
  • 网络active center;active center of enzyme;enzyme active site
  1. 固氮酶活性中心J系化学模拟物的合成、结构和性质研究

    Studies on Synthesis , Structure and Properties of a Model Compound of J System Chemistry of Active Center of Nitrogenase

  2. IMP型金属β-内酰胺酶活性中心的计算机模拟分析

    Computer simulation analysis on the IMP metallo - β - lactamase active center

  3. NA头部包含有糖基化位点、NA酶活性中心和抗原位点。

    The globular domain possesses the glycosylation sites , antigenic epitopes and the enzyme active site .

  4. 应用群分解BHMO程序,研究了含S2的固氮酶活性中心模型和N2的络合活化模式。

    In the present work , disulfide linkage-containing model of N2-ase active-center and probable coordination modes are studied by a group decomposition EHMO computation program .

  5. 发现了进入多核锌酶活性中心位点的外加金属离子随pH值变化在不同位点之间的迁移现象。

    Through these works , we have expanded the investigation range of the direct interaction and found the transformation phenomena of metal ions in different active sites with varied pH values .

  6. 固氮酶活性中心MoKEXAFS谱拟合的初步探讨

    Preliminary Investigation of MoK EXAFS Curve fitting for Active Site of Nitrogenase

  7. 固氮酶活性中心模型的EHMO研究

    EHMO Study of Nitrogenase Active-center Model

  8. Cu是甲壳动物体内必需的微量营养素,不仅是酚氧化酶、超氧化物歧化酶活性中心的重要因子,也是合成血蓝蛋白的必需成分,但是高浓度的铜亦会对生物体会产生毒害作用。

    Copper is a essential micronutrients of the crustaceans . It is not only a phenoloxidase and superoxide dismutase activity center factor , but also an essential component of hemocyanin . However , high concentrations of copper will produce toxic effects on crustacean .

  9. 并求得此酶活性中心可解离基团的pK值为4,2,推测羧基氨基酸是此酶与底物结合时所必需的中心。

    The pK value of the ionizable group of the active centre is 4.2 , it was suggested that carboxylic amino acid may be essential for the combination of the enzyme with the substrate .

  10. RdRp蛋白中可变氨基酸主要位于可及性较好的蛋白分子表面,氨基酸的突变一般不影响蛋白质的三级结构和酶活性中心。

    Most amino acid mutations in RdRp protein localized on protein surface with good accessibility , which could not affect the RdRp protein tertiary structure and active center .

  11. 镍铁氢化酶活性中心的结构、催化机理及化学模拟

    Active Site Structure , Catalytic Mechanism and Chemical Mimic of hydrogenase

  12. 固氮酶活性中心模型化合物的合成和性质的研究&一种具有生物组合活性的原子簇化合物

    Synthesis and property study of a model compound of active center of Nitrogenase

  13. 铜锌金属天然酶活性中心量子化学计算

    Quantum Chemistry Calculation of the Copper and Zinc Active Site of Natural Enzyme

  14. 辣根过氧化物酶活性中心的模拟及其分析应用的研究

    Mimetic active centre of peroxidase and its analytical applications

  15. 化学模拟唯铁氢化酶活性中心

    Chemical Mimic of the Fe-Only Hydrogenase Active Site

  16. 因此,唯铁氢化酶活性中心的化学模拟是本论文的主要研究内容。

    Chemical mimic of the Fe-only hydrogenase active site is mainly discussed in this thesis .

  17. 牛红细胞超氧化物歧化酶活性中心的紫外光谱研究

    The Study on the UV Spectra of the Active Center of Superoxide Dismutase of Bovine Erythrocytes

  18. 固氮酶活性中心模型和铁钼辅基模拟体合成的研究进展

    Recent Progress in the Study of Model of Nitrogenase Active center and Synthesis of FeMo-CO Modelling Compounds

  19. 谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性中心的研究&羧基、氨基和胍基的化学修饰

    Study on the Active Center of Glutathione S-Transferase & Chemical Modification of Carboxyl Amino and Guanido Groups

  20. 导致形成缺乏酶活性中心的截短蛋白。结论发生在17α-羟化酶缺陷症患者的股骨颈骨折可以通过手术治疗恢复患肢功能。

    Conclusion Femoral neck fracture in 17 α - hydroxylase deficiency patient can be treated successfully by operative method .

  21. 可见吸收光谱法研究铜锌超氧歧化酶活性中心金属离子与氯化钴的相互作用

    Study on the interaction of metal ion in active center of superoxide dismutase with cobalt chloride by visible spectroscopy

  22. 青霉素酰化酶活性中心的定点突变

    Site directed Mutagenesis of the Active Center of Penicillin Acylase from E. coli ATCC 11105 A Quiet Mutation Enzyme mimics

  23. 含碱基[FeFe]氢化酶活性中心模型配合物的结构与性质研究

    Studies on the Structures and Properties of the Complexes Containing Internal Bases of [ FeFe ] - Hydrogenase Active Site

  24. 研究脯氨肽酶活性中心的结构具有重要理论意义和潜在实用价值。

    So it was important from both practical and theoretical point of view to study the active site structure of prolidase .

  25. 按照已有的酶活性中心的金属-氨基酸侧链配位和空间关系,设计合成多齿配体,并使配体和金属离子通过配位作用形成配合物。

    They are designed according to the special relations and coordination of metal-amino acid side chain in the active centre in known enzymes .

  26. 对铁氢化酶活性中心进行化学模拟将有可能产生出新型的产氢催化剂。

    Fe-only hydrogenase can catalyze the reduction of protons to molecular hydrogen and the oxidation of hydrogen to protons at extraordinarily high rates .

  27. 化学修饰实验发现:巯基、胍基、氨基、羧基和吲哚基可能参与酶活性中心的组成。

    Chemical modification studies showed that the sulfhydryl , guanido , amino , carboxyl and indolyl groups may participate in the active center of the enzyme .

  28. 台湾家白蚁内切葡聚糖酶活性中心氨基酸的饱和突变内切葡聚糖酶基因在毕赤酵母中高效表达研究

    Saturation mutagenesis of three amino acid positions consisting of the active site of an endoglucanase from termite Coptotermes formosanus Over-expression of Endoglucanase Gene in Pichia pastoris

  29. 因其独特的结构特征和高催化活性,唯铁氢化酶活性中心的结构和功能模拟引起了生物无机化学家们极大的兴趣。

    Because of the simple structure and high efficiency , biomimetic models related to the active site of the Fe-only hydrogenase are of particular interest to bioinorganic chemists .

  30. 为研究氢化酶活性中心氮桥结构中氮原子是否起到质子摆渡的作用,设计了在分子内引入氢键的结构。

    To explore the role of the bridged N atom for a possible proton transfer in the active site of hydrogenase , we tried to introduce a hydrogen bond into a couple of designed molecules .