
shā mò zhī zhōu
  • The ship of the desert;a ship of the desert -- the camel
沙漠之舟[shā mò zhī zhōu]
  1. 骆驼人称“沙漠之舟”。

    Camels are known as " ships of the desert ".

  2. 骆驼被认为是沙漠之舟。

    A camel is known as the ship of the desert .

  3. 哪种动物经常被称作“沙漠之舟”?

    Which animal is often called " the ship of the desert "?

  4. 人家都说骆驼是沙漠之舟。

    People call the camel a boat on the desert .

  5. 骆驼是沙漠之舟。

    Camels are ships in the desert .

  6. 骆驼又被称做沙漠之舟。

    The camel also goes under the name of " the ship of the desert " .

  7. 高级英语教学的文体学途径&对《沙漠之舟》的文体学分析(英文)

    A Stylistic Way of Teaching Advanced English : An Analysis of Ships in the Desert ;

  8. 骆驼经常被称为是沙漠之舟,因为他们对旅行者很重要。

    Camels are frequently referred to as the boats in the desert for the simple reason that they are essential to the travelers .

  9. 短暂地骑乘这些「沙漠之舟」后,你就可以安然地在贝都因族帐篷里的低矮座垫上歇息并享用晚餐。

    After a short ride on these " ships of the desert , " settle down for dinner on low cushions in Bedouin tents .

  10. 双峰驼被人们称为沙漠之舟,对于极其干旱缺水的恶劣环境有着非常好的适应能力。

    The Bactrian camel is known as the " ship of the desert ", having a very good ability to adapt to the extremely drought and water shortage environment .

  11. 由于机动化运输的可购买能力日益上升,这些“沙漠之舟”的市场价格曾经大幅下跌,但如今,随着石油价格飞升,它们的价格再次上涨。

    Market prices for these " ships of the desert " , which crashed with the growing affordability of motorised transport , are rising again as oil prices soar .

  12. 究其原因,正是故事在学生作文中的缺席,让初中生仿佛失去了赖以活命的沙漠之舟,每一刻都举步维艰。

    The reason is that the absence of stories in the compositions of junior middle school students made them hard to step forward just like a boat in the desert .

  13. 他们被誉为“沙漠之舟”。他们运送货物和人员,提供奶,皮毛和骨头等产品。

    They are known as " ships of the desert . " They carry goods and people , and they provide products including milk , skin , hair and bone .