aloud about Africa , with its great forests and the wild elephants , while his wife would listen attentively , stealing a glance now and then at the clay elephants , which served as flower-pots .

  24. 结果表明:三千多年前,野象分布区曾北至黄河流域,唐代时已移至长江以南,现仅存于云南西双版纳一地,每百年移0.5个纬度;

    The results show that the northern distribution boundary of Elephas maximus was in the Huanghe River three thousands years ago , then moved to the south of Changjiang River in the Tang Dynasty , and now only distributes in Xishuangbanna of Yunnan .