
tōnɡ xìn kònɡ zhì qì
  • communications controller
  1. 基于ARM的以太网通信控制器的设计

    Design of the Ethernet communications controller based on ARM

  2. 基于嵌入式Internet的数控机床通信控制器的研究

    Research on communicate controller of NC machine tool based on embedded Internet

  3. 基于ARM的嵌入式通信控制器的设计与应用

    The Design and application of Embedded communication Controller Based on ARM

  4. 串行通信控制器在双DSP系统中的应用

    Application of Serial Communication Controller in a Double DSPs System

  5. 基于DSP的小卫星高速通信控制器的设计方法

    Design and Realization of Communication Control Unit Based on DSP

  6. 一种新型通信控制器的实现DSP与计算机通信

    Design of Communication Controller with DSP The Communication Between DSP and Computer

  7. 基于FPGA的三线制同步串行通信控制器设计

    Design of three-wire synchronous serial communication based on FPGA

  8. 基于FPGA的多通道语音通信控制器的设计

    Design of Multichannel Speech Communication Controller Based on FPGA

  9. 一种具有USB接口的通信控制器的设计实现

    Design and implementation of a communication controller with USB interface

  10. 基于PCI的串行通信控制器的研究和实现

    Research and Implementation of the Serial Communication Controller with PCI Bus

  11. 基于智能通信控制器的DCS系统设计

    Design of DCS Based on Intelligent Communication Controllers

  12. 所以研究基于PCI总线的高速同异步串行通信控制器具有重要的实际意义。

    Therefore it is important to research fast synchronization & asynchronism Serial Communication Controller .

  13. 本文以PC类机器为例,叙述如何用网络节点机兼作多路通信控制器。

    In this paper , we discuss how a network node machine plays the role of a multiple communication controller concurrently .

  14. 基于USB接口的通信控制器在变电站自动化系统中的应用和设计

    The Application and Design of Based on USB Interface of Communication Controller Which Is in Substation Automatization System

  15. 本文介绍了智能楼宇中基于RS-485远程总线系统的通信控制器。

    This paper introduces a communication controller in Intelligent Building .

  16. 基于ISA总线的同步通信控制器

    Synchronization Communication controller based on ISA Bus

  17. 一种基于ARCNET网络的DCS通信控制器的令牌管理机制

    A Token Control Mechanism of the DCS Communication Control Processor Based on ARCNET

  18. 使用PCI总线技术和Motorola的通信控制器(MC68MH360)设计了一个综合业务数字网多端口设备。

    This paper presents the hardware design for an ISDN Multi BRI device using PCI bus technology and QMC .

  19. 本通信控制器的设计就是基于USB接口的,利用两种总线(CAN、USB)的优点,并采取多种抗干扰措施保障数据通信的安全高效。

    This design was on USB bus , made use of merits of CAN and USB , furthermore many measures had been taken to guarantee the communication reliability .

  20. 对一种可用于配电自动化管理的基于智能通信控制器的主从式DCS系统进行了研究和设计。

    A kind of DCS system that is based on intelligent communication controller and can be used in the power distribution automation management is researched and designed .

  21. HDLC通信控制器及规程软件的实现

    Communication Controller and Software of HDLC Protocol

  22. 本文介绍HDLC通信控制器及HDLC规程软件的实现原理、方法和设计过程。

    Implementation and design of communication controller and software of HDLC protocol are presented in this paper .

  23. 中央控制站(PC微机)以主从式工作方式实现对128个现场测控单元的监控管理,并通过通信控制器RS232/485转换模块完成网络通信。

    128 field measure-control units are monitored and managed by central control station with master-slave mode , and the network communication is performed by RS-232 to RS-485 communication controller .

  24. 提出一种基于SDLC协议的RS485总线的通信控制器的设计思想。

    The design thoughts of RS485 communication controller based on SDLC , SDLC protocol and RS485 protocol are introduced .

  25. ARM7微处理器既控制传感器数据采集、筛选,还作为通信控制器与无线Modem间进行数据传输和格式转换。

    ARM7 micro-processor can not only control data collection and selection of sensors but also be used as communication controller to process data transmission and format conversion with wireless Modem .

  26. 提出了在通信控制器中设立数据缓冲区、使用高速MCU、零拷贝技术、紧急数据处理技术等提高数控机床远程监控实时性的方法。

    Put forward methods of enhanced Real-time characteristic of NC machine tool remote monitoring that used date buffer , high speed MCU , zero-copy technique and technique to deal with exigent date in communicate controller .

  27. 智能X.25同步通信控制器

    An Intelligent X. 25 Synchronous Communication Controller

  28. 给出了采用单片机和RTL8019AS以太网控制芯片实现通信控制器的方法。

    The detail about the communication controller that uses MCU and RTL8019AS Ethernet controller chip is given .

  29. 路由器是将局域网连接成广域网的常用设备,路由器上的中低速广域网卡常常是采用基于PCI总线的高速同异步串行通信控制器(SerialCommunicationController,缩写为SCC)来控制发送和接收数据。

    Router is the general device of connecting LAN to WAN . The medium or lower speed WAN card on router transmits and receives data which is controlled by fast synchronization & asynchronism Serial Communication Controller ( SCC ) with PCI bus .

  30. 本文还综合运用信道编码、差分信息预解码和抗干扰等技术,对GPS车辆监控系统的关键部件&通信控制器的软硬件进行研究和改进,完善了通信控制器的性能。

    In order to improve capability of the GPS Vehicular Monitor System , the hardware and software of the Communication Controller are improved in this paper . The Channel Coding , DGPS data pre decoding , anti jamming techniques are applied to the controller .