
  • 网络Principle of Communication;communication theory;Communication Principle
  1. 基于CiscoISL和IEEE802.1Q的VLAN间通信原理及仿真分析

    Principle of Communication and Simulation Experimental Analysis on VLAN Based on Cisco ISL and IEEE 802.1Q

  2. 主要讲解了IBM-PC机与MCS-51单片机多机系统的通信原理,给出了其硬件接口框图,并详细地分析了系统的多机通信软件设计。

    The paper discusses the principle of communication between PC and multiple MCS 51 chip microcomputers . It also gives the diagram of hardware interface , and the detailed analysis of the software design of communication between the multi processors .

  3. 通信原理实验用SYSTEMVIEW仿真的应用

    The Application of Simulation with System View in Experimentation of Communication Principle

  4. 通信原理实验的SYSTEMVIEW仿真

    Simulation experiment of communication principle by system view

  5. 基于Matlabwebserver的通信原理远程仿真系统开发

    The Development of Remote Simulation System of Communication Principle Based on MATLAB Web Server

  6. MATLAB在《通信原理》课程实验中的应用

    The application of MATLAB in Communication Theory experimental course

  7. 基于MATLAB面向课题的通信原理课程实践教学探索

    Project oriented education method for the course of communication principle based on MATLAB

  8. 基于FPGA通信原理实验系统的研究

    Studies of Experimental System for Communication Theory Based on FPGA

  9. 通信原理多媒体CAI课件开发与应用

    The Development and Application of Multimedia CAI for Communication Principle

  10. 基于SSL协议安全通信原理与实现

    Realization and Principles of Safe Communication Based on SSL Agreement

  11. 这里对USB总线的通信原理逻辑结构进行了分析及概括。

    The paper analyses the communication theory of USB bus and makes a summary of it .

  12. 然后结合我们的研究重点介绍了基于Agent的分布式GIS建模、网络协同及通信原理。

    Then the modeling , network cooperation and communication principle of the distributed GIS based-on Agent are discussed combining with our investigation emphases .

  13. 分析了PLC网络其它各层采用专利协议的通信原理,存在问题及对策。

    The communication principle , problem and counter plot of other level network of PLC which adopt themselves patent agreement are analyzed .

  14. EDA技术在通信原理实验中的应用

    Application of EDA in Experiment of Communication Principle

  15. 借助于MATLAB软件,对《通信原理》中的数字基带信号进行计算机仿真,用软件的方式实现实验的设计。

    Based on MATLAB , the paper deals with an experiment design concerning computer simulation on digital based-signal in the course of communication principle .

  16. 经过分析USB通信原理,主手控制器软件驱动程序包括设备固件、设备驱动程序和USB系统软件三部分。

    After analyzed USB theory , Software drivers of master controller include device firmware , device driver and USB system software .

  17. 提出了基于Web的远程监测系统的软件模型及其实现方式,利用Socket的通信原理,结合建立的软件模型实现基于Web的远程监测。

    The software model and its realization method of long-distance monitoring system based on Web are presented and how to implement it utilizing Socket programming technology are studied .

  18. 介绍了Profibus-DP网络的基本特性、结构、主从通信原理。

    The communication principles , structure , characteristics of Profibus-DP network were introduced .

  19. 基于H.323协议的视频通信原理

    Video communication Principle based on H.323 Protocol

  20. 在通信原理中,关于角度调制中调制指数β和带宽W与调制信号参数的关系是一个重要的问题。

    In the communication principle , the corelation modulation coefficient , bandwidth and modulation signal parameters in angle modulation is a complicated prob ~ lem .

  21. 远程诊断系统运用传真通信原理,利用公用电话网PSTN实现数据传输。

    The remote diagnosis system uses the PSTN to transmit data based on the Fax theory .

  22. 本文阐述了USB总线协议和通信原理,重点介绍了信息包的结构与分类以及USB数据传输的四种类型。

    Here , the USB bus protocol and communication theory , focusing on the packet structure and classification as well as four USB data transfer types is expounded .

  23. 在分析并行接口EPP模式通信原理的基础上设计了奔腾PC原理和接口技术的开发平台。

    Based on the analysis of the principle of EPP mode , the development platform of Pentium PC principle and interface technology is designed .

  24. ADACSPECT网络通信原理与故障分析

    The principle of network communication of ADAC SPECT and analysis of its malfunction

  25. 通过对P2P技术下的语音通信原理的分析,详细地阐述了P2P语音传输过程中应解决的一些关键性技术。

    By means of analyzing the principles of voice communication employing P2P techniques , this paper expounds on the solutions to some vital problems in the P2P voice transfer .

  26. 详细介绍了该系统的硬件设计原理及其选型配置,对工控机通信原理和FIX数据监控和采集软件的组态功能进行了阐述。

    The paper describes the system hardware design principle , configuration and its specific types selection in detail , and discusses the IPC communication flowchart and FIX configuration software function .

  27. 结合CDMA通信原理和视频的运动信息,提出了一种鲁棒的基于MPEG运动矢量的扩频水印算法。

    A novel robust spread spectrum watermarking algorithm based on MPEG motion vector is proposed , which combines CDMA technique with the motion information in videos .

  28. 基于IrDA标准的红外无线通信原理及设计

    The Theory and Design of Infrared Wireless Communication Based on the Standard of IrDA

  29. 给出了PROFIBUS网络中FDL帧的结构,比较完整地讨论了这种总线的通信原理。

    The FDL frame structure of Profibus network is given . So the communication principle is discussed completely .

  30. 从GPS技术的定位理论出发,结合基于GPS技术的车辆监控管理系统来介绍GPS接收机与GIS信息软件之间的通信原理。

    Proceeding from the position theory of GPS technology , and combining with the vehicle monitoring and managing system based on GPS , the paper introduced the communication principles between GPS receiver and GIS information software .