- quick-acting;quick results

[quick results] 迅速取得的成效
Soil sample from the chilli field was taken to determine its bulk density , pH and the organic matter , overall nitrogon , inorganic nitrogen , quick-acting phosphorus and potassium .
The mean of quick-acting phosphorus content was only 13.4mg / kg , about 72 % of soil were in shortage or drastic shortage ;
In medicine , I think a lot of people are deeply disillusioned17 with the kind of quick-fix mentality18 you find in conventional medicine .
Desorbed P was significantly correlated with soil available P and P uptake by Plant .
The spatial correlation between available potassium and pH was moderate .
The Effects of Soil Moisture and Fertilization on the Changes of Available N and P in Loessial Soil
HA compound fertilizer increased the contents of available N and P and the consumption of K in soil ;
The results showed that availability of water had a notable effect on N , P , K uptake .
Moreover , soil N mineralization and nitrification rates were significantly related to soil pH and soil available P content .
Phosphorus content of the poplar bark was correlated positively with both the disease index and the available P in the soil layer .
Nitrogen conversion rate in water is directly related to the available nitrogen content in the sediment .
Soil organic matter , N , P and K contents , especially available nutrient , obviously increased after mulching .
Distribution of soil organic matter , soil pH , available phosphorus and available potassium in soil of Taihu
Seeding dry matter was linear relationship with soil effective P.The amount of SiO2 and CaO in PRs had impact on its direct application .
PCA analysis indicated that soil available P was the most important factor affecting composition of weed communities , and followed by soil available N.
The content of soil available P and rapidly available K in subsoil in these two reforested patterns are lower than in farmland .
There is very significant and positive correlation between the contents of soil readily available P in the layer B and ecological dominance of the community .
Compared with the first class , soil pH , available nitrogen and potassium were the slightly limited factors of the second class .
Effect of compound bio - | fertilizer on fertilizer efficiency of rice and active nutrients of soil after harvesting by ~ ( 15 ) n tracing
Spore density is also negatively correlated with the contents of soil organic matter , soil available P , soil available K and soil Cl - .
The rate of available K in total K in fermented liquid was 99.4 % which was increased by 20 % compared with the raw material .
Exceptions did exist , especially with alkali-hydrolyzable N , readily available P , readily available K , and micro-elements , which sometimes altered inconsistently with the above-said patterns .
With vegetations restoring , available nitrogen could rapidly recover , but available phosphate and potassium could only recover little by little after a long period of decreased process .
Soil organic matter , total nitrogen and available nutrients content of an upward trend with the growth of age ; soil PH and salt content decreased .
The factors affecting the available content of microelements in the soils were the total content , soil texture , pH , organic matters , available P and available K.
Convertibility of the Data Determined by ICP-AES and FAAS for Soil Available K and Na
Instant-effect Jiuxin Pills possesses the significant antistatic action against the change in the ischemic ECG of rat heart-muscle , induced by hypophysin .
With the increase of grazing intensity , the water percentage in soil will decrease with corresponding increasing of PH and decreasing of soil organic matter content and alkaline-N.6 .
The total and available nitrogen , available phosphorus and the ratio of available phosphorus to total phosphorus and of organic carbon to nitrogen were all higher in alpine grassland than in arid grassland .
The lasting effect were 49 days for the former and 42 days for the latter .