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yě rén
  • savage;wild man;tramp;uncivilized men;farmers in the field;common people
野人 [yě rén]
  • (1) [farmers in the field]∶田野之民,农人

  • 试问野人家。--宋. 苏轼《浣溪沙》词

  • (2) [common people]∶质朴的人,无爵位的平民

  • (3) [savage]∶粗野的人

  • (4) [tramp]∶流浪汉

  • (5) [uncivilized men]∶未开化的人,生活在原始状态或属于原始社会的人

野人[yě rén]
  1. 人人都知道真正的凶手是那个女野人。

    Everyone knows that the true murderer is the female savage .

  2. 但是,在这个质朴的野人的眼中,那些陈年老套已是用不上了。

    but in this simple savage those old rules would not apply .

  3. 这次巡回赛将包括和澳大利亚野人队的比赛。

    The tour will include games against the Australian Barbarians

  4. 他对自己那种怪异的文体加以夸耀这恰似一个野人从别人的垃圾箱里捡出一顶礼帽时那种洋洋得意的样子。

    He flaunts his queer style as a savage might flaunt a top-hat retrieved from somebody 's dustbin .

  5. 森林里居住着一些野人。

    There 're some savages living in the forest .

  6. 在一个悠长的周末,大批乐迷不约而同地赶赴华盛顿州一个遥远的角落,参加在那里举行的野人音乐节(Sasquatch)。

    Sasquatch brought droves of people to a far-flung corner of Washington State for a long weekend .

  7. 跟着VideoJug学习你需要做的,这样你就可以成为完美女友,照看好你的“野人”男朋友。

    Learn with VideoJug how to do all you need to , to become the perfect girlfriend and look after your little caveman .

  8. 但Moneymaker说,他的这个30人的研究团队中,除了3个人之外,其于人在美国和加拿大各地要么看到过大足野人要么有人在足够近的距离内听到过大足野人活动。

    But Moneymaker said members of his organization have either glimpsed Bigfoot or gotten close enough to hear the creature in all but three of30 expeditions in the United States and Canada .

  9. 大脚(野人?)在梳妆台上时将不会改变外表。

    Bigfoot can no longer change appearance on the vanity table .

  10. 几百里格之内所有的野人都消失了。

    All the other wildlings for a hundred leagues have disappeared .

  11. 最变态的还是野人以前做的事。

    What 's even more freaky is what the barbarian did .

  12. 森林的那群野人跟着你的脚印来了。

    Those ogres in the forest , they were after you .

  13. 不管是什么杀了野人也可能杀死我们

    Whatever did it to them could do it to us .

  14. 哇,那山顶野人怎么啦?

    Wow , what 's with the scruffy old mountain man ?

  15. 曼斯雷德手下的野人很强悍.

    The Wildlings who fight for Mance Rayder are hard men .

  16. 我没见过野人会做这种事

    I 've never seen wildlings do a thing like this .

  17. 看到野人的照片他感到害怕。

    He was frightened of the prints of the savages .

  18. 你以为他不会追问野人的死因吗

    You don 't think he 'll ask us how they died ?

  19. 与…对阵这次巡回赛将包括和澳大利亚野人队的比赛。

    The tour will include games against the Australian Barbarians .

  20. 我们受命追查野人行踪

    Our orders were to track the wildlings . We tracked them .

  21. 野人并不是令我夜不能寐的东西.

    It 's not the Wildlings giving me sleepless nights .

  22. 那些野人用骤雨般的石头和箭来迎接我们。

    The savages greeted us with a shower of stones and arrows .

  23. 快啊伙计们。我们去抓这两个野人!

    Come on lads . let 's get these savages !

  24. 或者穿着衣服的猴子,或者小野人?

    And a monkey wearing clothes and a wild boy ?

  25. 这就是为何叫他们“野人”

    That 's why they 're called " wildlings . "

  26. 几百里格之内所有的野人都消失了卡斯特却依然在这稳如泰山

    All the other wildlings for 100 leagues Craster 's still here .

  27. 你不在的时候,野人也叛乱过。

    In your absence , the ogres have become impossibie .

  28. 那些野人最初对传教士们感到怀疑的。

    The savages were at first suspicious of the missionaries .

  29. 杀死一个想要你头皮的野人很容易。

    It 's pretty easy to kill a savage out to scalp you .

  30. 野人毛发的微量元素谱研究

    Study of trace element spectrum for hair of savage