
  • 网络heavy hole
  1. n型掺杂GaAs中重空穴的飞秒动力学

    Femtosecond heavy hole dynamics in N doped GaAs

  2. 利用变分法理论研究了ZnCdSe/ZnSe量子阱(QWs)中基态重空穴激子光跃迁能量随静压的变化关系。

    A theoretical calculation for the transition energies of the ground state heavy hole excitons in ZnSe / ZnCdSe quantum wells ( QWs ) under hydrostatic pressure was performed using a variational technique .

  3. 观察到轻、重空穴对应的激子吸收峰(LH和HH)及台阶状态密度。

    The exciton absorption resonaces ( HH and LH ) and step accumu-tive density Of state have been observed .

  4. 由于的潜在的巨磁阻效应(CMR)现象,过去大量的工作专注于空穴型掺杂钙钛矿结构的锰氧化物。n型掺杂GaAs中重空穴的飞秒动力学

    It may underlie the phenomenon of colossal magnetoresistance ( CMR ) in hole-doped perovskite manganites studied extensively in recent years . FEMTOSECOND HEAVY HOLE DYNAMICS IN n DOPED GaAs

  5. 本文主要研究了二氧化钛量子限制结构的光学特性,以及在时间分辨简并四波混频条件下,InxGa(1-x)N/GaN量子阱中轻空穴激子和重空穴激子的量子相干特征。

    The study on the optical characteristics of TiO_2 quantum confined structure and the characteristics of heavy - and light-hole quantum beat of degenerated four-wave mixing in In_x Ga_ ( 1-x ) N / GaN quantum well are presented in this thesis .

  6. 结果发现,由于带间耦合作用,重空穴从左入射(重电子从右入射)时不仅有固有的正常反射和Andreev反射同时也有新型的正常反射和Andreev反射。

    It is found that due to the interband coupling , for an incident heavy hole from the left FS , there are not only the inherent Andreev and normal reflections but also novel Andreev and normal reflections .

  7. 研究表明:金刚石的轻空穴带、重空穴带和分裂带对磁阻的影响各不相同。

    The magnetoresistance is influenced differently by light hole band , heavy-hole band and split off band .

  8. 从图谱中可以看出,在室温下能够较容易地分辨出和轻、重空穴相关联的子带跃迁。

    From these spectra , the transitions between electron and heavy and light hole subbands can be easily identified .

  9. 得到了量子限制态的电子和重空穴的能级和波函数,结果与较早的理论和实验研究结果相符。

    The energy levels and wave functions of quantum-confined electrons and heavy holes are obtained and show an agreement with our previous theoretical and experimental studies .

  10. 发现随磁场和阱宽的增加,轻空穴态的混入就越显著,只有最低的三个重空穴态还基本保持原来的特性。

    It is found that when magnetic field or well width increases the intermixing of heavy and light holes becomes obvious , only the three lowest states still keep their original characters of heavy holes .

  11. 在实验过程中,由于量子阱在生长过程中产生的应力使得轻空穴激子的跃迁能与重空穴激子的跃迁能二者之间间隔较大,所以轻空穴激子的影响往往就会被忽略。

    In experiments , in InGaAsP quantum well , the transition energy distance between heavy-hole and light-hole is great because of the sress made during the quantum well growing process , so as to neglect light-hole generally .

  12. 结果表明:在强耦合情况下,重空穴激子的基态能量随量子点半径的增大而减小,随量子点受限强度的增大而增大。

    Our results illustrate that the energy of the ground state heavy-hole exciton decreases with the increase of the radius of the quantum dots and increases with the increase of the confinement strength ω _0 of quantum dots .

  13. 考虑了锗中轻、重空穴价带的能带结构并利用轻、重空穴价带的复合态密度,由电极化率的虚部推得类似于非均匀展宽两能级系统模型的饱和吸收具有的形式。

    By taking into account the light hole and heavy hole valence band structures and their combined density of states , the expression of saturation absorption is deduced from the imaginary part of the susceptibility , which is similar to the mode of inhomogeneous broadening of two-level system .

  14. 分析了应变状态以及重轻空穴和自旋轨道分裂带相互作用对子带结构的影响。

    The effects of strain and coupling among heavy hole , light hole , and spin split off bands on valence band structure are discussed .