
tōng sú yì dǒng
  • popular and easy to understand;in popular and easy-to-understand language;widely negotiable;be easy to understand
通俗易懂 [tōng sú yì dǒng]
  • [widely negotiable;be easy to understand] 广大人民群众都能懂得

  • 以通俗易懂的语言揭示它的主题

通俗易懂[tōng sú yì dǒng]
  1. 这篇课文把相当复杂的主题讲述得深入浅出、通俗易懂。

    The text is approachable , coping well with quite complicated subjects .

  2. 虽然他是一个不折不扣的艺术家,但是他的作品极其通俗易懂。

    His books are enormously easy to read , yet he is a serious artist

  3. 劳森写得很好:英文通俗易懂,朴实无华又不矫揉造作。

    Lawson writes so well : in plain English , without fuss or affectation .

  4. 这本语法书通俗易懂。

    This grammar is easy to understand .

  5. 这是本通俗易懂的书。

    This is a lucidly written book .

  6. 一旦你已经与人开始交流,要让自己的话通俗易懂,将沟通继续下去。

    Once you 've made a connection with each other , keep that connection going by making yourself easy to understand .

  7. 编程语言采用通俗易懂的C语言作为主要开发语言。

    We use popular C language as main program language .

  8. 用通俗易懂的语言,主要介绍Internet的常用基本功能,通过Internet所产生的效益以及我国Internet的发展状况。

    This paper introduces the Internet 's basic functions , benefits and its development in China in plain language .

  9. 很显然,对于BBC的另一篇文章来说,这个笑话更实际,更加通俗易懂。

    Well apparently , that joke is more factual than most realize , according to an article by none other than the BBC .

  10. 在上位机上安装大众化的WINDOWSCE操作系统,在界面实现上利用当前流行的.NET技术架构,开发基于对话框窗口的图形界面,使得屏幕显示更加通俗易懂,大众化而又易于被受。

    The upper computer installed in the popular Windows CE operating system , using the current popular . NET technology framework to develop a graphical interface based on dialog window to make the screen display more friendly and popular .

  11. 这位著作颇丰的牛津大学(Oxford)能源政策教授是一位经济学家,他不仅对如何设计一个成本低廉且对气候友好的电力行业有着坚定的想法,还擅长用通俗易懂的话阐释这些想法。

    This extensively published Oxford professor of energy policy is an economist with firm ideas about how to design an affordable , climate friendly electricity sector that he can readily explain in plain English .

  12. Erl用通俗易懂的语言,逐步描述了分析和设计服务或者面向服务的业务过程定义。

    Writing in plain English , Erl provides step-by-step process descriptions for analyzing and designing any service or service-oriented business process definition .

  13. 意大利是一个真正与经济繁荣告别了的国家,至少,在国际收支方面的长期困境得以改善,以及每年17%的通货膨胀有所抑制之前,情况难以好转。这里的告别一词,既good-bye,通俗易懂。

    Italy is one country where it is really good-by to the boom , at least until the chronic weakness in the balance of payments is cured , and the17 % inflation is reduced .

  14. 由于ModBus的标准协议开放简单高效,通俗易懂,使得本系统设计更为便捷,达到了预期控制的效果。

    According to the opening , simpleness , high efficiency and understandability of the ModBus communication protocol , the design of the system becomes more convenient , and the anticipative effect of control has been achieved more easily .

  15. 该方法符合多粒度语言短语一致化的准则,并且算法简便,通俗易懂,具有实用性。

    This method satisfies the standards of unifying multi-granularity linguistic phrases .

  16. 它的含义通俗易懂直观清晰。

    Its concept is familiar to most people and intuitively clear .

  17. 幸运的是,消费者的信贷报告转化成通俗易懂的形式。

    Luckily , consumer credit reports are translated into easy-to-read formats .

  18. 他们为什么不用通俗易懂的语言写这些说明?

    Why can 't they write these instructions in plain english ?

  19. 故事情节动人,语言通俗易懂。

    The plot is moving and the language is easy-going .

  20. 本程序出自高手之手,通俗易懂。

    This procedure comes from the hands of a master , user-friendly .

  21. 是的,不是太喜欢。我喜欢看通俗易懂的戏。

    No , not really . I prefer straight plays .

  22. 让我用最通俗易懂的语言告诉你。

    Let me explain this to you in plain chapter and verse .

  23. 通俗易懂的几个不同版本,面向不同圈子的任务。

    Accessibly several different versions , oriented to different circle of tasks .

  24. 并就上述三种方法通过具体的例题加以演示说明,使得这三种方法通俗易懂,简单易行。

    By illustrating specific examples , we can make these three methods easier .

  25. 能告诉我你怎么用通俗易懂的话来解释这一条款吗?

    Would you tell me how you interpret this article in plain english ?

  26. 我会尽量讲得通俗易懂。

    I 'll try to explain in simple terms .

  27. 一个很聪明,但是非常通俗易懂的历史。

    A very intelligent but very accessibly history .

  28. 该书立论平实,通俗易懂,流传广泛。

    The book is nature and easy to understand and spreading far and wide .

  29. 佛以最通俗易懂的方便之法来解释法的哲理。

    Buddha in the most convenient user-friendly method to explain the method of philosophy .

  30. 请用通俗易懂的语言说明一下,谢谢。

    Explain with straightaway language please , thank .