
  • 网络Channel monitoring;LCCH
  1. 循环式CDT规约远动下行通道自动监视的实现

    Automatic monitoring realization of down channel based on cycle data transmitting ( CDT ) protocol

  2. 只需要最低程度的处理能力、RAM和存储,除非您打算在一个高带宽通道中监视成百上千的计算机。

    Minimal processing power , RAM , and storage are required , unless you intend to monitor hundreds of machines on a high-bandwidth pipe .

  3. 一种智能化双通道振动监视仪

    An Intelligent Dual Vibration Monitor

  4. 远动下行通道自动监视功能的实现提高了遥控操作的可靠性,对无人(少人)值班变电站的建设具有极大的现实意义。

    These solutions are simple and complementary . Automatic monitoring realization of down channel can improve the reliability of telecontrol , and has practical meaning for the unmanned ( few manned ) substation .

  5. 介绍以单片机MC68HC11为核心的双通道轴位移监视仪。

    The dual channels intelligent shaft displacement monitor which is based on the high performance single chip computer MC 86 HC 11 is introduced .

  6. 该方案以监控系统的安全性为出发点,通过防火墙组织的VPN通道,在防火墙监视下交换数据,并引入单向隔离装置将监控系统与外网隔离。

    This program took the security as the starting point , and organized through the firewall VPN access . The data exchange is monitored by the firewall and a one-way gateway was introduced to isolate the system and the extranet .

  7. chordStats将新的接口通道添加到系统监视设置中&通过音调、音色以及和声传递信息。

    ChordStats adds a new channel of interface to your system monitoring setup & information passed through tone , timbre , and harmony .