
pèi tào
  • Supporting facilities;mating;form a complete set;assort;complement
配套 [pèi tào]
  • [form a complete set] 把多种相关事物组合在一起成为一个整体

  • 配套机构

配套[pèi tào]
  1. 洛阳市牡丹产业化发展的配套措施。

    Form a complete set of measures for the development of Luoyang peony industrialization .

  2. 我们需要配套的教学方案、了解电脑的教师。

    We need to form a complete set the teaching plan , understands the computer teacher .

  3. 她又买了些图案相同的布,好做些配套的窗帘和垫子。

    She bought more fabric in the same design so she could make matching curtains and cushions .

  4. 所有椅子都是配套的。

    All the chairs matched

  5. 这座房子有其吸引人的地方,比如和房子配套的家具就很出彩。

    The house had its charms , not the least of which was the furniture that came with it .

  6. 我们一定要建成布局合理、相互配套的科研体系。

    We are determined to set up a complete , rationally distributed scientific and technological research system .

  7. 本着诚信、质优、互惠互利的原则,公司将不断扩展与国内外更多生产、配套、经销企业的携手合作和共同发展!

    In good faith , high quality , mutual benefit , the company will continue to expand with more domestic production , support , distribution , enterprise cooperation and common development hand in hand !

  8. 拖车内部甚至有配套的地毯和窗帘。

    The trailer even has matching carpet and curtains .

  9. 斗轮堆取料机、皮带机等项目配套

    Bucket wheel stacker-reclaimer , belt drive and other projects supporting .

  10. 透明度高,光泽好,适用于三度烧内墙砖,配套内墙砖使用。

    Suitable double firing wall tiles , with good glossiness .

  11. 与其配套的通常还会有一套全身的长袖装。

    It is often worn with an accompanying body suit with long sleeves .

  12. 配套提供了数量众多的现成类型。

    Java comes with a plethora of ready-made types.Java

  13. 一张松木桌子和四把配套的椅子

    a pine table with four matching chairs

  14. 延迟退休改革相关的配套政策和保障措施非常多,需要统筹谋划、协同推进。

    Jin said retirement age reform requires overall planning and coordination as it involves many supporting policies and measures .

  15. 高新技术区指的是有大量高技术人员居住的高档且配套完善的郊区或城镇。居民受雇于附近的办公园区,园区中多是高新技术产业。

    Nerdistan is an upscale and largely self-contained suburb or town with a large population of high-tech1 workers employed in nearby office parks that are dominated by high-tech industries .

  16. 会议提出,实施一对夫妻可以生育三个子女政策及配套支持措施,以应对人口老龄化程度加深问题。

    The meeting unveiled a policy that would allow all couples to have up to three children , in a bid to cope with an increasingly aging society . It also pledged stronger support for families . They stressed the need for unified gifts .

  17. 如果银色和原色的扭绳花纹袜子不够保暖,还有配套的热水袋套,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元),而这个价格也包括了橡胶水袋。

    And just in case the cable-knit socks , available in silver and ‘ natural ’ colors , are not warming enough , there are matching hot-water bottle covers , a snip at £ 115 – although that does include the rubber bottle itself .

  18. 第五十九条乡镇企业、乡(镇)村公共设施、公益事业、农村村民住宅等乡(镇)村建设,应当按照村庄和集镇规划,合理布局,综合开发,配套建设;

    Article 59 Construction of township enterprises , public facilities and public welfare undertakings of townships ( towns ) and rural villagers ' houses should be rationally laid out according to the village or market town plans according to a comprehensive development plan , with good supporting facilities .

  19. 在Windows环境下开发成功了配套软件。

    The software for windows has been developed .

  20. 泰克实时频谱分析仪和RFID配套测试软件

    Tektronix real-time spectrum analyzer and RFID wrap test software

  21. Shell粉煤气化配套4.8万空分流程介绍

    Introduction of process flow of 48000 m ~ 3 / h air separator mating with shell powdered coal gasification

  22. 川东地区使用PDC钻头的配套钻井液技术

    Drilling fluid technology for PDC bit in East Sichuan region

  23. 然后,论文对SOHO办公所需配套设施及家具人机进行分析。

    And then , it introduces the SOHO work establishment and the ergonomics of furniture .

  24. 通过离心机本体和相应的配套设备,自动控制,实现了TiO2悬浮液的自动分离。

    By using the noumenon of centrifuge and the corresponding kit equipments , by the automatic control , the automatic separation of the TiO_2 suspension was realized .

  25. 采用与CT机配套的加载装置,使用相似材料,对单裂纹含水和不含水的标准试件进行了CT实时监测实验,以观测裂纹扩展的全过程。

    By using the accessory loading equipment corresponding to the CT machine and simulation material , the CT real-time testing of specimens with single crack with and without water in it is conducted to observe the complete process of crack growth .

  26. 关于1000W以上大功率家用真空吸尘器产品配套性效率指标的探讨&修订QB1562-92真空吸尘器标准的建议之二

    Probe into Product Fittings efficiency Criteria of Vacuum Cleaner above 1000W

  27. QS-9000及其配套手册介绍(六)

    An Introduction of QS-9000 and Relative Documents ( Part Six )

  28. 韩国在与多国展开FTA协商的同时,设立专门机构,完善配套政策,使FTA走向制度化。

    While S.Korea consulting with multi-nations on FTA , it begins to set up specialized agency , and perfects the supporting policy to make FTA institutionalized at the same time .

  29. 通过螺旋CT机以及与其配套的实时三轴加载和渗透压力设备对砂岩进行各种应力状态下的应变特性试验,反映出不同应力状态下的砂岩的应变特性有很大不同。

    Through the study which is based on devices including the multislice spiral CT ( MSCT ) and real-time loading machine and seepage machine , the strain properties of sandstone under uniaxial-triaxial compressive and seepage pressure conditions are found to be different from each other .

  30. 6311S配套恢复系选育的组合判别法研究

    Study on Combination Screening Method in Breeding Restorer Lines for 6311S