- 网络available k;rapidly available potassium

Convertibility of the Data Determined by ICP-AES and FAAS for Soil Available K and Na
The variation coefficient of organic matter was 96.3 % , of total N was 101.4 % , of hydrolytic N was 80.6 % , and of available K was 88.4 % in layer of 0 ~ 100cm .
The spatial correlation between available potassium and pH was moderate .
Influence of the spatial variation of soil pH on soil available potassium in banana plantation
The content of slow-available K and available K decreased slightly , and other changes mentioned above were smaller in type B soil .
Potassium application increased the content of soil available potassium . Increasing nitrogen level was advantageous to the potassium obsorption by romaine lettuce .
Compared with the first class , soil pH , available nitrogen and potassium were the slightly limited factors of the second class .
Carbohydrates and Amino acids were the main carbon resources of microbe utilization and mainly affected by pH and available K in soil .
Potassium is the main limit nutrient in this district for tobacco production .
The soil of moving dune has coarser granule , more total nitrogen and available phosphorus , but less organic content , available kalium and lower pH value .
The optimal model of organic matter was the spherical model ; total nitrogen and phosphorus were the index model , pH , potassium were the linear model .
Biochar amendment increased soil pH , organic carbon and available K concentration , with no influence on soil total N and available P , but decreased soil bulk density .
PH , OM , AN , AK , Available Fe , Available Cu , Available Zn was fitting by exponential model , the range were 216 miters to 733 miters .
Analyzing the organic matter , Nitrogen , Phosphorus , Fast working Kalium , Fast working Phosphorous , total salt quantity and PH value of the main type of soil in Linze county .
The fitting theory model of the soil pH , the available nitrogen , soil available phosphorus , available potassium , slowly available potassium and the organic matter were the exponential model . 3 .
The mixed application of chemical potassium and manure can improve the available effect of potassium in soils . The decreasing rate of slow effective K is 6.5-8 . 2 times of fast effective potassium .
There were a significant positive correlation between D value , pH value and total phosphorus content , but organic matter , total nitrogen and available potassium content did not have significant correlation with D value .
The rapidly available potassium in the paddy soils derived from biotite granite are maximal and that from basalt are minimal , but it 's opposite in same AR_e ~ K.
The agricultural experiments showed that not only the crop output was increased but also the content of K in the soil was also increased and the influence on the pH value of the soil is weak .
Continued distribution map of soil available potassium and pH were obtained through researching on the spatial variability of soil available potassium , and it could provide reference to the management and scientific fertilization of soil potassium nutrient .
During every culture period , different content of PAM of formula in the same application amount had weak effect on the content of available potassium in the sandy soil .
The planting density of Chinese fir must be confined from 2805 to 3750 trees per hectare in order to raise the yield and maintain the soil fertility .
In the combined fertilization of organic and potassium fertilizers , the shortage of soil potassium decreased by 28.8 % ~ 78.5 % and the available potassium increased by ( 84.6 % ~) 128 % compared with those in their single fertilization .
After 60 days of soil culture , the content of available potassium of most treatment with straw modified material reached maximum and were 60.59 % - 217.96 % higher than that of CK .
PBC were very significantly correlated ( p-0.01 ) with the relative grain yield and relative total dry matter yield of corn , and significantly correlated with soil available K.
In order to find the dynamic change law of phosphorus enrichment in facility agricultural soil , and the relationship between phosphorus nutrients and soil pH , organic matter , soil texture , nitrogen nutrient , rapidly-available potassium , cadmium and enzymes in the soil .
In the top soil layer ( 0 ~ 40 cm ), the changes of total N , total P were not obvious during the growth period of wheat , but the content of organic matter and available K was increased .
Variance analysis of the chemical indexes of profile suggests that organic matter , total nitrogen , alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen , rapidly available potassium and CEC are greatly different among layers of soil profile .
The correlation of the recovery rate of K fertilizer to soil available K after harvest was negative and very significant , and so was to soil cation exchange capacity ( CEC ) .
By impacts of plants and livestock excreta , soil nitrogen was significantly increased , and the changes of available P and K were in volatility so that the contents were highest in the extreme degradation stage , reaching significant levels ( p0.05 ) .