
  • 网络minority traditional sports;traditional sports of ethnic minority
  1. 少数民族传统体育虚拟博物馆构建研究

    On Constructing the Virtual Museum for Ethnic Minority Traditional Sports

  2. 少数民族传统体育功能初探

    A Preliminary Study of the Functions of the Minority Traditional Sports

  3. 甘南州高原少数民族传统体育旅游发展的SWOT分析

    A SWOT Analysis of Minorities Traditional Sports Tourism Development on Gannan Plateau

  4. 西部少数民族传统体育产业选择初探

    A Way to Industrialization for the Sports Activities of Western Minorities

  5. 旅游市场中体育展示的真实性问题研究&少数民族传统体育研究之二

    Research on Authenticity Question of Sports Shows in the Tourist Market

  6. 关于正确定义中国少数民族传统体育文化的研究

    The Research on the Clear Definition of Chinese Minorities'Traditional Physical Cultures

  7. 云南少数民族传统体育与现代体育文化的互动

    The Interaction between Yunnan Traditional Ethnic Sports and Modern sports Culture

  8. 对湖北省少数民族传统体育发展的分析

    On the Development of Traditional Minority National Sport of Hubei Province

  9. 这就是少数民族传统体育的主流化进程。

    These are the mainstream course of traditional sports of minority .

  10. 我国少数民族传统体育运动会文化遗产初步研究

    Tentative Research on Cultural Heritage of National Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports

  11. 对少数民族传统体育项目的分析

    Analysis on the Traditional Sports Events of the National Minorities

  12. 少数民族传统体育教学探究

    The teaching of the traditional sports of the minority people

  13. 新疆少数民族传统体育比赛区域特征分析

    Features of ethnic traditional sport competition regions of Xinjiang minority

  14. 浅析少数民族传统体育在学校体育中的开展

    Study on the Minority Traditional Sports and the School Sports

  15. 少数民族传统体育运动员技术等级制度建设研究

    Research on the Establishment of Technical Hierarchy for National Traditional Minority Athletes

  16. 论少数民族传统体育的抢救和保护

    Discussion on the Rescue and Protection of the Minority Nationality Traditional Sports

  17. 东北地区少数民族传统体育的发展现状及其未来发展趋势

    Status quo and development of national traditional sports events in Northeast China

  18. 新疆少数民族传统体育与新疆体育的发展研究

    On the Xinjiang Minority Traditional Sports and Xinjiang Sports development

  19. 酒文化与少数民族传统体育文化的融合与发展

    Fusion and Development of Wine Culture and Minorities ' Traditional Sports Culture

  20. 我国西部少数民族传统体育发展研究

    On the Development of Ethnic Minorities ' Traditional Sports in West China

  21. 传承民族优秀文化推进民族传统体育的现代化&从第七届全国少数民族传统体育运动会谈起

    Handing down National Excellent Culture , Pushing on Modernization of National Traditional Sports

  22. 东北少数民族传统体育的现状研究

    Study on the Present Situation of Chinese Tradition Sports of the Northeast Minorities

  23. 从她的发展,看到了少数民族传统体育的前景。

    From its evolution , we can see the prospect of minority sports .

  24. 西南少数民族传统体育游艺分类及其特征

    Classification of Traditional Sports and Recreation in Southwest Minority Nationalities and their Characteristics

  25. 少数民族传统体育表演项目的特点和类型

    Features and Styles of the Traditional Athletic Playing Items of the National Minority

  26. 少数民族传统体育与市场经济

    Traditional sports of the Minority Nationality and market Economy

  27. 新疆那达慕草原节少数民族传统体育开展现状调查研究

    Study on Developing Condition of National Traditional Sport in Nadam Fair in Xinjiang

  28. 少数民族传统体育竞技项目&陀螺技术及特点分析

    An analysis of the skills and features of top as a minority sport

  29. 西南地区少数民族传统体育文化基征考

    Verification of Basic Characteristics of Traditional Physical Culture of Minorities in Southwest China

  30. 海南少数民族传统体育的社会功能及社会价值研究&以黎族竹竿舞为例

    Studies on Social Functions and Values of Traditional Sports for Minorities in Hainan