
  • 网络Debt;debt ratio;debt-service ratio
  1. 这分析在3个月包括国民生产总值对外汇储备,相当数量进口对外汇储备,M2对国际储备和外汇储备到相当数量短期债务比率为中国和韩国。

    This analysis includes GDP to foreign exchange reserves , amount of imports in 3 months to foreign exchange reserves , M2 to international reserves , and foreign exchange reserves to amount of short-term debt ratio for China and Korea .

  2. 公司债务比率上升时,公司价值下降。

    Corporate value decreases when the corporate debt ratio goes up .

  3. 看一看欧盟各成员国的债务比率,你或许会注意到,德国债务与国内生产总值(gdp)的比率超过了83%,高于法国、西班牙或英国。

    Take a look at the debt ratios across the EU , and you might notice that German debt at over 83 per cent of gross domestic product is higher than that of France , Spain or Britain .

  4. 股东人数与债务比率负相关;

    Debt ratio is negatively related to the numbers of shareholders ;

  5. 债务比率:总负债对总资产的比率。

    Debt ratio : Ratio of total liabilities to total assets .

  6. 股权集中度与债务比率正相关;

    Debt ratio is positively related to ownership concentration ;

  7. 其它富国债务比率各不相同,它们所支付的利率大致都在3.5%-4%之间。

    Other rich countries with varying debt ratios all pay roughly 3.5-4 per cent .

  8. 但该国的债务比率实在太高了。

    But the debt ratio is too high .

  9. 为什么英国未能成功降低债务比率呢?

    Why was the UK unsuccessful in lowering the ratio of debt to GDP ?

  10. 这很可能与一种叫做你的债务比率,以提供信贷。

    This has to do with something called your ratio of debt to available credit .

  11. 国家股比例与债务比率成U型关系;

    There is an U shape relationship between the fraction of state shares and debt ratio ;

  12. 大多数发达国家(比如美国)的债务比率,都是用这个方式计算出来的。

    Most debt ratios for developed economies such as the US are calculated in this way .

  13. 由于债务比率上升,社会适应,并说这里面的人。

    As the ratio of debt goes up , society adapts and says it 's OK .

  14. 受此影响,尽管基本财政盈余数额庞大,却未能抑制住债务比率。

    As a result , even a huge primary fiscal surplus could not constrain the debt ratio .

  15. 俄罗斯、印度和巴西的外汇储备与债务比率,均表明存在储蓄过度现象。

    The reserve-to-debt ratios of Russia , India and Brazil also point to an excess of savings .

  16. 事实上,一直到1990年,英国的债务比率也没能回落到一战前的水平。

    In fact , the UK did not return to its pre-First World War debt ratios until 1990 .

  17. 结果表明:在宏观经济衰退期,周期型行业较以前显著降低了债务比率;

    The evidences show that cyclical industry debt decreases significantly as the macroeconomic changes from expansion to recession .

  18. 流通股比例与债务比率成三次曲线关系。

    There is a cube relationship between the fraction of tradable shares held mostly by individuals and debt ratio .

  19. 当涉及法国债务比率时,它就会玩些“二加二等于三”的把戏。

    When it comes to French debt ratios , say , it will add two and two and make three .

  20. 管理者持股与债务比率负相关,但不显著;

    Debt ratio is negatively related to management ownership , but it isn 't statistically significant at convention levels of confidence ;

  21. 美国有必要达成赤字削减协议,以避免预期中非常高的债务比率&这可能引发另一场金融危机。

    An agreement is necessary to avoid the projected , very high US debt ratios which could trigger another financial crisis .

  22. 需要指出的是,有形资产同长期债务比率正相关,而同总债务比率负相关。

    Notably , asset tangibility is positively related to the long-term debt ratio and negatively related to the total debt ratio .

  23. 为了在下一次经济衰退期间仍可以将逆周期财政政策当作一种选择,债务比率就必须降低。

    To retain counter-cyclical fiscal policy as an option in the next recession , the debt ratio will have to fall .

  24. 重要的是,要实现上述债务比率目标,经济必须出现明显好转。

    The important thing is that if the debt ratio target is to be met , it will require a phenomenal economic turnround .

  25. 希腊如能提高经济增长率并降低债务比率,那么从长期来看,它就能够使债务状况变得可持续。

    Greece can succeed in making its debt sustainable in the long term if it succeeds in both increasing growth and reducing its debt ratio .

  26. 如果它们能够促进增长进而增加税收,那么这些在实际利率接近于零时举债进行的投资,未必就会推升债务比率。

    Such investments , borrowed at near-zero real rates of interest , need not increase debt ratios if their contribution to growth raises tax collections .

  27. 第一大股东持股比率和其他三大股东持股比例之差与债务比率负相关;

    Debt ratio is negatively related to the difference between the fraction of the first largest shareholder shares and that of the other three larger shareholders shares ;

  28. 控制变量中,盈利能力和流动性与总债务比率、长期债务比率负相关;而公司规模同总债务比率、长期债务比率正相关。

    The control variables such as profitability and liquidity are negatively , whereas firm size is positively related to the total debt ratio and the long-term debt ratio .

  29. 即便达到了124%的债务比率又如何,只有一个经济持续增长的国家才能在这种负债水平下保持偿付能力。

    Even if the 124 per cent debt ratio is achieved , only a country with a growing economy can possibly claim to be solvent at that level .

  30. 而精明的公司决策者预料到资本结构的战略影响力,在基于对未来产品市场竞争程度判断的基础上做出对本公司最优债务比率抉择。

    When foreseeing the strategic effect of structure capital , the wise decision-makers will choose optimal debt ratio for the corporate based on judgment about the future market competition .