
pèi xiāo
  • dealer distribution
  1. 就这个行业的配销方面来说,重组是必要的。

    Reorganization is necessary on the distributive side of this industry .

  2. 他们正在建立配销网络。

    What they 're doing is setting up distributional networks .

  3. 首先,我们来看看公司和Standard公司刚签订的这份配销合约。

    To begin , let 's take a look at the distribution contract we just signed with Standard Suppliers .

  4. 以Action不断创新的产品,加上Standard健全的配销网络,我们两家公司将能因此领先竞争对手。

    With Action 's groundbreaking appliances and Standard 's well-established distribution network , we can both stay one step ahead of the competition .

  5. 这家公司是本地大众汽车零件的配销商。

    The company is the local distributor for Volkswagen spare parts .

  6. 中国图书配销渠道研究

    The Research on Distribution and Sale Channel of Chinese Books

  7. 配销中心管理信息系统的设计与开发

    Distribution Center Management Information System Design and Development

  8. 我们找出并配销新式教材到世界市场。

    Kevin : We identify and distribute new teaching materials in the world market .

  9. 数以千计的士兵正在给难民们分发食物和毯子。配销;

    Thousands of soldiers are working to distribute food and blankets to the refugees .

  10. 这个新的配销中心会为普里马克在邻近国家的零售店实行运送服务。

    The new distribution center will handle shipments for Primark stores located in the neighboring countries .

  11. 产品主要配销于各大商场、超市,并出口其他地区。

    These products are mainly distributed in large stores , supermarkets and exported to other regions .

  12. 分销活动的载体即分销渠道,也称销售通路、配销渠道。

    The carrier of distribution is distribution channel , which also called sales access or sales channel .

  13. 缺乏配销层次的分工,配销渠道不能有效升级;

    Lacking of the dividing in channel level and the channel has no ability to upgrade efficiently .

  14. 海运,物流,仓储配销,空运,货柜维修,港埠经营管理。

    Shipping , Logistics , Warehousing Distribution , Air Freight , Container Repair Maintenance , Terminal Management , etc.

  15. 同时揭示出传统的配销渠道所面临的三大挑战。

    At the same time , the paper reveal there are three challenges existing in traditional distribution and sale channel .

  16. 议题将包括广告及沟通、配销、定价产品以及市场研究。

    Topics to be covered include advertising and communicating the product , distributing the product , pricing the product and market research .

  17. 配销密度策略对行销者而言是非常重要的,因为它会影响一个企业的市场涵盖范围、市场占有率、以及销售量。

    Distribution intensity is important for a marketer , because it influences a company 's market coverage , market share , and sales volume .

  18. 本文首先分析了我国出版社在图书营销方面面临的处境,阐述研究配销渠道的迫切性和现实意义。

    Firstly , the article analyze the status of Chinese publishing houses in book marketing , expatiate the urgency and significance of the research .

  19. 全部雪柜型号配销,打开门时,雪柜亮橙,另有微型开关停止蒸发器风扇转动,减少冷量往外流失。

    All models are equipped with key locks and micro-switch to cut out fan operation and light up the lamp when the door is opened .

  20. 一些分析师认为,百胜在印度面临着独特的挑战,包括越来越紧的政府监管以及自身配销体系的缺乏。

    Some analysts have suggested that Yum faces unique challenges in India , including increasingly onerous government regulation and the lack of its own distribution system .

  21. 这类被保护的资讯通常为了供应、制造和产品配销或服务效率需要与通路夥伴进行协调。

    The information that is protected is often also information that is necessary to coordinate with these channel partners in order to supply , manufacture and distribute products or services efficiently .

  22. 随后对我国出版社的配销渠道进行了概括性研究,同时对现有图书配销渠道的分类以及基本形式进行了分析。

    Then it continue to work over the distribution and sale channel of Chinese publishing house , including the sorting of the channel as well as the analyse of the basic forms .

  23. 本论文针对出版社营销管理中的配销渠道这一专题,对我国现有配销渠道进行了研究。

    This paper aim to the specific topic of book 's distribution and sale channel in publishing houses ' marketing management , to probe the channel which has been established in China .

  24. 当这些公司扩大全球性制造部门来供应这些新兴市场时,它们要面对创建、集成和管理分布于全球的生产和配销系统的难题。

    As they expand global manufacturing facilities to serve these emerging markets , companies face the challenge of creating , integrating , and managing production and distribution systems spread around the globe .

  25. 直销是一种关系营销,通过人员接触(销售员对购买者),不在固定商业地点,主要是在家里进行的消费性产品或服务的配销方式。

    Direct marketing is a relationship marketing , staff contact ( salesman on the purchaser ), not at a fixed business location , the main distribution of consumer products or services is carried out at home .