
  • 网络inflation expectation;inflationary expectation
  1. 通胀预期会从需求和供给等方面推动实际通货膨胀水平。

    Inflation expectation will drive up actual inflation from demand and supply .

  2. 对我国经济运行中的菲利普斯曲线关系和通胀预期的实证分析

    Positive Analysis on the philip 's Curve Relation in Chinese Economy and Inflation Expectation

  3. 世界银行(worldbank)将中国经济今年增长预期上调至9.5%,不过该机构警告称,中国需要收紧货币政策,并让人民币升值,以防止泡沫和通胀预期不断上升。

    The world bank raised its growth forecast for China this year to 9.5 per cent , although it warned that tighter monetary policy and a stronger currency were needed to prevent bubbles and rising inflationary expectations .

  4. 周四早些时候,韩国央行(BankofKorea)选择保持利率不变。不过,该行将对2015年的增长预期和通胀预期都降低了0.5个百分点。

    Earlier in the day , the Bank of Korea chose to leave rates on hold , but lowered its 2015 forecasts for both growth and inflation by half a percentage point .

  5. 正如IMF博客文章的作者所提出的:不应太过满足于长期通胀预期为正值的事实。

    As the IMF authors argue : One should not take too much comfort in the fact that long-term inflation expectations are positive .

  6. 国债与tips收益率之间不断变化的利差不仅反映了通胀预期的变化,还反映了对投资者寻求安全的回应。

    The changing spread between the yields on treasury bonds and tips reflects not only changes in inflation expectations but also the response to investors seeking safety .

  7. 这都是理论,但可能会破坏欧洲央行(ECB)将中期通胀预期稳定在每年约2%的努力。

    This is all theoretical , but could undermine efforts by the European Central Bank to stabilise medium-term expectation of inflation to about 2 per cent a year .

  8. imf首席经济学家西蒙约翰逊(simonjohnson)表示:“我们认为,全球通胀预期并未出现大幅上升的势头。”

    Simon Johnson , chief economist at the IMF , says : " we do not think there has been a big movement up in expected inflation globally . "

  9. MonumentSecurities的斯蒂芬刘易斯(StephenLewis)指出:FOMC委员们对于GDP增长的看法较4月会议时更加悲观,他们还下调了通胀预期。

    FOMC members were more pessimistic on GDP growth than they had been in April and they lowered their projections for inflation , said Stephen Lewis at Monument Securities .

  10. 日本央行(BankofJapan)可能希望辩称,这种现象显示出通胀预期日益上升,他表示,实际上,在我们看来,这与其说关乎通胀预期,不如说是因为企业想收回一些现金。

    The Bank of Japan may want to argue the phenomenon shows a rising expected inflation rate , he said . In reality , it seems to us , this is not about expected inflation as much as companies wanting to get some money back .

  11. 如果通胀预期和风险资产价格继续下行,才有可能实施某种形式的qe3。

    If inflation expectations , and risky asset prices , keep sliding , then some form of qe3 becomes possible .

  12. 本周,日本央行(BoJ)将被迫下调经济增长及通胀预期。不过,日本官员释放的信号显示,目前不太可能推出更多经济刺激举措。

    The Bank of Japan will be forced to cut its growth and inflation forecasts this week , but officials are signalling extra economic stimulus is unlikely for now .

  13. 例如,JP摩根(JPMorgan)刚刚调查了1800名投资者(见右),他们对2010年底以前美国、欧元区和英国的通胀预期中值为1%至1.5%。

    JPMorgan , for example , has just surveyed 1,800 investors ( see right ), in which median expectations for inflation in the US , eurozone and UK are 1-1.5 per cent by late 2010 .

  14. 消费价格指数(cpi)或许没有像英国央行预期的那样快速下降,但薪资压力有限,通胀预期并无丝毫改变,更广泛的经济通胀指标异常疲弱。

    Consumer price inflation might not have come down quite as quickly as the BOE expected , but wage pressure is contained , inflation expectations have not budged and wider measures of inflation in the economy are exceptionally weak .

  15. 美联储最早将于下月重启扩张性定量宽松货币政策(又名qe2)的可能性,导致美元汇率大幅下跌、大宗商品价格上涨、长期美国国债收益率攀升这些都是通胀预期上升的标志。

    The prospect of the Fed restarting its expansionary quantitative easing policy , also known as QE2 , as early as next month has brought big falls in the dollar , rises in commodity prices and higher long-term Treasury yields all of which are barometers of higher inflation expectations .

  16. 美国可能会控制通胀预期重现的危险。

    The US may manage the danger of resurgent inflationary expectations .

  17. 至关重要的是,美联储调降了其通胀预期。

    Crucially , the US central bank downgraded its inflation outlook .

  18. 5年通胀预期已经跌至1.6%。

    Five-year inflation expectations have fallen to 1.6 per cent .

  19. 可靠的通胀预期指标仅仅存在于工业化国家。

    Reliable measures of inflation expectations exist only in the industrialised world .

  20. 通胀预期增强时,实际利率应为正值。

    When inflation expectations rise , real interest rates should be positive .

  21. 各国央行仍需严密监控通胀预期。

    Central banks do need to watch inflation expectations carefully .

  22. 从物价指数挂钩金边债券得出的通胀预期经历了大起大落。

    Inflation expectations derived from index-linked gilts have veered wildly .

  23. 历史并不善待通胀预期的严重恶化。

    History does not treat kindly a serious deterioration in inflationary expectations .

  24. 衡量新兴市场的通胀预期则困难得多。

    It is much harder to measure inflation expectations in emerging markets .

  25. 投资主题一:通胀预期下的资源类个股。

    Investment Theme : inflation expectations under the resource stocks .

  26. 另外,通缩预期可能会迅速变为超出目标的通胀预期。

    Otherwise , deflationary expectations may swiftly turn into expectations of above-target inflation .

  27. 通胀预期、流动性过剩与中国通货膨胀的动态性质

    Expectation , Excess Liquidity and Inflation Dynamics in China

  28. 衡量市场长期通胀预期的指标本周大幅下滑。

    Gauges of markets ' long-term inflation expectations have fallen sharply this week .

  29. 我也对中国通胀预期的管理表示忧虑。

    I do have worry for the management of inflation expectations in China .

  30. 债券市场通胀预期、大宗商品价格及股价都在上涨。

    Bond market inflation expectations , commodity prices and stocks are all rising .