
zhònɡ xínɡ zhǔ yì
  • doctrine of severe punishment
  1. 通过对重刑主义、工具主义、泛道德主义、泛刑主义四类刑法文化类型的分析,我们可以观察到不同刑法文化理念对犯罪预防控制产生的具体影响。

    The analysis of the four types of criminal culture including doctrine of severe punishment , doctrine of tools , doctrine of pan-moral and doctrine of pan-penalty shows the specific influence to the criminal prevention and control from dissimilar criminal culture idea .

  2. 首先就是要转变观念,彻底放弃重刑主义的旧思想。

    In the first place , we should change our concepts and discard the old thought of doctrine of severe punishment .

  3. 既有经济社会激烈转型的现实原因,也有中国传统文化中重刑主义的历史原因。

    Intense transformation reality of both economic and social reasons , in traditional Chinese culture tion doctrine .

  4. 此外,长期的重刑主义传统和严峻的治安形势也都决定了现阶段生命刑尚不能完全废除。

    Furthermore the traditional mind of severe penalty and situation of public security also restrict the abolishment of death penalty .

  5. 反观我国的刑罚制度,依然有早期报应观的遗存,具体体现为重刑主义倾向。

    In the penalty system of our country , there are still early retribution remains , embodied severe-penalty doctrine tendency .

  6. 包括受重刑主义的影响、执行机制的制约及大众对非监禁刑缺乏科学评价。

    Including the severe punishment doctrine effect , implementation mechanism to restrict and mass on non imprisonment punishment lack of scientific evaluation .

  7. 重刑主义有其自己本身生存的土壤,在现今的中国有顽强的生命力。

    The mind of severe penalty has its own background to live , and it has stubborn vitality in the present of China .

  8. 朱元璋的重典思想不仅具有传统重刑主义的特点,也有着其自身的特色。

    The cruel penalties imposed thought the emperor not only has the characteristics of the traditional heavy doctrine also has its own characteristics .

  9. 汉初不仅继承了秦代繁苛的法律,司法实践也深受秦代重刑主义影响。

    The early Han Dynasty inherited the numerous harsh laws from the Qin Dynasty and was deeply influenced by its practice of severe punishments .

  10. 法家是我国历史上有名的重刑主义者,但他们关于奖赏方面的法律思想也是很丰富的。

    The Faist school was famous for their severe punishment in Chinese history , and their legal idea about rewards was also very rich .

  11. 其中重刑主义的影响主要体现在多年来实行的严打的刑事政策、刑罚执行机关观念保守和社会公众不认同。

    The severe punishment doctrine mainly influences over the years to implement the criminal policy , criminal execution organs of conservative attitudes and social disapproval .

  12. 由于受我国长期以来的重刑主义观念的影响,我国很大一部分民众对社区矫正工作并不认同,这就阻碍了社区矫正工作的推进。

    Due to the harsh sentences of Ideas , our people do not agree on the work of Community Corrections , which hindered the promotion of community correction .

  13. 另一方面,法律拟制也存在包括重刑主义倾向、违背刑法谦抑、偏离刑事法治基本立场等在内的可能风险。

    For another part , the fiction has possible risk such as the tendency of heavy penalty doctrine , violating the spirit of modesty , deviating the basic position of criminal law .

  14. 要使刑罚的适用合乎理性和科学,摈弃重刑主义思想,树立科学的刑事司法理念很重要。

    Must cause the penalty to conform with the rationality and the science suitably , abandons the severe sentence principle thought , the setting up science criminal judicature idea is very important .

  15. 同时,重刑主义、厚赏重罚和赏罚分明的思想在他们的理论中也得到了充分的体现。

    At the same time , the thoughts of severe sentence principle , generous reward and heavy fine and be fair of rewards and penalties were fully reflected in both their theories .

  16. 殷代非道德主义的神权法思想被转化为重刑主义的司法实践,是导致殷帝国垮台的重要原因之一。

    This paper holds it that the non moral thought of theocracy was transformed into heavy penalty judicial practice , which among others , accounts for the collapse of the Yin Empire .

  17. 朱元璋的重典思想虽然具有传统重刑主义的影响,但是将其与先秦法家的重刑思想比较之下,可以看到二者的内涵并不一致。

    Although the emperor thought the heavy penalties imposed heavy influences from traditional , but their thinking with a heavy Legalists comparison , you can see the content is not consistent between the two .

  18. 本文通过对我国金融诈骗罪死刑立法的演变的分析,揭示出了对金融诈骗罪适用死刑,是我国重刑主义的非理性产物。

    This article through to our financial fraud in the evolution of the death penalty legislation of analysis , reveals the death penalty applied for financial fraud , is our country pan-moral irrationality of product .

  19. 第一节从意识形态方面探究我国轻罪的弊端,主要是法院在审判过程中,受到长期重刑主义的影响,轻罪的刑罚措施适用较少。

    How sentenced The first section explores from ideology in China , mainly is the disadvantages of misdemeanor to implement process , in court by long-term under the influence of pan-moral penalties , for minor criminal less .

  20. 1长期以来我国司法实务界一直受重定罪,轻量刑和重刑主义传统思想影响,量刑问题一直没有得到应有的重视,直到最近几年才有部分法院的重视量刑问题。

    Chinese judicial practice has long been subject to the traditional thoughts of " heavy conviction , light sentence " and " heavy penalty doctrine " . Sentencing issue has not received due attention until recent years .

  21. 我国在重刑主义思想的影响下,监禁刑成为惩治犯罪的重要手段,非监禁刑一直得不到重视,对过失犯罪非监禁的研究较为少见。

    Under the influence of ideology of harsh sentences in China , imprisonment penalty becomes an important means of punishing crime , while non-imprisonment penalty is not paid attention , so there rarely is non-custodial sentence for unpremeditated crime .

  22. 以刑去刑的政策最终导致重刑主义,而以德去刑的政策却具有轻刑的趋势。国际刑事司法正在回归:德国新国际刑法典

    Executing cruel torture to decrease crime rate finally causes heavy penalty thought , but returning punishment for kindness actually has the tendency to light punishment . International Criminal Justice is Coming Home : The New German Code of Crimes Against International Law

  23. 因此对于当中消极的应当摒弃的如重刑主义思想,我们应当坚决抛弃,而对于积极有益的制度与思想,我们应当积极借鉴,用以完善中国今天的死刑制度。

    So for them should be discarded , such as the negative heavy ideology , we should resolutely abandon , and for the positive and useful system of thought , we should actively learn to improve the system of capital punishment in China today .

  24. 中国传统以报应刑思想为主导的重刑主义显然与当前社会氛围及发展进程相违背,中国的现实状况也急需新的冲突解决方式有效缓解当前经济矛盾和社会矛盾激化所产生的各种犯罪问题。

    Excessive sentence owned by traditional China is contrary to the current social environment and social stage , the actual state of China needs new means of conflict resolution to relieve all kinds of crime problems produced by the contradiction between economic contradiction and social contradiction .

  25. 在我国,由于长期受重定罪、轻量刑及重刑主义传统思想影响,量刑公正问题直至近年来才得到各级审判机关的关注。

    In China , due to influence of traditional ideas , such as " think much of adjudgement rather than measurement of punishment " and " aggravation of penalty ", judicial organs begin to pay much attention to the righteous measurement of punishment till the recent years .

  26. 笔者认为,没收财产刑具有强烈的重刑主义色彩,其过分突出惩罚功能,缺少教育改造功能,难以满足罪刑相适应原则。

    The author believed that the penalty of confiscation of property has an intense principle for severe sentence , which stresses penalty function excessively , and lacks of the function for education and transformation , then satisfies the principle of the crime adapt to the punishment with difficulty .

  27. 犯罪是人类社会不可避免的社会现象,犯罪的发生和存在具有客观必然性,认识犯罪必然性规律对于贯彻落实综合治理的刑事政策,反对唯刑主义、绝对主义和重刑主义具有重要的启示意义。

    The crime is an unavoidable social phenomenon in human society , the emergence and existing of the crime has objective necessity . Realizing the certainty law of the crime is good for implementing the criminal policy for comprehensive administrations , punishing doctrine , absolutism and severe punishment doctrine .

  28. 为维护统治秩序,历代法律不惜以重刑治盗,从而形成了中国古代盗罪立法重刑主义的基本传统。

    To safeguard the rule of order , and history are at the legal rule to heavy bootlegging , which formed the ancient Chinese bootlegging crimes legislation and basic traditional heavy .