
  1. 法律自身的成长与修律变革的冲突&对清末修律指导思想的分析

    On Legal Development Itself And Conflicts During Revision

  2. 清末修律之动因与意义分析

    The analysis on the reasons and meanings to the laws at the end of Qing Dynasty

  3. 近代以清末修律为标志,出现资本主义法制向中国的移植,打破了中国法系的古老传统。

    In recent history the revision in Qing Dynasty makes the transplanting of law system from abroad .

  4. 我国现代意义上的搜查证起源于清末修律,至今已有一百多年的历史。

    Our modern search warrant begin from the late Qing Dynasty , and have a one-hundred history .

  5. 第三部分,介绍了民律修订的背景以及清末修律的主要机构&修订法律馆。

    The third chapter introduces the background of the Reform and the main institution & the law revision institution .

  6. 外来因素的冲击与回应:清末修律动因再探

    The Pound and Reverberation of Foreign Cause : the Restudy on the Amendments to the Law at the Ending of Qing Dynasty

  7. 清末修律是由封建统治集团实行的近代意义上的法律变革,是从古代封建法律制度向近现代资本主义法律制度转型的第一次努力。

    The legal revision at the end of Qing Dynasty is a significant law reform in modern sense implemented by the feudal governing group .

  8. 它源于北魏孝文帝太和十二年,到清末修律时废止,历时一千四百多年,是中国儒家法律化的结晶。

    It stems from Northern Wei Dynasty filial piety Emperor Wen TaiHe 12 , to the end of the Qing Dynasty abolished , lasted more than 1400 years .

  9. 清末修律及其意识形态的变化,极大地撞击着清代婚姻制度。

    The amendment of laws and changes of ideology in the last stage of the Qing Dynasty has greatly stricken the marriage system in the Qing Dynasty . 4 .

  10. 尔后,再从清末修律的具体史实出发来阐述和论证权利文化与清末修律之间的这种关系。

    Secondly , it states from the concrete history of law revision in the last years of Qing dynasty and proof the relationships between right culture and this law revision .

  11. 沈家本在清末修律过程中,他的主要功献是:在程序法上,他要求程序法和实体法分离,建立民事诉讼法制度、审判制度、律师制度等。

    His main contribution is in the procedural law , he called for separation of procedural and substantive law , the establishment of civil law system , judicial system , legal system .

  12. 中国直至清末修律时,才在沈家本于1906年主持编成的《大清刑事民事诉讼法》中规定了陪审制,但遭到当时各省督抚的抵制而被搁置。

    In 1906 , Jury System was regulated in the Criminal and Civil Procedural Law of Great Qing-Dynasty . But it was boycotted and delayed by local officials of the each province .

  13. 从这个角度判断,清末修律的发生、发展,我们可以或隐或现地看到这个过程或制度后面的文化蕴涵。

    From this point of view , the law revision occurrence and development in the last years of Qing dynasty can let us vaguely observe the cultural meaning behind the process or system .

  14. 论从建设社会主义法治国家角度构建条约在我国的适用模式《中英续议通商行船条约》与清末修律辨析

    China 's Struggling for the Rule of Law & the New Model of Treaty Application in China Renewed Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Britain and China and Legal Reform in the late Qing

  15. 诉讼法律思想是清末修律时期新法律思潮中的一股,是我们应该借鉴的宝贵遗产,具有思想启蒙的积极作用。

    Litigation law ideas are one section of new law thoughts in repaired law of late Qing Dynasty , The litigation ideas are our valued heritage , they possess the idea illuminative active action .

  16. 清末修律在批判中国古代证据制度中落后内容的基础上,拉开了变革传统证据制度的帷幕。同中国古代的证据制度相比,清末修律中的证据制度的内容充实、全面。

    In modern times of China , the two aspects of ancient China evidence system , which were the valuing of confession and the way of getting evidences by persecution , got more criticism again .

  17. 伍廷芳在担任清末修律大臣时,负责主持并参与修订法律的工作,把近代西方法律思想与实践相结合,引入修律的整个活动中。

    When being in charge of making laws as a chancellor in late Qing Dynasty , he combined modern western legal thought and practice together which was in the whole course of events of making laws .

  18. 纵观中国法制史,在清末修律,中国法律实现近代化以前,历代王朝对罪犯都实行赎罪政策。

    Getting a bird 's eye view of the legal history of China , every Dynasty carried out the atonement policy on the prisoners before the amendment of law in last years of the Qing and legal modernization of Chinese law .

  19. 清末修律十年(1902&1911)是近代中国法制变革中历时最短的一个时期,但却是研究近代中国法制变革最佳的切入点。

    The ten years of the legal revision in the Late Qing Dynasty ( 1902 & 1911 ) is the shortest period during the history of legal reform in modern China , however , it is the best breakthrough in the research of modern Chinese legal reform .

  20. 清末修律以及近代法学体系的建立,标志着传统中华法系的解体,是中国法律近代化的开端,在中国法制史上具有重要意义。

    The establishment of the modern legal system and the legal reform in late Qing dynasty marks the disintegration of the Chinese Legal System . It is the beginning of the modernization of chinese legal system , which is also an important significance in chinese legal history .

  21. 自清末修律时将罪刑法定原则引入中国至今已有近百年历史,但这个西方文明的舶来品却似乎很难融入中国法律文化的主流。

    It has been nearly a hundred years since the late Qing dynasty when the Principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime was imported into China , but this copy of western civilization seems difficult to integrate with the mainstream of Chinese legal culture .

  22. 清末变法修律的历史思考

    On Historical Reflections of Reforms and Modification of Laws in the Late Qing Dynasty

  23. 自清末立宪修律以来,西方法律制度和文化逐渐传入中国,国家赔偿理论也是其中的一部分。

    Since the Qing dynasty , Dial since constitutional western legal system and culture gradually spread to China , theory of state compensation part of it .

  24. 在清末变法修律期间,英国陪审制度被移植过来,陪审立法成为中国历史上第一次大规模诉讼立法的重要组成部分。

    During the course of the legal reform in late Qing , the jury system of British was transmitted to China and jury legislation became an important part of the first extensive lawsuit legislation in Chinese history .

  25. 清末十年修律,首当其冲的就是刑事法律的改革。

    Among the legal reform in the last ten years of Qing Dynasty , it was the reform of the criminal law that stood in the breach .

  26. 持续到19世纪末。20世纪初,清末的立宪修律形成了中国法制近代化的新阶段。

    Till the late 19th century to the early 20th century , the constitutionalism and amendment in late Qing Dynasty formed the new stage of modernization of Chinese legal system .

  27. 清末10年的修律,标志着封建法律体系的瓦解,中国法律与世界先进法律的衔接。

    The modification of laws in the last ten years in Qing Dynasty marks the collapse of feudalist law system and the combination of Chinese law with the world advanced law .

  28. 清末的法制改革,不管是清末修律的变化还是各种司法实践的改革,都对女性杀伤类犯罪产生了重要而深远的影响。

    The legal reform in late Qing Dynasty , not only the changes of legal system but also a variety of reforms in the judicial practice have important impact and has influence for the future .

  29. 清末礼法之争是发生在清末新政修律中(1901-1912)的历史事件。

    The courtesy law battle of latter stage of Qing Dynasty , was the historical incident taking place in the law of repairing of the new policies in latter stage of Qing Dynasty ( 1901-1912 ) .

  30. 清末律师制度是在近代中国法制转型过程中逐渐形成与发展的,是清末修律的重要组成部分。

    The bringing and development of the lawyers ' system of the late Ch ' ing is based upon the transformation of the legal system in modern China , and the system is an important part of the legal reform of the late Ch ' ing .