- reflation

The great reflation will come with a nasty debt hangover .
Likewise aggressive Japanese reflation might have the greater impact on domestic demand .
In 2011 , the European and Swiss central banks , traditionally bastions of hard money orthodoxy , defected to the reflationist camp .
If the pedal-to-the-metal reflationary policies of Shinzo Abe , the recently elected prime minister , succeed , there will be a profound impact on post-crisis policy making everywhere .
Mr Abe 's vow to reflate the world 's third-largest economy through a mixture of stimulus and structural reform has reawakened interest in stocks among Japan 's retail investors , who are the main players in smaller IPOs .
One objection to " Abenomics , " the reflationary creed adopted by Japan 's new government , is that it will erode hard-earned savings .
Mining ( + 0.9 % ) – precious metals reflation
The government 's attempt to reflate the economy is not successful .
The point of zero interest rates was to help reflate the US economy .
Everyone knows that currency depreciation is a crucial mechanism for reflating demand-starved economies .
The Fed has adopted the reflationary quantitative easing measures deployed in Japan between 2001 and 2006 .
For its reflationary experiment to work , wages must begin to rise in line with inflation .
Move too quickly and his reflationary experiment might fizzle out as hard-pressed consumers snap shut their wallets .
As the global economy reflates , many people are asking : Is the next bubble in gold ?
Domestic liquidity conditions remain relatively strong across the Asian region and economies are reflating , apart from in Japan .
The global economy has been reflating over the last year , characterised by below trend growth , falling inflation and easy money .
In the developed world , the balance of social and political risk is driving policy one way , to reflation , by any means possible .
His plan to reflate the economy has already borne fruit , if only , so far , in terms of market reaction to anticipated moves .
In general , one of the commonest problems of government reflation is that the benefits leak out beyond your borders because the programme sucks in imports .
Some critics of reflation say it will work too well . The outcome , they predict , will be capital flight , yen collapse and rampant inflation .
Global co-ordination in the recovery is inevitably harder than co-ordinated reflation at the peak of the crisis because the necessary reforms are more difficult to achieve and sustain .
Keynes - the progenitor of both monetary and fiscal reflation as antidotes to debt deflation - would be smiling . The government tightened its monetary policy to reduce inflation .
Moreover , in a practical sense , any rise in bond yields threatens to neutralise some if not all of the reflationary impact of the rate-cutting efforts by central banks .
But even as it looks like the Fed , at least , has set its inflation target to one side to focus on jobs , there are plenty of deflationary forces which could upset an investment strategy based on the reflation of the world economy .