
niànɡ jiǔ shī
  • Winemaker;brewer
  1. 伯恩斯并非酿酒师,而是位大厨:他是纽约Luksus餐馆的共同拥有者,这是首家获评米其林星级(Michelin)的啤酒餐厅,尽管“前无古人”,但肯定会有来者。

    Burns is not a brewer but a chef : co-owner of Luksus in New York , the first beer-only restaurant to win a Michelin star . It 's unlikely to be the last .

  2. Luksus是由伯恩斯与酿酒师JeppeJarnit-Bjergso创办的合资餐馆,就设在Torst酒吧后面,Torst这座“啤酒乐园”位于布鲁克林绿点区(Greenpoint,Brooklyn)的一幢由白色大理石建筑内,有21种啤酒随时可供饮用。

    Luksus , a joint venture between Burns and brewer Jeppe Jarnit-Bjergso , is found at the back of their bar Torst , a white-marble beer paradise in Greenpoint , Brooklyn , with 21 beers on tap .

  3. 酿酒师史蒂夫・马西亚森喝了好几杯1969年的Dr.DeinhardDeidesheimerRiesling。

    Winemaker Steve Matthiasson drank multiple glasses of 1969 Dr. Deinhard Deidesheimer Riesling .

  4. 虽然WhiteCottage酒庄已经关了,但听到自己的酒被认为是SilverOak的替代品,Matthiasson的酿酒师应该会感到惊讶吧。

    Although White Cottage winery has since closed , the makers of Matthiasson would probably be surprised to hear their wine was considered to be a Silver Oak alternate . '

  5. 在很长一段时间里,所谓的中法合资王朝酒业(DynastyWinery)一直以能够生产品质非凡的中国葡萄酒,以及拥有德高望重的中国酿酒师而为人艳羡。

    For a long time , the so-called Sino-French Joint-Venture Dynasty Winery was envied as being capable of producing some unusually good Chinese wine , with a particularly admired Chinese winemaker .

  6. 姚明带着他的热情投入了葡萄酒行业,成立了以酿酒师汤姆•辛德(TomHinde)为首的酿酒团队,创办了姚家族葡萄酒公司(YaoFamilyWines)。

    Ming took his passion and ran with it , setting up a winemaking team , led by winemaker Tom Hinde , in Napa and starting Yao Family Wines .

  7. 如今,酿酒师娜塔莉·弗莱尔(NatalieFryer)制定了一整套的酿造方案,包括商业化的玫瑰口味简茨、香槟酒、还有少量单一年份酒。

    Today , winemaker Natalie Fryer masterminds a full program , including a commercial rose and Brut plus small-batch single vintages .

  8. 酿酒师们喝下了好几瓶Savart,这是一款当下受到热捧的独立酒庄香槟酒。

    The winemakers downed multiple bottles of Savart , the cult grower Champagne of the moment .

  9. 在葡萄园,布鲁克见到了嘉露的首席酿酒师卡尔·丹尼森(CalDennison),一身牛仔装束,翘八字胡。

    At the vineyard Brooke was met by Cal Dennison , Gallo 's chief winemaker , all cowboyed-up jeans and a handlebar moustache .

  10. 香气浓郁丰富,有桃子味。口感结实且引人喜爱。出自阿尔萨斯(Alsace)明星酿酒师之手。

    Very broad , peachy , intense nose and then a firm , grippy palate from one of the star winemakers of Alsace .

  11. 同时托斯卡尼的酿酒师PiergiorgioCastellani成为了这个计划的技术顾问。

    And Tuscan winemaker Piergiorgio Castellani became a technical adviser to the project .

  12. 譬如,有一位著名的新西兰酿酒师就宣称,采用相同的葡萄,他能够酿造出任何一种风格的白苏维浓(SauvignonBlanc),只要能够让他选择酵母。

    One prominent New Zealand winemaker claims , for example , that he can make any required style of Sauvignon Blanc from exactly the same grapes , provided he can choose the yeast .

  13. 布鲁诺·鲍马尔(BrunoPaumard)是一位法国酿酒师,他向英国、澳大利亚和香港出口来自中国内蒙古附近一处大型酒庄的葡萄酒。他也已经开始出口自己的葡萄酒。

    Bruno Paumard , a French winemaker who exports to Britain , Australia and Hong Kong from a large estate in nearby Inner Mongolia , has begun to ship his wines as well .

  14. 经过温暖的一季,酿酒师一致对内陆种植区2009年的表现赞誉不绝。

    Winemakers throughout the warmer , inland growing areas echoed the accolades for2009 .

  15. 爱斯福斯冰狐伏特加在美国由酿酒师手工做成。

    Our vodka is hand crafted by our master distiller in the United States .

  16. 了解酿酒师是何许人也,在挑选葡萄酒时也是相当重要的考虑因素。

    When selecting a wine it is very important to know the wine maker .

  17. 有一种被称为酿酒师的熊猫人流浪武士,在熊猫人社会中是很受尊敬的。

    A caste of wandering pandaren warriors called Brewmasters is highly respected in their culture .

  18. 美乐皇轩红选用著名的美乐葡萄品种,经法国酿酒师的精心酿造而成。

    IMPERIAL COURT Merlot is selected by our French cellar master from the finest Merlot grapes .

  19. 因此,绝大多数酿酒师最看重的酵母属性是它的功效。

    The yeast attribute therefore prized above all others by the majority of winemakers is efficiency .

  20. 不过在这个特别的夜晚,这里挤满了来自加州的酿酒师。

    On this particular night , though , the place was crawling with winemakers from California .

  21. 每一年的仪式都是酿酒师们对自然表达的一种尊重。

    Every year , the sacrifice is for the wine makers to show their reverence for nature .

  22. 酿酒师杰里米克里克的基本理念是让在米尔河的葡萄酒水果光泽。

    Winemaker Jeremy Kreck 's basic philosophy is to let the fruit shine in Mill Creek 's wines .

  23. 解百纳皇轩红采用法国著名的制酒红葡萄品种,经法国酿酒师的精心酿造制成。

    IMPERIAL COURT Cabernet Sauvignon is selected by our French cellar master from the finest grapes f of its kind .

  24. 面包师的老婆可以吃面包,酿酒师的老婆可以喝大桶&近水楼台先得月。

    A baker 's wife may bite of a bun , a brewer 's wife may bite of a tun .

  25. 与这些鲜咸的小吃完美配合的是山下先生与当地酿酒师合作精心酿制的清酒。

    A sake , painstakingly engineered by Mr. Yamashita in consultation with local brewers , partnered these refined salty nibbles perfectly .

  26. 酿酒师似乎对今年的收成相当乐观,初步判断,白苏维翁和黑比诺的出品将会很棒。

    Winemakers are sounding very positive about the vintage , with initial signs pointing to promising Sauvignon Blancs and Pinot Noirs .

  27. 当葡萄酒酿制好,酿酒师已将酒做的尽善尽美,就开始装瓶。

    When wine is made and when the winegrower has nothing more to bring to his wine , it is bottled .

  28. 黛伦堡的酿酒师的女儿叫他们的宠物鸟为“笑喜鹊”,因为它的叫声独特。

    The daughter of the D'Arenberg winemaker call their pet native birds " Laughting Magpies " due to their distinctive call .

  29. 德国和奥地利许多最具雄心的酿酒师试图只使用环境酵母来酿造出他们最好的葡萄酒。

    Many of the most ambitious artisan German and Austrian winemakers try to make their best wines using ambient yeasts only .

  30. 所以,同样型态的葡萄酒,相同的品种,同样的产区都会因为酿酒师的不同而有天壤之别的表现。

    The same type of wine , the same grape from the same region may differ vastly depending on the wine maker .