
dào shù
  • magic;sorcery
道术 [dào shù]
  • (1) [administer a country means]∶治理国家的方法

  • (2) [Taoist magic arts]∶道家的法术

  1. 结论:丙氨酰谷氨酰胺双肽在胃肠道术后经周围静脉TPN应用安全、有效。

    CONCLUSION : It is safe and effective to use alanyl-glutamine dipeptide via peripheral vein TPN in patients after gastrointestinal operation .

  2. 目的:观察胃肠道术后患者在经周围静脉全肠外营养(TPN)中应用丙氨酰谷氨酰胺双肽的安全性和有效性。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the safety and efficacy of alanyl-glutamine dipeptide administered via peripheral vein total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) in patients after gastrointestinal operation .

  3. 结论C组所采用的非胃肠道术前禁饮食时间(禁奶4h,禁水2h),既能保证术前胃排空,又可避免因禁饮食时间过长对机体造成不必要的生理代谢紊乱。

    No one developed dehydration in both C and D. Conclusion The fasting time for group C for non-gastrointestinal operations ( fast from milk for 4 h and from water for 2 h ) can ensure the stomach emptying and avoid unnecessary metabolic disorders caused by protracted fasting .

  4. 胃肠道术后6小时空肠造瘘肠内营养应用

    Application of Enteral Nutrition Support Starting Six Hours after Gastroenteric Operation

  5. 胃肠道术后早期不同途径肠内营养的应用

    The use of early enteral nutrition with different routes after gastrointestinal operation

  6. 上消化道术后患者早期肠内营养的护理

    Nursing care of early intestinal nutrition in patients after upper gastrointestinal operations

  7. 胃肠道术后腹泻的相关因素分析及护理

    Analysis correlative factors and care of the diarrhea after gastrointestinal tract operation

  8. 器械缝合消化道术后早期出血的防治

    The prevention and treatment of bleeding gastrointestinal tract after anastomosed by instrument

  9. 大王喜欢这种道术吗?

    Would Your Majesty like this kind of magical power ?

  10. 足浴联合足部按摩对胃肠道术后患者肠功能恢复的影响

    Effect of Pediluvium and Foot Massage on Gastrointestinal Recovery After Abdominal Surgery

  11. 谷氨酰胺在胃肠道术后的应用

    The application of glutamine in the Postoperative gastrointestinal surgery

  12. 道教的道术影响神仙道化剧多用道术表现生活;

    Taoist trickeries were employed to express real life in the Taoist drama ;

  13. 吸收性止血绫包裹吸收性明胶海绵为中鼻道术后较佳的填塞材料。

    Gelfoam + ASS is best for middle meatus packing after endoscopic surgery .

  14. 纤维胆道镜在286例胆道术中的应用

    Application of Fiberoptic Choledochoscope in 286 Cases during Operation

  15. 目前世界范围内腹腔镜胃绕道术和可调节胃束带术是主要术式。

    Currently the main bariatric operations are laparoscopicastric bypass and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding .

  16. 莫沙比利与开塞露合用对恢复非消化道术后胃肠功能的疗效

    Therapeutic efficacy of combination of mosapride and Kaiselu on gastrointestinal function recovery after non-gastrointestinal operation

  17. 上消化道术后功能异常的X线检查及诊断(附80例报告)

    X-ray diagnosis of postoperative functional abnormality of upper alimentary tract ( report of 80 cases )

  18. 目的探讨胃肠道术后即时肠内营养实施的可行性及临床应用价值。

    Objective To study the possibility and value of the clinical use of instant enteral nutrition .

  19. 胃肠道术后全肠外营养效果的临床研究

    Clinical study on the effects of total parenteral nutrition in post-operative patients of digestive tract surgery

  20. 高支链氨基酸配方营养支持对消化道术后疲劳的影响

    Effect of branch chain amino acid enriched formula on postoperative fatigue and nutritional status after digestive surgery

  21. 腹部外科患者胃肠道术后节省蛋白治疗的临床效果观察

    An observation on the clinical effects of routine protein sparing therapy in post operative patient of abdominal surgery

  22. 28例消化道术后早期腹腔内急性大出血的原因及防治

    Diagnosis and treatment of acute intra-abdominal bleeding after operation for the digestive tract : A report of 28 cases

  23. 目的:减少器械吻合和缝合消化道术后并发出血的发生率;

    Objective : To reduce the rate of bleeding in suture line of gastrointestinal tract after anastomosed by instrument .

  24. 目的探讨胃肠道术后病人生长激素加早期肠内营养对胃肠道术后病人营养及免疫力的影响。

    Objectives To investigate the effect of GH plus early enteral nutrition on nutrition and immune function after gastrointestinal operation .

  25. 道教主张人通过修炼各种道术能使神与道合,即为得道。

    Daoism holds the spirit can be combined with the Tao to obtain the Tao through practicing various Taoist arts .

  26. 该领域的大多数研究针对药物治疗和胃绕道术。在这一领域有哪些进展?患者治疗的依从性如何?

    Can you tell us about some of the progress in this area and discuss treatment adherence in those patients ?

  27. 他修行道术并且获得了五种神力,在此之前他已经获得了他们。

    He practised the Way so as to gain the five miraculous powers , and before long he had gained them .

  28. 在下还有另外一种道术,可以让那些人连打您、杀您的念头都没有。

    I have yet another magical power that could make those people dismiss even the idea of hurting or killing you .

  29. ω-3鱼油脂肪乳剂对胃肠道术后病人炎症反应和凝血功能的影响

    Influence of ω - 3 fish oil lipid emulsion on inflammatory response and coagulation function in postoperative patients with gastrointestinal disease

  30. 随着道士和信奉道教之人大量渗透到民间,普通百姓不仅接触且逐渐接受了道教神秘而诡异的各种道术。

    Common people not only contacted but also accepted mysterious and weird Taoist theurgy with Taoists and Taoist believers infiltrating through society .