
  • 网络Wild rice;Oryza;Oryza rufipogon;Oryza minuta;wildrice
  1. 介绍了中国普通野生稻的分布和原地保护现状,综述了中国普通野生稻的遗传多样性评价和交配系统研究进展。

    The progresses in the evaluation of the genetic diversity of Chinese Oryza rufipogon and the research of its mating system were summarized .

  2. 本文对我国北回归线区域普通野生稻进行了遗传多样性的研究以及对水稻多子房基因进行了遗传分析与定位。

    This study is on genetic diversity and population structure of Oryza rufipogon near the tropic of cancer in china , and gene mapping of multi-ovary in rice .

  3. 药用野生稻基因组文库构建与大片段DNA转化

    Construction of a Genomic Library of Oryza Officinalis and Transformation of Large DNA Fragments

  4. 野生稻DNA导入栽培品种获得变异后代的抗病性分析

    Resistance to Blast Disease Analysis of Cultivated Rice Obtained from Introduced DNA from Wide Rice

  5. 野生稻DNA导入后代对稻瘟病的抗性遗传分析

    The Genetic Analysis on Resistance to Rice Blast of Rice Progeny Introduced with Wild Rice Genes

  6. 野生稻DNA导入后代的耐冷性鉴定筛选

    Identification and Screening of Cold Endurance of the Descendants after Introducing the DNA of Wild Rice

  7. 野生稻和栽培稻的随机多态DNA(RAPD)分析

    Random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) analysis of wild rice and cultivated rice

  8. 云南野生稻与栽培稻杂交F2分离群体的性状分布多态性

    Polymorphism of character distribution of F 2 segregated populations from Yunnan wild rice × cultivated rice

  9. 野生稻基因组随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析

    RAPD analysis of wild rice genomes

  10. 中国普通野生稻遗传分化的RAPD研究

    RAPD determinations on the genetic differentiation of Chinese common wild rice

  11. 非AA染色体药用野生稻的利用研究

    Utilization on Oryza officinalis Wall without AA chromosome in breeding programs

  12. 水稻孕穗期茎注射野生稻DNA变异株系的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis of New Rice Strains Developed through the Method of Spike Stalk Injecting DNA from Wild Relative

  13. 野生稻不同基因组的SSR多样性分析

    Genetic Diversity of Different Wild Rice Genomes Revealed by SSR Markers

  14. SSR标记在疣粒野生稻和普通栽培稻中的多态性研究

    Polymorphic Analysis between Oryza meyeriana and Cultivated Rice by Microsatellite Markers

  15. 大蒜细胞SOD诱导调控与重组野生稻TI基因表达的研究

    Regulation of Superoxide Dismutase Induction in Garlic Cells & Expression of Recombinant Trypsin Inhibitor Gene from Wild Rice

  16. 利用野生稻高代回交群体分析水稻农艺性状QTL

    Identification of Agronomic Traits QTL in Common Wild Rice Advanced Backcross Population

  17. 挖掘野生稻新R基因用于栽培稻育种,比利用其它物种的R基因更安全、可靠和便捷。

    The usage of R genes from wild rice species for cultivated rice breeding is safer , more reliable and convenient than other species .

  18. 东乡野生稻抗稻飞虱QTL定位及其连锁累赘分析

    Analysis of QTL Conferring Planthopper Resistance and Linkage Drag in DongXiang Wild Rice

  19. 野败型育性恢复基因在AA基因组野生稻中的分布与遗传

    Distribution and Inheritance of the Fertility Restorer Genes for WA-CMS in Wild Rice with AA Genome

  20. 这是限制非AA组野生稻有利基因转移的“瓶颈”。

    This is the " bottleneck " for transferring elite genes from wild rice to O.sativa .

  21. RAPD和SSR标记检测海南普通野生稻籼粳分化的比较研究

    RAPD and SSR Detection of Indica-Japonica Differentiation in Common Wild Rice ( Oryza rufipogon ) in Hainan

  22. 药用野生稻(OryzaofficinalisWalleXWatt,基因组型CC)是具有重要研究和利用价值的遗传资源。

    Oryza officinalis Wall ex Watt ( C genome ) is an important reservoir of useful genes .

  23. 野生稻与栽培稻rDNA的ITS序列分析及系统学意义

    ITS Sequences of rDNA in Wild Rices and Cultivated Rices and Their Phylogenetic Implications

  24. 用荧光显微镜技术观察药用野生稻(OryzaofficinalisWall)和转基因水稻的不亲和性

    Observation of the Sexual Incompatibility Between Wild Rice ( Oryza officinalis Wall ) and Transgenic Rice by Fluorescence Microscope

  25. 小粒野生稻STK类抗病基因同源序列的克隆与分析

    Cloning and Analysis of STK Resistance Gene Analog in Oryza minuta

  26. 高秆野生稻(Oryzaalta)叶鞘与茎培养形成植株

    Plantlets formed in leaf sheath and stem culture of Oryza Alta

  27. 云南疣粒野生稻34个居群遗传多样性的ISSR分析

    ISSR Analysis on Genetic Diversity of the 34 Populations of Oryza meyeriana Distributed in Yunnan Province

  28. 另外,本实验中用11个SSR标记可以将选择的46份材料分为相对明显的野生稻、籼稻和粳稻三组,支持栽培稻二系起源学说。

    With 11 SSR markers the selected 46 accessions could be clustered into three subgroups , supporting the " two-line evolution " hypothesis .

  29. 应用平均分布于水稻基因组的21对SSR引物,对福建漳浦野生稻、海南野生稻共计62份材料的遗传多样性进行分析。

    SSR primers were used to assess the genetic diversity of62 common wild rice individuals from Zhangpu County Fujian Province , Hainan Province .

  30. 栽培稻与普通野生稻BC1群体分子连锁图的构建和株高的QTL分析

    Genetic Linkage Map Constructed by Using a BC_1 Population and QTL Analysis of Plant Height for Common Wild Rice and Cultivated Rice