
wǔ sì
  • May 4th
  1. 巴金:革命年代的五四话语

    Bajin : " May 4 Discourse " in the Revolution Year

  2. 儒家文化究竟对中国古代科技产生了怎样的影响,自五四以来,这就是中国思想史、科技史、社会史共同面临但又悬而未决的问题。

    How did Confucianism influence science and technology in ancient China ?

  3. 五四新文化运动在湖南的传播

    The Spread of the New Culture Movement of 1919 in Hunan

  4. 五四爱国运动中心新探

    Probing into the Centre of the May Fourth Patriotic Movement Newly

  5. 《女神》:五四的时代旋律

    " Goddess ": the melody of times of May 4th Movement

  6. 论五四新文学与出版业的互动效应

    On the Mutually-operative Effect Between May-Fourth New Literature and Publishing Industry

  7. 五四新文学的民间文学资源

    The Folk Literature Resources of the May Fourth Movement New-vernacular Literature

  8. 汪曾祺与五四新文化传统

    Wang Zeng-qi and the New Culture Tradition of the May 4th

  9. 现代新儒家对五四反传统的反思&以徐复观为例

    Modern Neo-Confucianism 's Confrontational Introspection to " The May Fourth Movement "

  10. 五四文学:对立的现代性

    The " May 4 " Literature : Modernity of Opposites

  11. 五四散文的话语方式

    Discussion about " May 4th " Prose Speech Methods discourse

  12. 五四思潮对中国近现代美术的影响

    On the Influence of New Culture Movement for the Modern Chinese Painting

  13. 五四激进文人的绅士气质

    On Gentleman Qualities of the Radical Scholar in May 4th

  14. 五四前后的翻译文学经历了从中国文学系统的边缘走向中心的一个特殊过程。

    It moved from the periphery to the center of Chinese literature .

  15. 五四文学革命的修辞论层面及其发展轨迹

    Rhetorical Aspects and Traces of Development of the May 4th Literary Revolution

  16. 论五四文化保守主义

    On the May 4 ~ ( th ) Culture Conservatism

  17. 五四前后进化论对文学观念的影响

    The Influence of Evolutionism on Literary Concept Around the May 4th Movement

  18. 五四文学理性精神批判

    On the Rational Spirit of " May 4th " Literature

  19. 五四小说文体理论概观

    An Overview of the Stylistic Theories of the May Forth Movement Fiction

  20. 五四时期中国知识分子的新觉醒

    The new awakening of Chinese intellectuals during May Fourth Period

  21. 感伤的行旅:五四浪漫抒情小说的风格

    Sentimental travel ── on the romantic novels in May 4th Movement on styles

  22. 科举制度的废除与五四文学的发生

    The Abolishment of Imperial Examinations and the Happening of the May 4 Literature

  23. 五四文学革命的历史功过

    Remarks on the Historical Merits and Demerits of the May 4th Literary Revolution

  24. 这其中,尤以五四时期最为突出。

    The May fourth period was the most outstanding .

  25. 论五四知识分子与基督教文化

    Intellectuals during the May 4th Movement and Christian Culture

  26. 试论五四时期女子教育的模式

    The Research for the Female Education Pattern of the May 4th Movement Period

  27. 五四小说对儿童的发现

    Discovery of Children in " May 4 " Fiction

  28. 论中国五四文坛的童心崇拜

    Worship of Childishness in Children Literature of May-Fourth Period

  29. 人的发现犹如石破天惊,震撼着五四知识分子们的心灵,他们尽情地表现自我形象,抒发自我情愫,表达自我要求。

    They freely demonstrated themselves and expressed their self - requirement and ideals .

  30. 《晨报》附刊与五四新文化运动

    The Supplement of The Morning Post and the May 4th New Cultural Movement